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Chapter 788: Battle of the Orcs (1)

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"Haha! This has eliminated the Holy See. Let’s take a look at the increase in prestige value. As expected, the prestige value is faster due to war, but it is also a matter of locality. Some places can earn prestige by war, and some places cannot be earned by war. For example, the elves need a softer method. If you use a strong one, you can earn reputation from the elves!"

Seeing the prestige value added on the system panel, Zhu Yuanyuan was very happy. These prestige values ​​were enough for him to improve the realm of some magicians!

If it weren’t for Zhu Yuan’s own laziness, he would personally organize the battles of the major legions of the Illuminati, I am afraid that the reputation value obtained would be several times higher. After all, the reputation value obtained by personal participation and the reputation value obtained indirectly are very large. s difference.

As for why the prestige value cannot be obtained when attacking the elves? The elves have been the supreme race of the Guangming Continent since ancient times. They control the entire continent. Their thinking is very stubborn and they are natural darlings. Of course, it is impossible to surrender to anyone, nor to be conquered.

"Um... These reputation points are still accumulated for the time being, and now the promotion level is not much stronger, and it is impossible to upgrade to the combat power of the lower gods." After Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, he felt that these reputation points were not needed for the time being. It can be used well. After all, his strength has reached the top on the Bright Continent, and he is much stronger than the semi-god-level powerhouse. When he improves several realms, it only increases some divine power, and will not reach the lower gods. Of combat power.

As for why?

Gods all have a godhead and have a priesthood. This priesthood is actually to understand the law. The lower **** is the initial contact with the law, and although the demigod level also has divine power, it only touches a little bit of the law.

Even if Zhu Yuanyuan's divine power is now higher than that of the lower gods, it is useless. Divine power does not represent the law.


When Zhu Yuanyuan contacted Jinshan, the battle on the Hongyan Empire became more intense, and as Zhu Yuanyuan expected, the orcs sent by the orcs were all demonized orcs, and there were even some Demonized people, these demonized people are all human races infected by demon qi.

Xiayun City is a large city near the border of the Hongyan Empire, and it can be said to be one of the cities second only to the imperial capital within the Hongyan Empire.

"My lord, these orcs are too hateful. I don't know what methods they used to turn our human race into such a monster, and then come to attack us. It's a jerk."

It was Wu Qi, the city lord of Xiayun City, who was a fire magician of the late God's Domain and a henchman of King Yunyang.

"Wu Qi, we must maintain the magic circle, and not let the orcs break the magic circle. The most important thing for us now is to delay time. We don't have to fight with the orcs and wait for reinforcements. As long as the reinforcements arrive, the good days of the orcs are over."

The king of Yunyang, Yan Tianyang, stood on the top of Xiayun City and looked at the boundless orcs and the human races among the orcs. There was no place to spread the fire in his heart. He didn’t know how the orcs turned the human race into this way. , But he knew it was definitely not a good thing.

"Yes, the prince, the subordinates understand." Wu Qi immediately agreed. Although King Yunyang would not say that he would do it, since his own prince said, then he will continue.

Yan Tianyang is the Yunyang King of the Hongyan Empire, the younger brother of a mother of the Hongyan Empire, Yan Tianjiang, and the only younger brother. Although the princes born to the former emperor and other concubines are also brothers of Yan Tianjiang, how? There is no brother.

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