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Chapter 787: The Fall of the Holy See (3)

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"Hahahaha! Well said, well said, Jinshan Patriarch, what you said is correct, the Holy See has long been corrupted, it is no wonder that God will abandon the Holy See, no one else, no one else!"

Huang Ting said loudly with a hysterical smile, didn't he know that the Holy See was corrupt?

The Holy See is now similar to the end of the Ming Dynasty on the earth, with corruption to the extreme. There are many internal forces. Even if Huang Ting is the pope, there is no way to use these forces. They can only let them die. Huang Ting is like Emperor Chongzhen, thinking He wants to change the structure of the Holy See, but it is very weak. Although he has some power and some strength in his hands, there are still forces in the Holy See that are opposed to him, such as the Guangming Judiciary.

"Huang Ting, shut up, what are you talking about? Do you know what you are talking about now?"

After Zhang Weiguang heard Huang Ting's words, his face flushed instantly, and he roared at Huang Ting with anger.

"What am I talking about? Don't you Zhang Weiguang know? And you, don't you know? You people usually do what you think you can hide from someone? The Holy See is a big family, but it can't stand you so much. Splurge, look, now the end is coming, are you satisfied?"

Huang Ting first pointed to Zhang Weiguang to question, and then pointed his finger at the four archbishops of the east, west, north and south of the Vatican headquarters. At the end, his voice was very bleak. After Huang Ting sat in the position of the Pope, he was stunned. Karma, but do the people below listen to him?

After his order was passed down, the meaning completely changed, and the real order could not be passed down at all. This was the reason for the corruption of the Holy See, and most of the power was controlled.

He Huang Ting is powerful, but if he wants to fight with the forces in the Holy See, he is still a little bit behind.


The few people pointed at by Huang Ting all had ugly faces, but they couldn't speak.

"Jinshan, you can attack if you have the ability. If you surrender, there is no need to say more. If the Holy See is here, I will be there. If the Holy See is dead, I will die. Come!"

Huang Ting ignored these people, turned his head and looked at the Jinshan and others surrounding the Bright Fortress, and said that at the end he roared loudly, looking very generous.

Huang Ting’s Jinshan was a bit embarrassed. Jinshan almost thought that the people on his side were villains or bad guys. The Holy See was doing nothing wrong. Over the years, I don’t know how many wronged people have been killed by the name of eradicating heretics. .

"Huang Ting, since your Holy See has no other last words, then go away! Everyone obeys the order, the first person to enter the Illuminati will receive ten holy stones as a reward and attack me!"

Jinshan is not a vegetarian either, so he directly ordered the attack.

Of course, all the people of the Guangming God Cult started to attack in an orderly manner, instead of rushing over in a swarm.

First, the magician attacked, and then the magic shield opened against the castle of light began to bombard wildly.

Not all of the Light Cults are professionals of the Light Department, and there are other magicians of other departments among them.

Zhu Yuanyuan's transfer of the altar was not for the purpose of eliminating all other professions on the Bright Continent. The best way to develop is to let a hundred flowers bloom.

"Boom!...Kaka..." The colorful magic blossomed on the magic shield of the Castle of Light.

However, the background of the Holy See is really deep. The magic shield was not broken for a while, but it still stopped after a violent fluctuation. It is estimated that the magic energy was consumed temporarily, so it was protected. The hood fluctuated so badly, and after the energy of the magic shield recovered, the fluctuation heard it.

"Magic Legion, fight back fiercely!" Huang Ting was almost taken aback, thinking that the magic shield was about to be broken. After seeing the fluctuation on the shield stopped, he became annoyed and ordered The Legion of Light Magic fought back.

"Defense!" After feeling the magic fluctuations on the Bright Fort, Jinshan ordered all the people of the Bright God Sect to defend.

"Huh!" Suddenly all the people of the Light God Cult took out a small mithril magic circle like a palm-sized six-pointed star formation. After activation with magic power, all the small magic circles were connected together in a blink of an eye, and then they were A huge magical shield was formed under the Fortress of Light, and it protected all the people of the cult of Light.

"Boom..." The Light Magic Legion's magic was also ready, and it attacked directly, and then all exploded on the shield of the joint defense magic circle below, and the outside of Bright Fort seemed to have been lost. Like an atomic bomb, a mushroom cloud slowly rises and the dust is flying so that everyone on the side of the Holy See cannot see what is going on.

And because the magic explosion just caused the element disorder, it is impossible to use mental power to detect the following situation. The current situation is like the fact that the magnetic field riot signal cannot be transmitted.

"Have you succeeded?" Huang Ting looked at the dust all over the sky outside Guangming Fort. He was a little eager to defeat Jinshan and the others, but he also knew that this was definitely impossible. If he could defeat the Guangming Divine Sect, that morning They could defeat Jinshan before they attacked the Bright Empire. Why wait until now?

"Huh!" As Huang Ting watched eagerly, a sudden gust of wind blew out from below, the dust in the sky was completely blown, and then the situation below was revealed.

"What? How could it be? Can they release such a large defensive magic in such a short time?"

After seeing the situation clearly, Huang Ting's eyes almost bulged out in an instant~www.ltnovel.com~ He felt a little embarrassed, and the joint defense magic array below was suddenly recognized by Huang Ting as defensive magic.

There is a difference between this magic circle and magic. The magic circle only needs to provide magic power, while magic requires magic power to communicate magic elements, and then the magic elements are sorted by mental power to form magic. This is not the same.

The magic power supply of the magic circle can completely use magic core or magic spar and other magical resources, so that the use of the magic circle can be continued.

Magic can't last for a long time, and as long as the magic circle has resources, it can be turned on all the time, but the gap is widening.

"Prepare for light punishment, break the magic shield for me!" Jinshan gave an order, and all the light magicians began to prepare for joint magic.

"Light Retribution" is a light magic forbidden curse, this forbidden curse can be combined to cast. It is the power of light to form a hundreds-meter-long spear. It was originally a single forbidden curse attack, but its power is huge. The spear of light can also radiate the power of light and burn out the four directions, so the life in the range will be hit by magic.

"The supreme Lord of Light, please listen to the believers... Use the power of light to burn the evil of time, light punishment!"

After chanting the magic spell of the Light God Sect, a miraculous kingdom of God appeared in the sky in an instant. In this illusory kingdom of God, there were even angels flying, and then a huge spear of light appeared. Under the kingdom of God, a thick flame of light exudes from it.

It turns out that this light punishment is a divine art. When the light mage of the light **** sect uses magic, it summons a trace of divine power, so this miraculous scene will appear.

"No, defense, defense, the magic shield may not be able to withstand this forbidden curse. This is a divine technique, a divine technique!"

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