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Chapter 789: Battle of the Orcs (2)

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"Hahahaha! Good good! Archbishop Jin Yongcheng, friends of the Guangming Divine Sect, please don’t be too polite. This king would also like to thank you for helping Xiayun City, and the people in Xiayun City on behalf of this king thank you for your assistance. ! Please be respected by this king!"

Yan Tianyang laughed and talked, and finally even bowed to Jin Yongcheng with his fists.

It wasn't that Yan Tianyang lacked the assistance of people like Guangming Divine Sect. In fact, it was the same for him as a demigod powerhouse, whether there were any of these people, it was just because he was moved.

We must know that the orcs have invaded the Hongyan Empire for several days, but there has never been a foreign force to help them. None of those religions, major trade unions, and major chambers of commerce have come to help them. Only the Hongyan Empire resists them. All ran away, but none remained.

Now that the Guangming God Sect has suddenly come over, can Yan Tianyang not be moved?

In addition, Yan Tianyang also knew that the reason why Guangming Divine Sect did not rush over in the first few days was probably because it had to deal with the Holy See. After all, it has already entered the Guangming Empire, and it is impossible for others to give up the advantage that was finally defeated and turn around. Helping them in the Red Flame Empire, Yan Tianyang did not feel that the Light God Cult had done something wrong. Compared to the orcs, the Holy See might be even more disgusting and annoying.

Replaced by Yan Tianyang, it is estimated that he would kill the Holy See to deal with the orcs first.

"Don't dare, don't dare! King Yunyang, you are serious, so I don't dare to be worshipped by you. As a member of the human race, our Guangming Sect should come to assist Xiayun City. You are too polite."

Jin Yongcheng saw Yan Tianyang bowing to them, and quickly walked away, and then quickly said, he didn't dare to accept the King Yunyang's bow. According to their Jin family's intelligence, this King Yunyang kept him. It's very deep, definitely not just as simple as the late stage of God's Domain. Sure enough, after this orc invasion, the Yunyang King showed great strength, a semi-god powerhouse, terrifying!

"Haha, Archbishop Jin said well, the same human race should have looked at each other, but the king still wants to thank you for your support."

After Yan Tianyang heard what Jin Yongcheng said, he was also very happy. The Guangming God Sect was indeed different from the people of the Holy See. There was no arrogance at all, and he had different views on people and things.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Archbishop Jin, you guys tell me about the situation of the orcs, can you tell this king what is going on with these orcs? Why can they turn our humans into puppets? They drive?"

After Yan Tianyang saw that Jin Yongcheng and the others were embarrassed, he also changed the subject and asked him about the situation of the orcs.

"My lord, our Light Sect has long received reports from the spies. Mutiny has occurred among the orcs. Their royal lion tribe was killed by the tiger tribe. At the same time, the tiger tribe replaced the lion tribe and became the orc tribe. royal."

Jin Yongcheng didn’t talk about the demons first, but first talked about the changes of the orcs. Generally speaking, it’s impossible for the humans to enter the orcs’ imperial city. Even if the merchants trade goods with the orcs, it’s just It trades on the border, so it is impossible for spies to enter the orcs to inquire about news.

As for the source of the Bright God Sect? Of course, it was Zhu Yuanyuan who released it. He released the news in the **** system. There are news about the orc royal family changing hands, there are also the orcs colluding with the demons, and the harm of demonic energy, demonized creatures. The news, in the end, also told that the nemesis of the Holy See's demon energy of the God of Light is the light magic power. If you can use divine magic, the damage to the demonized creature will be even higher.

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