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Chapter 790: Battle of the Orcs (3)

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"Lord, it is said that the Demon Race is the only native race in the Demon Realm. The other races in the Demon Realm are all races that the Demon Race conquered after conquering each plane."

"The devil energy in the devil world can naturally pollute all living things, and it can even pollute hell. Lord, you see, is the place where the orcs are outside become completely dark? That is the effect of the devil energy, which is devouring our continent. The upper region, once the continent’s region is half swallowed by demonic energy, it’s really bad. I’m afraid the demons can break our continent’s restrictions on gods, and then the demons can break the space and reach the Bright Continent directly. At that time, I am afraid that the races of the entire continent will suffer, and even if they surrender, they will be demonized into puppets of the demons."

"After being demonized, will our human race still be a human race? And when it is controlled by the demons, I am afraid it will be worse than death. This is the harm of the demons and the common enemy of all our races."

Jin Yongcheng said all the information about the demon world and demon clan he saw in the identity token in one breath. This is not the time to hide the news, only let everyone know the demon clan and demonized creatures. The horror and how to defend against demonized creatures are the most important.

"Hi... Archbishop Jin, according to what you said, don't we have no way to resist the demonized orcs?"

Yan Tianyang was really frightened. This Demon Race is too terrifying. A random tribe with the lowest strength is a lower god, and the demonized creature can increase its strength significantly, even if it can't increase across a large realm. But the strength is also stronger than that of the same realm, especially the devilish energy on their body can infect other people and creatures. After being infected, they will become demonized creatures. This is very bad!

Yes, after the orc races were demonized in the late stage of the gods, although they had the same strength as the demigod, they were only about the same, they could only be regarded as a pseudo-demigod, and they were far from the real demigod.

"Lord, it is not impossible to resist the demonized orcs. In fact, the orcs first attacked the elves. Outside of Withered Vine City near the Dusk Canyon, there was a shocking battle between the orcs and the elves. Used the combined forbidden curse level magic, one magic went down, but it directly destroyed the area tens of thousands meters in front of Withered Vine City, which was terrifying. In the end, the Orcs retreated and returned to the Orc Alliance. I don’t know how the Orcs did it. Turned the target to our Terran invasion."

Jin Yongcheng shook his head, indicating that the Orcs can still resist, and even defeat, the Elves are a good example!

"What? The orcs had a war with the elves? Did they turn around and attack our humans after the defeat? But the elves are really terrifying. Fortunately, the Red Flame Empire never tried to fight them. Otherwise, we will suffer."

After Yan Tianyang heard the war between the orcs and the elves and was defeated, his face instantly became exciting, and he was also fortunate that the Red Flame Empire did not have the idea to fight the elves, although the relationship between the humans and the elves was not very good. , But finally maintained commercial contacts, the strength of the elves surprised him.

"However, Archbishop Jin, the orcs and the elves are at war and are defeated. That is the strength of the elves. Although our humans have many magicians, we don’t seem to have the ability to successfully cast spells with such a powerful spell. ! The strength of the elves can defeat the orcs, how can our humans defeat the orcs?"

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