"MMP, why don't the orcs be so embarrassed that my men and horses are not online? Will they retreat? No?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the orcs who were retreating towards the Dusk Canyon. How could they feel that the orcs couldn't help but be beaten by the elves easily, and now they ended up in an embarrassing retreat, too fast.

Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan had agreed with Jin Shan, the head of the Jin family, that after he killed the Holy See, he brought the strong of the Light God Cult to the Fairy Forest to help kill the traitor of the orc tribe, the bright continent, but he did not expect the strength of the elves. Even so powerful, a joint forbidden curse scared the orcs back.

   "Do they want to wait for follow-up reinforcements in Twilight Canyon? Or retreat directly to the Orc Alliance?"

Looking at the retreating orcs, Zhu Yuanyuan couldn't help but think, this time he didn't take advantage of it at all. He originally planned to kill the demonized demigod-level powerhouses when the elves couldn't resist it. It's gone, and the reputation value is not earned.


   Withered Teng City, above the city wall.

   "Yeah... Tiantian, look, the orcs were beaten back by us, hehe, see if they dare to bully our elves."

  Hua Dan saw that the orc army had all retreated, and suddenly flew into the sky and cheered.

   "The orcs have indeed retreated temporarily, Dandan, although this is something to be happy about, we still cannot relax our vigilance. The orcs will not just leave it alone. According to perennial intelligence, the orcs are very likely to make a comeback."

   Hua Tian is not as happy as Hua Dan. The elf tribe’s external intelligence system basically has information about the various races on the Bright Continent every month. Of course, big tribes like the orcs are no exception.

   The intelligence revealed that this orc tribe is not vegetarian. The various tribes of the orc tribe are very large. The 100 million troops may be only one percent of the orc tribe's army, but they are all elites.

   "Sweet, don't worry, I won't let my guard down, I will arrange the soldiers to guard on the wall in turn."

   Hua Dan also put her wings down and landed on the city wall and said seriously, playing around is playing around, she is still very serious when doing business.

   Then the elves also sent a large army of scouts to track the orcs all the way to the Dusk Canyon, and then the scouts returned to Withered Vine City to report everything they saw.

All the elf scouts are professional assassins. The elf assassins are good at hiding in the forest, tracking and assassinating the enemy. It can be said that they are invincible in the forest. In this point, even the cat assassins can’t compare to them. .


On the other side, in the Twilight Canyon, the orcs had just withdrawn into the canyon, and then camped in the canyon to rest. They were not afraid that the elves would catch up, and suffered a joint forbidden curse in Dryvine City. It was because of the elven magicians. They are all on the wall, there is nothing to deal with them.

   But once the elves are out of Withered Vine, Tiger Ba and Huyou do not think that the elves will be their opponents to the orcs, and they will not give the elven magicians a chance to release a joint forbidden spell.


   A huge metal cup was smashed on the ground by Tiger Ba, and the red wine in it was spilled all over the floor, as if it were a cup of blood.

The name of this kind of wine is "Beast Blood Boiling". The name of the wine is very vivid. After drinking it, it will make people feel that the blood is burning and boiling. It makes people want to vent and have fun with others. The battle, so it was named as Beast Blood Boiling by the Orcs.

   "Damn elves, the emperor's plan completely failed. I didn't expect the magic of these weak elves to be so powerful."

After    Tiger Ba dropped a cup, the main seat sitting in the tent cursed with an angry expression on his face.

   "Military strategist, what should we do next as you see it? This method of building a stone on the wall is obviously not enough."

After Huba scolded the elves, he asked Fox You again. In fact, Huba didn’t know that Dryvine City was not that simple. The cats in front could be thrown on the city wall. That was because the elves deliberately released water to make the orcs think they could board. City wall.

   But actually?

In fact, there is a defensive magic array on the wall of the city of Dryteng. After the defensive magic array is turned on, even if it is used to fly, it will not fly into the city of Dryteng, let alone want to build a stone uphill. This It's just dreaming.

It can be said that after the elves sent troops to defend the city, it is completely inflexible. On the mainland, there is no race to attack the city, unless it is completely crushed. For example, there are dozens or hundreds of real The demigod level of, may be able to break through the protective shield of the city-level defensive magic circle.

   However, it is impossible to think about it. It is still a question whether there are 100 demigods in the entire continent except the elves. This is the reason for including those who are hiding in the dark.

The magic circle of Dryvine City is so powerful, of course, because of the demi-god-level powerhouse among the elves. There are more than 10 demi-god-level powerhouses presiding in Dryvine City, and the power of the defensive magic array can be increased Ten times more intensity.

This time the Orcs came, and although the Elves sent 10 million troops to Withervine City, they actually did not put the Orcs in their eyes at all~www.ltnovel.com~ This time it was just a long time since they had participated in the war. The elven soldiers of New Zealand came to the battlefield to increase their combat experience, and they also saw blood. Soldiers are not only capable of becoming elites through training, but also actual combat.

   Otherwise, even if the elves don't send an army to Dryvine City, they can completely block the orc army. As for how to stop it?

Don’t regard the tree people in the forest of the elves as immovable trees. The tree people can move. Although the tree people have a small population, their number is about 500,000. In addition, they have a long life span, except for those young. In addition to the tree people, every adult tree person is very powerful.

At least more than 300,000 of the tree people are strong in the gods, but because it is difficult for them to break through to the demigod level, most of them are in the late stage of the gods. Although there are few strong demigods, there are some. Hundreds of demi-god ranks, this is not to mention those treants who have condensed their godheads to become lower gods and left the Bright Continent. .

   If the elves didn’t want to train their soldiers, they could completely allow the treants to block the orcs, and the orcs were not the opponents of the strong treants.

Of course, there is another level of scruples among the senior leaders of the elves, that is, those demonized orcs have a devilish energy and can infect all the elders of the demigod rank Hua Qiudong. When the elven queen sent them out, she said Don’t let the treants do their work, because they are afraid that the treants will be infected and become demonized treants, so that even if their elves ask the Holy See or the people of the Light God to purify these demonized orcs and treants, It is of no avail. By that time, the loss of the elves will be too great, and the wise treants should not be lost.

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