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Chapter 755: Orcs VS Elves (1)

The next day, the situation found a change. After Tiger Ba arrived in the Dusk Canyon, he didn't have the patience for a moment, and directly ordered the army of the orc tribe to set off toward the city of Dryvine.


   With the sound of the tauren drumming on the nine chariots, the orc army appeared densely outside the north gate of Dryvine City. At a glance, the orcs were simply a sea of ​​people.

   This time, the orc race can be said to be the best, and at least 200 million orc soldiers were dispatched. Except for those powerful races that did not listen to the tiger race, other races of the orc race sent troops.

   "Hey! It's so magnificent, this kind of scene is probably bigger than the ancient wars on the water blue star. It's shocking, it's too shocking. If it were to fight, it would be a meat grinder."

   Zhu Yuanyuan did not go nearby. He took a magical fighter plane that was modified by him from a height of tens of thousands of meters in the sky to watch the situation below.

Although there is no radar or anything in this magic fighter, the monitoring equipment has been changed beyond recognition. The shadow magic array is used, and Zhu Yuanyuan has already set up multiple small magic arrays on the battlefield outside. Ensure that the entire battlefield can be observed.

   "Tiger, come out and talk!"

Although Hua Fang Ji endured it last night and did not take anyone to the Twilight Canyon to make trouble, it does not mean that he can forget the fact that Hua Qiudong almost died. Now, as soon as the large army of the orcs came up, Hua Fang Ji suddenly The wings spread out and flew to the north gate wall with a loud shout.

   "Hua..." Hua Dan saw that Hua Fangji was so reckless. She was just about to call Hua Fangji back, and Hua Tian stopped her.

"Dandan, forget it, let the elder Hua Fang Ji go. After the elder Hua Qiudong is injured, he wants to seek revenge from the Orcs, let him go." Hua Tian grabbed Hua Dan and did not let her continue to interrupt Hua Fang Regarding what he wanted to do, Hua Tian also wanted to see what the rookie Beast Emperor wanted to do.

The elder elders of Hua Tian and the elves have never seen Tiger Ba, but they have heard that there is such a person in the orcs. After all, the intelligence system of the elves is still very developed. Clearly.

After the orcs heard Hua Fangji's call, they all quieted down instantly, waiting for the beast king to deal with this matter. After all, a powerful and powerful elf clan called out, then their orcs had to respond. If you don't respond, you might be regarded as scared by others, and their orc clan's reputation on the entire continent will be ruined.

"Military strategist, who is this elf? What's his identity?" Tiger Ba was sitting on a large chair on top of a chariot, with a beautiful Tiger clan beating her legs on both sides for massage. After looking at Hua Fangji, he asked. The Fox You.

Hu You was originally injured very seriously, but he has been demonized. After absorbing some devil energy, he recovered his health in a short period of time. It is incredible. This time, as a military commander, he came with the army. Here in Fujijo, Huyou actually has his own plan.

"Your Majesty, this elf is the Supreme Seventh Elder Hua Fangji among the elves, and he is also a demigod-level powerhouse. He is a druid, very powerful, much stronger than the average demigod-level powerhouse. , Tiger Horn is probably not an opponent."

  Huyou glanced at Hua Fangji, who was flying in the air with wings flapping on the north gate of the city, and then said the information of Hua Fangji.

The elves have an intelligence system, and of course the orcs have it. The intelligence system itself is in the hands of the fox. Although there are not many shamans of the fox, the fox has already controlled the fox. None of the fox people in Huyou listened to Huyou's words, this time only a fox shaman participated in the war.

This is also because the fox tribe has always been a strong supporter of the lion tribe, and it has never changed. Now the fox you betrayed the fox tribe and colluded with the demon tribe. The lion tribe has also been harmed, and other shamans of the fox tribe can’t wait to eat foxes. You's meat, drinking Fox You's blood, how can you still listen to Fox You's command!

"Oh? It turned out to be the Seventh Elder of the Elf Clan. Is this guy as powerful as you said? The Elf who came to the Orc clan last time seems to be the same as the Elder. I don't feel that he is so powerful. Ah! It was solved by the emperor in a few seconds."

   Tiger Ba’s eyes showed a look of disdain. The elf from the orc clan last time he didn’t feel as powerful as he was at the demigod level.

"Your Majesty, the last time the elf was Hua Qiudong, the eighteenth elder of the Supreme Supreme Being. Hua Qiudong was only a demigod swordsman. The strength of the swordsman of the elven clan would have been relatively low, and it was far less powerful than the druid. Your Majesty, please don't underestimate this druid."

When Huyou heard what Tiger Ba said, he quickly warned. He knew the power of a druid very well. Although the powerhouse of the elves has not appeared for a long time, there are a lot of things about the elves among the foxes. The records, especially the existence of druids, are very clear.

  Druid may not be the most powerful among the elves, but apart from the elves ~www.ltnovel.com~ is one of the strongest among the professionals in the entire Bright Continent.

   In comparison, Druids are ranked even among the top rare professionals.

  For example, the light department and the dark department. Professionals in these two departments are not opponents of Druids.

   However, among the top professionals on the mainland, the Space Department and Druids account for half of them.

   Druids can transform into various monsters, so that they can use their magic. It is a very terrifying professional, so it will occupy the top professional position in the mainland.

For example, the dragon family, there are also several powerful races in the entire Bright Continent, but the druid can transform into a giant dragon. After transforming into a giant dragon, the druid can even use dragon language magic, and it may even defeat the real The great dragon, the druid’s power is here.

   Therefore, Hu You’s vigilance is not wrong at all. He is also afraid that Hua Fangji can transform into a giant dragon. In that case, the price that their orcs will pay to win the war this time is unimaginable. .

   "Military officer, you can rest assured, this emperor will not despise anyone." Tiger Ba is also a little impatient now, now there are more than 60 demonized demigod orcs, he doesn't believe that he can't win the elves.

Yes, there are more than sixty demi-god levels. These demi-god level powerhouses are all produced after the demonization of the late-stage powers of the gods among the various races of the orc tribe, and they are all controlled by Tiger Ba. At the time, a kind of evil magic taught by the Mozu was used, so that all the powerhouses of these races were controlled by the tiger hegemon, and the only one who was disobedient was a dead end.

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