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Chapter 791: Battle of the Orcs (4)

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"Okay, let's take a look at the restraint effect of light magic on the demonized orcs."

Yan Tianyang himself wanted to know about this, and now it was brought up by Jin Yongcheng, of course it couldn't be better.

"Action!" Jin Yongcheng directly let all the followers of the Light God Sect walk to the side of the city wall and start to perform magical attacks on the demonized orcs below. At this time, he does not care if there are humans below, these humans are obviously already demonized. It’s not saved anymore.

The orcs alone captured the three large cities on the border of the Red Flame Empire, and countless small cities, towns, and villages have all suffered. This number is at least tens of millions of people, or even hundreds of millions.

This is not an exaggeration. The population of ordinary people far exceeds that of professionals. There are not so many talented people who can cultivate. As long as one talented person appears in a village, it is the luck of the whole village, because it means being able to As a soldier, being able to enter the academy to learn vindictiveness or magic is something that changes fate.

Not only the human race, but also other races.

The human race and the orc race are similar. Ordinary people are not qualified to be soldiers. Ordinary people are at most captured as cannon fodder during wars. The soldiers in the real army are all made up of people with talents for cultivation. Ordinary people don’t want an army. The one with the lowest cultivation talent can enter the army as long as it reaches level 1. Although it can only enter the worst army, it is also an unattainable existence for ordinary people.

The Bright Continent is very large, with a large population. Humans alone have more than 100 billion people. With other races, the population in the Bright Continent may exceed one trillion.


After hearing Jin Yongcheng's order, all the Bright Cultists took action, each allocated a section of the city wall and started casting spells.

"Sword of Light!"

"The lightsaber is coming!"

"Rain of Light!"

"All the rain!"


All kinds of light spells were thrown towards the demonized orcs below, and there were even people with low power who used the healing light spells and thrown towards them. This is also because they saw the light in the information. Element magic has restraint on demonized creatures, and even the healing element has light elements, so it is also suitable for attacking enemies.

"Bah Bah Bah..."

After the brilliance of these bright magic shines on the body of the demonized orc, it is as if ice touches the fire. The demon energy in their body is quickly purified, and at the same time, the depth of their body is also purified.

"Ah... it hurts!"


"Ah, wailing..."



The demonized orcs and demonized people who were attacked by the light magic screamed one by one, rolling on the ground and howling miserably. Although the low-strength orcs and humans lost consciousness after being demonized, the pain still existed. .

Then gradually some demonized orcs and demonized people with low strength were purified by light magic and turned into ashes. This is because the devil energy has penetrated deep into the bodies of these orcs and humans, so the light magic will take them The body is also purified.

"Hi! Light magic is too terrifying! Even the scum that was attacked is gone."

Seeing a gust of wind blowing, the smallest number of tens of thousands of demonized orcs and demonized people disappeared below. Wu Qi, the lord of Xiayun City, couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath. He now felt that his back was covered with cold sweat. In particular, people used to be the Vatican, why didn't they go crazy and burn themselves to death?

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