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"Well, thank you for explaining it to me. But this time I came to your micro-green commercial firm not to do business. I made a special trip to find your president. Tell me, this is a token your princess gave me."

After Zhu Yuanyuan listened to the elf guard's words, he stopped talking nonsense, and directly took out a token carved from the branches of the mother tree representing the royal identity that Hua Nongying gave him, with a pattern of the mother tree leaves on it.

"Oh! It's really a token of the royal family, why didn't you take it out earlier? Please come in, please come in, and then I will take you to see the president of our micro-green business."

The elf guarding the door looked at the token Zhu Yuanyuan had taken out, and his face showed a look of surprise. It was true that the breath of the mother tree of life was right, and he quickly led Zhu Yuanyuan into the business.

"Okay." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded and didn't say much, and followed the gatekeeper into the trading house.

The house of this micro-green business house is also a big tree, which may have been planted by themselves. After all, most of the elves are wood magicians, and wood magicians can accelerate the growth of plants.

Among the elves, wood magicians are also called natural magicians. There are not wood magicians in the human race, but not all magicians can be called natural magicians.

After walking for a while, Zhu Yuanyuan counted through several yards, that is to say, passed the range of a few trees, and then reached the door of a yard inside. This range is very large, not just a few trees, but also There are places that extend in all directions. At the gate of this yard, you can also go to other yards.

"Hua San, what are you kid doing? Why did you bring a human into the head office? Don't you know if we don't accept foreigners here?"

There were two guards guarding the gate of the yard. After seeing Hua San bringing Zhu Yuanyuan over, they asked.

"Brother Zheng, this distinguished guest has a token given by the princess. He said that I brought him here after seeing the president something happened."

After Hwa San heard the enquiry from the guard at the gate of the yard, he quickly said that the guard Zhu Yuanyuan met at the gate was called Hwa San.

"Oh? Is there a token from the royal family? That's OK, I'll let you know. As for the president if you see it, I can't guarantee it!"

Hua Zheng, the guard at the gate of the yard, said.

"Okay, okay, Brother Zheng, just report it. Hua San thanked you." Hua San quickly agreed.

Hua Zheng waved his hand, then went into the yard to inform him.

"Boom boom boom!" After Hua Zheng entered the yard, he went to the study and knocked on the door.

"Who?" A clear female voice asked from the study.

"President, I am Hua Zheng!" Hua Zheng said quickly after hearing the female voice.

"It's Huazheng? Come in." When the female voice inside heard that it was Huazheng, she let him in.

"Hua Zheng has met the president." Hua Zheng first saluted an elf woman in the study who was reading.

"No need to be polite, Hua Zheng, what's the matter?" The elf girl raised her head to look at Hua Zheng, and then asked.

"President, a human being outside came to the firm with a token of the royal family and said to see you, do you see it or not?"

After hearing the inquiry from his president, Hua Zheng said quickly.

"Oh? Someone came to me with a royal token? Hua Zheng, did he say who gave him this token?"

The elven female president heard a human being holding a royal token, she was puzzled for a moment, then suddenly thought of something and asked.

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