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Chapter 754: The Beast King arrives (2)

   "Subordinates, pay homage to the Beast King, wish the Beast King longevity and Tian Qi, and become a **** soon!"

   "Subordinates and others, see Beast Emperor, I wish the Beast Emperor a long life without borders, invincible, invincible, and dominate the world!"


After Huba, Huyou, and they brought the masters of the orc race to the front of the Dusk Canyon, all the orcs waiting at the gate of the Canyon instantly knelt down and yelled for peace. The scene like a mountain call made the Dusk Canyon tremble. It looks like this huge canyon is welcoming Tiger Ba.

"Okay, okay, okay! Let's be flat." Although Tiger Ba is still very dissatisfied with the death of his son Tiger Xianfeng, he is very angry, but seeing that all the orcs are welcoming him, the cheering voices rushed into the sky. Clouds made Tiger Ba feel better all at once.

After seeing that Tiger Ba was very happy, Gou Huo's heart suddenly dropped. He did all this, so that when the orcs meet the new Beast Emperor, the mountain greets the Tiger Ba, so as long as the Tiger Ba is happy, The matter of his self-determination to attack Dry Teng City at night might be put down lightly.


"Is this tiger man the new beast king tiger bully? It looks a bit strong, a demigod-level powerhouse, but it has also been demonized. This guy is followed by a demonized demigod-level powerhouse, all tigers It seems that the tiger clan is hopeless."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard the movement in the dusk gorge, he flew up to the sky to check it, and then he found Tiger Ba, more than a dozen demonized demi-gods of the Tiger clan, and hundreds of powerful tiger clan demonized gods. , There are more than tens of thousands of tiger clan demonized sanctuary powerhouses.

   There are so many demonized tiger tribes. It is estimated that all the strong tiger tribes have been demonized. If the orc tribe is defeated this time, Zhu Yuanyuan believes that the tiger tribe must be the target of cleaning.


   Suddenly, the tiger horns beside Tiger Ba looked at the sky and shouted, then his body exuded a strong **** evil spirit and blocked it in front of him. His eyes were sharp and murderous looking at the position of Zhu Yuanyuan in the sky.

   "Huh? Good fellow, there is still a real demigod-level powerhouse among the tiger clan."

   Zhu Yuanyuan was taken aback by Tiger Horn. After looking carefully, he discovered that this Tiger Man turned out to be a semi-god powerhouse, a powerhouse who had not been demonized by demonic energy. No wonder he could find himself.

Zhu Yuanyuan’s light-concealment technique is very powerful. After using divine power, professionals with the strength below the demigod level can’t find him, but the real demigod level can definitely find him. Of course, he can’t be found. Figure, but can know that someone is nearby.

   Zhu Yuanyuan has been flying over the Dusk Canyon these days. That's because the semi-god-level powerhouses are parallel imports, and they all become demi-god-level after being demonized, so it's not surprising that they can't find Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Let's go, I don't want to participate in the battle between the orcs and the elves." Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the tiger's horn for the last time, and then quickly flew into the elven forest.

   "Huh, let's go." Hujiao felt that the secret peeping gaze disappeared and then relaxed. He was in a cold sweat, and he didn't expect such a powerful professional to peep secretly.

"Tiger horns, what's the matter?" All of them were confused. They didn't find Zhu Yuanyuan. Of all the orcs present, only Tiger horn was a real demigod, although there were dozens of demons. Demigod-level powerhouses, but none of them can find the trace of Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Your Majesty, there was a strong person spying on us in secret just now. The strength is very powerful. There is a demigod level. It should be soon to gather the gods and soar the whole country. After the subordinates discovered him, he has already left. It may be a spy of the elves.

   Hujiao said with a solemn expression, he also guessed that he might be a strong elven clan, but with such a powerful elves, this time I am afraid it will not go too smoothly.

   "What? An elf touched the sky? Didn't we even notice it? If this is to assassinate the widow, are you capable of taking this elf?"

   After Huba heard what Hujiao said, he had no doubt at all, his face turned dark and he let out a loud anger.

   "Your Majesty calms down your anger, your subordinates **** it, it's the subordinates' negligence."

   "Your Majesty calms down..."


   "Dandan, you hear it, it seems to be a voice coming from the twilight canyon." After Hua Tian heard the call of the mountain welcoming the Beast Emperor, she spoke to the Elf Clan Taishang three elder Hua Dan.

The elder elders of Hua Tian and their elves have all arrived in Withered Vine City. When the cat people attacked at night, they didn't do anything, just some sanctuary assassins, relying on the magic circle on the wall to give these cat people assassins Solved it.

"Well, Tiantian, I heard that the Beast Emperor has arrived in the Dusk Canyon, but according to the information in the clan insider report, there has been civil strife among the Orcs. The Beast Emperor is no longer from the Lion People. The new Beast Emperor is Huba, the patriarch of the tiger tribe, is also the culprit who injured the elder Hua Qiudong."

Hua Dan stood beside Hua Tian listening to the mountain call from the dusk valley, her eyes revealed disgust~www.ltnovel.com~ She hated the orcs the most, and the smell of the orcs was very heavy. , The key is to eat the intelligent races on the mainland. If it weren't for the elven race's position not to participate in the mainland disputes, she would want to destroy the scum like the orc race.

"Tiger tribe? I will avenge the elder Hua Qiudong." A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the Seventh Elder Hua Fangji. He had never been so angry. Hua Qiudong almost died. His relationship with Hua Qiudong It has always been good.

The elves and queens of the elves were all born on the mother tree of life. The relationship between them is very good. They are like brothers and sisters. Hua Qiudong almost died. They Can you not be angry?

"Elder Hua Fangji, please don't act impulsively. Your Majesty asked us to come to the border not to let us avenge, but to fight back the invading orcs. Our elves do not participate in the mainland disputes. Remember, of course, this doesn't mean that our elves are just bullying. They want to invade my elven forest, so my elves don't have to be afraid of them."

   Hua Tian, ​​as the second elder with the highest status on the border, is in her hands this time. Her orders are those of the Elf Queen, but no Elf dares to be disobedient.

  On this point, the military discipline of the elves far exceeds that of the orcs, and this is the style of the army. .

   Otherwise, if the army does not obey the command when it comes to the real battle, the war is doomed to end in failure.

   "Yes, the second elder, the subordinates know about it." The Chinese plan immediately agreed. Although he wanted to kill the Beast Emperor directly, the military order was like a mountain and he could not act rashly.

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