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Chapter 785: The Holy See is destroyed (1)!

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"My Lord, the Holy See has been shrunk into the imperial city of the Guangming Empire, and the Holy Mountain of Light is within the imperial city. As long as the imperial city is defeated, the Holy See will be completely destroyed."

Hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's question about dealing with the Holy See, Jinshan quickly answered.

"Oh? Has the Holy See been forced into the Guangming Imperial City? Patriarch Jinshan, please tell me in detail what happened."

Zhu Yuanyuan really did not pay special attention to the matter of dealing with the Holy See these days. In these days, he only paid attention to the things of the Orcs and the Huaxia Food Pavilion. Instead, he had forgotten the matter of dealing with the Holy See. He was like this. A personality is sometimes very caring about everything, but sometimes it’s not too serious. It’s him who is heartless. Of course, this does not mean that Zhu Yuanyuan is cold-blooded and emotional, but he acts. Although it seems to be both evil and righteous, in fact, he really hasn't done anything that angers people.

"My Lord God Envoy, this is how things are..."

Jinshan told Zhu Yuanyuan all the events since this period.

It turned out that after the official war with the Holy See some time ago, the powerhouses of the Jin family and their patron saint beast, the Three-Eyed Flame Lion, were all transferred to the Light Department, which has greatly increased their strength since then.

Moreover, after Zhu Yuanyuan learned about the collusion between the orcs and the demons, he changed the transfer altar in the divine system system. However, any strong man in the divine realm can rise to a small level if he changes his job. The Jin Family's God Realm powerhouse has greatly increased in strength, and the late God Realm powerhouse has even been promoted to a semi-god powerhouse.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't change anything else, that is, to input some divine powers to these transferred gods, as long as they go to the altar and change jobs, they will be able to gain some divine powers, thereby enhancing their strength.

These elevated powerhouses are not like the demonized orcs, the powerhouses elevated by divine power, that is the real realm improvement, the strength is real, and there is no side effect. After the divine power merges with yourself There is a great possibility to become a god.

In this way, the Jin family has added a large number of demigod-level powerhouses and late-stage gods domain powerhouses, and the demi-god-level powerhouse Jin family has increased by 20, which can be said to have greatly increased its strength.

Among these 20 demigod-level powerhouses, 10 are the three-eyed flame lion, and 10 are the Jin family powerhouses.

With so many powerful men, the strength of the Guangming Church has completely crushed the Holy See. Therefore, in a short period of time, all the priests of the Guangming Church in the Terran Territory were driven out and killed. Even if they were not killed, they were also dispelled. , And some are afraid to withdraw from this holy war.

Yes, this war is a holy war, a holy war for the only religion under the command of the orthodox Lord God of Light.

This time the orthodox battle can be said to have shocked many forces on the Bright Continent, especially those religious forces who were taken aback by the strength of the Jin family. They never expected that the Jin family would be so powerful. There were 20 A semi-god-level powerhouse, this is too terrifying, and they are all the demi-god-level powerhouses of the light system, which is much more powerful than the powerhouses of the natural system (water, fire, earth, and wind).

The wood type is also a natural type, but since most wood type professionals are elves, although humans also have wood type professionals, they are not powerful, so they will not be included.

After having so many powerhouses, the Guangming God Cult quickly reached the Guangming Empire, killing outside the Guangming Imperial City in less than a month.

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