Random Shopping System

Chapter 781: Find it!

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"Lofit, don't care about them, I will have my own way to clean them up later. Their store will not be open for long." Zhu Yuanyuan saw Lovette's worry, and he asked Lovette to ignore it. He would do it himself. solve.

Zhu Yuanyuan opened this gourmet pavilion just to earn some prestige points. Others can learn it, but it must not conceal the origin. You can learn it after you learn it. Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't care, but he learns it to grab business and even hides the origin. This is not right. There is a saying in China that "drinks water and never forgets to dig a well".

You can't forget the people who dig the wells even if you drink water, and you can't forget the farmers' contributions when you eat, and be grateful at all times. This is the principle of being a human being. If people can't do it, then what is the word of morality?


A few days later, Zhu Yuanyuan investigated the micro-green business, and he found that the micro-green business actually used the food produced by Huaxia Food Court to open a shop in every big city in the forest of spirits, and there are also elves. Although there is no shortage of food and clothing for the poor, there are also poor people.

"Ha! This micro-green business is so shameless, then don't blame the little master for being cruel."

Zhu Yuanyuan laughed coldly, his eyes full of cold, cold light, he did not expect that after coming to Guangming Continent, he would be taken advantage of by others. This has to be said to be an ironic thing.

This is all Zhu Yuanyuan's carelessness. He originally thought that no one could imitate these foods. After all, the raw materials were destroyed and no one knew what the craftsmanship was. It should be impossible to be stolen.

But Zhu Yuanli overlooked one thing. Elves are nature’s darlings. Their favorite is plants. Although there are meats in Huaxia Food Court, most of them are made of plants, such as pastries and snacks. The fruit of a plant is the plant itself.

Since the elves are born close to nature, plus the number of years they live, there are a few elves who know the plants in the forest of the elves very well.

The chef in this micro-green business is such a person. After he had eaten the food from Huaxia Food Court, he immediately copied it. Of course, he still studied it for several days.

Of course, among the elves, just like humans, there are geniuses and mediocre people. Otherwise, if they are all geniuses and all of them can be cultivated into gods, then the elves will go against the sky.

Of course, the elves born on the mother tree of life have a high probability of being geniuses. Only a few elves are mediocre with talent. However, the elves born on the mother tree of life are born once every thousand years. Only a thousand, although most of them are geniuses and can cultivate to the demigod level, or even gods, the number of elves born from the mother tree of life is too small.

Fortunately, the number of elves on the Bright Continent is small, otherwise it is estimated that there is no room for other races in the Bright Continent, but after leaving the Bright Continent, the number of elves is not as small as imagined.

Zhu Yuanyuan has some memories of the main **** of Guangming. He is very clear about the power of the elves. There is a moon **** among the elves. It is a master-level existence, and he does not know how this moon **** got it. Except for the bright continent, others There is a mother tree of life on all continents. As a result, the number of elves has greatly increased.

If it weren't for the fact that there can only be one mother tree of life in a continent, it is estimated that Moon God might plant many mother trees of life.

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