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Chapter 786: The Fall of the Holy See (2)

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"Lofit, what do you think about the orcs invading the Red Flame Empire?"

Since Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he couldn't figure it out, he would come to Loffitt and think about it together. As the saying goes, "three heads beat Zhuge Liang", the two of them are extraordinary, magicians, and cultivators. Better than Zhuge Liang.

"Master, did the orcs actually invaded the Red Flame Empire?" After hearing this, Lovette groaned, and suddenly his eyes lit up, but his face turned ugly.

"Master, it's no good, I'm afraid this orc race has no good intentions." Lovett said a little anxiously.

"Oh? Lovette, you quickly talk about it, why are the orcs ill-intentioned?" Zhu Yuanyuan saw Lovette's face ugly, and knew that it might not be that simple.

"Master, think about it, when this orcs came to the Fairy Forest, were they mostly demonized?"

Lovett did not directly give the answer, but indirectly reminded Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Ah, yes, demonized, demonized, shit, mmp, these orcs want to die! They dare to do such a thing, they want to spread demon energy, and thus demonize the human race. After the demonized person, it is probably not impossible to take down the elves!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Lovet’s reminder, he reacted. This demonized orc has demon energy on his body, and it will also pollute the land and space on the mainland. The demon energy will infect humans and become demonized. People, this is not what he wants to see.

"The master is wise, things should be just like you said. These orcs definitely want to break into the territories of the human race, and then wantonly demonize the human race. With the demonized person, they can use the demonized person as cannon fodder to attack the elf Forest to achieve their goals."

After Lovette said these things after Zhu Yuanyuan, he also quickly praised Zhu Yuanyuan. He is very good at being a human being, and his owner must also hold it, but he can't take care of everything himself.

"Hey! What am I wise, isn't this all what you think? Don't worry, I will remember this credit for you. After returning to Aquastar, your reward will be indispensable."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't take Lofit's credit to him either. As the master, he still had to enlarge his mind. He didn't think of this.

The most important thing is that Zhu Yuanyuan’s heart is not so vicious. I didn’t expect the orcs to invade the human race with demonic energy. This is spreading demonic humans. This is not a good thing. If the entire continent is full of demonic creatures, the entire Guangming Continent will be knotted. I am afraid that the world will also be destroyed.

"The subordinates thanked the master for the reward!" Loffitt did not refuse either. He knew the rewards the master said, and there must be a reward. After coming to the Bright Continent, he did not miss it.

"Well, you go down first."

Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand and let Lovette go down.

After that, Zhu Yuanyuan contacted Jinshan again and explained the purpose of the orcs, and asked him to send some of the clergy of the Cult of Light from the Red Flame Empire to the front line to assist the Red Flame Empire’s army to resist the demonized orcs, maybe even There are demons.

This demonized orc and demonized person must be very strong, and they are easy to infect people. If one is accidentally infected and there is no light professional on the scene, it will be hopeless.

That's why Zhu Yuanyuan asked the people of the Jinshan Sect of Guangming Divine Sect to support. Although not a strong one, it can also dispel the devilish energy. As long as it can dispel the infected devilish energy, the Red Flame Empire will still be able to resist the orcs.

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