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Chapter 774: "Sin Luo Purgatory" of the Joint Curse (2)

"Wood elves of nature, please listen to the request of your most sincere friends, and gather together...Shen Luo Purgatory!"

After all the elven magicians gathered together, they chanted a magic spell silently, and then their mental power fluctuation frequencies were all adjusted to be exactly the same, and then quickly merged into one body. After the spiritual powers of the elven magicians merged together, Suddenly, a huge wave of magic power radiated from all around them.

"No, the elves want to use the joint forbidden spell, Mingjin and retreat!" After Hu You felt the huge magic power of the elven magician when he cast the spell, he hurriedly sent people to order Mingjin to retreat.

"Jiang will..." The huge golden sound was struck by the tauren and spread throughout the battlefield.

Pigheads, taurens, and elephants, after hearing this sound, they all threw away the stones they were carrying, and then quickly ran out of the battlefield.

Pigheads are weak in strength, and their intelligence is not very good, they may not have discovered that huge magic power.

The tauren and elephant have long discovered the enormous magic power of the elf magicians when they launched a joint forbidden spell, but they are now on the battlefield. As long as they have not ordered to withdraw their troops, even if they die on the battlefield, they cannot retreat. Otherwise, death is also waiting for them, and they are still dead, without any dignity.

Now that Mingjin has retired, the tauren and elephant are of course faster than anyone else. If this slows down, after the wizard's forbidden spell is successfully cast, their lives will be lost.

But in fact, there were not many orcs who rushed under the city wall this time. Because it was not a siege, there were only 500,000 orcs who rushed under the city wall to build the stone slope, 300,000 pig heads, 100,000 tauren and elephant people. After rushing to the city wall, 200,000 were killed one after another, and now there are only 300,000 left.

But the orcs below are still too late. They just turned around and ran for a few hundred meters. They were about to run 500 meters away, but they were still not far enough. Forbidden Curse (God's Domain Magic) claimed to be able to destroy one. The horror magic of the city, although there may only be hundreds of thousands of people living in such a small city, is it also a city?

Not to mention the joint forbidden spell currently used by the elves, whose power far exceeds the power of God's Domain Magic, and a half-god-level powerhouse will die if it touches it.

Ordinary forbidden curses can’t be avoided by running 500 meters. Now all the troops on the orc side are going crazy and retreating back. After a while, they ran to a place 20,000 meters away. This is also because They themselves were stationed more than 10 kilometers away. This time they only sent a small number of people to build the stone uphill.

"Siluo Purgatory!"

The elves’ combined magic was finally successfully released. In a blink of an eye, a huge wood magic power spread from the wall of the withered city, and it was a thousand meters...two kilometers...three kilometers...four. Kilometers...ten thousand meters...fifteen kilometers...

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

All the ground more than 10,000 meters beyond the city wall of Withered Teng City suddenly violently violently violently, and then a huge wood piled up. These huge wooden piles were at least a few hundred meters high, and they were so high in less than a second. One can imagine how powerful it is.

In an instant, the stones piled up under the city wall of Withered Teng turned into fly ash, and were destroyed by these wooden stakes. These wooden stakes are not ordinary wooden stakes, but wooden stakes with wood magical power, so powerful and unmatched. The power of the stake is on the stakes, even steel will be instantly crushed to pieces.

And those pigheads, tauren, elephants, including the corpses of the orcs who had died under the city wall, were all knocked down by these wooden stakes into a smear of blood and floated down, all of which were enveloped in blood fog. On top of these wooden stakes, these hundreds of meters high wooden stakes become scarlet giant sticks, which makes people feel terrified at a glance!

"Fuck, these elves still have such a trick? Isn't it terrifying? This kind of magic has surpassed the power of the demigod-level powerhouse, even if compared to the lower gods, it is one of the cards of the elves. One is really strong."

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw the power of the Joint Forbidden Curse, he couldn't help but burst into a swear word, the boss staring at him, he felt that the elf's hand was absolutely unstoppable.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan has real divine power in his body, his realm is actually only a level 6 magician. Although his strength can kill a semi-god-level powerhouse, he has not yet reached the point where he can resist the lower gods.

When Zhu Yuanyuan was startled by the elven magician's joint forbidden curse, the orcs were also shocked.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Stakes, the expression on his face was lucky, fear, fear, and he opened his mouth blankly with lingering fears.

"Ah... Am I dead?" a cat man screamed, lying on the ground.

"No, I don't want to die, I haven't married a wife yet." A tauren.

And the tiger bully on the front chariot, Hu You and the others were also pale.

"Military strategist, what...what about this? This elven clan is terrible, isn't it? The emperor thinks we should retreat. It is a long-term plan. We have underestimated the elven clan. Now the siege is completely irrational!"

Huba's face was pale, he was brave and invincible, and he could charge into battle, but it didn't mean he was stupid. With such a powerful magic, if he rushed past, wouldn't it be a dead end?

"Well, your majesty, you are right. We underestimated the strength of the elves. The orcs are not their opponents at all. With such a joint magic, if we don’t hide, I’m afraid we will all die under this magic. Up."

The expression on Hu You's face is also inexplicable, and his heart is also desperate~www.ltnovel.com~ What should I do about what I have to do? The elves can't fight down, this thing can't be done at all.

Hu You felt like he was going crazy. He never thought that the strength of the elves could be so strong, and he could also use the joint forbidden curse. Such a large area was actually covered by the forbidden curse.

The one-hundred-thousand-meter-long wall of Kuteng City, and the areas within more than 19,000 meters outside the city wall, are all covered by the joint forbidden spell magic. This is horrible, and Hu You can't think of a way to deal with it.

"Hey... Your Majesty, retreat, first retreat to the Twilight Canyon. Now our soldiers have low morale and have no courage to fight. If we persist, I am afraid that the elves will not come over and our soldiers will collapse. Up."

In the end, Hu You looked at the surrounding orcs who were afraid of fear. He knew that this siege was a complete failure, even if there were orcs who came to support him?

Now these orc soldiers are already elite, and only some cannon fodder comes from behind. Even if they are elite soldiers, can they stop the Elves from casting a joint forbidden spell?

Thinking of this, Hu You couldn't help but feel frustrated.

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