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Chapter 792: Battle of the Orcs (5)

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This time, whether it was the war against the elves or the human race, it was all sudden. The appearance of the demonized orc was an accident and a certainty.

The Demon Race itself is an aggressive and powerful race. They have been fighting against the gods and want to enter the magical world, so they controlled the Orc Race. Of course, this is also the bad luck of the Bright Continent. It happened to be touched by the Demon Race. Otherwise, there are many continents (or planes) in the entire magical world, so the Demon Race has chosen the Bright Continent. This is the bad luck of the Bright Continent, but is it not the bad luck of the Demon Race?

Why is it the doom of the demons?

The Demon Race was just about to invade the Bright Continent, but at this time, the origin of Zhu had crossed onto the Bright Continent. What was the doom of the Demon Race?

It can be said that the Guangming God Sect created by Zhu Yuanyuan is an anomaly on the Guangming Continent. With the Guangming God Sect, if the demon clan’s conspiracy is to succeed, it is estimated that a great price will be paid.

The battle between the demonized orcs and the elves ended in defeat. This is the strength of the elves themselves.

But now the demonized orcs went to attack the human race, and once again launched a war, the human race is far less powerful than the elves, so in a blink of an eye the Red Flame Empire was taken down three big cities on the border.

If there is no Zhu Yuanyuan, it is estimated that the human race will have no resistance at all, and will soon be attacked by the demonized orcs into the hinterland, or it will lead to destruction.


Although it is said that the Light God Sect is supporting the Red Flame Empire, and theoretically it can resist the Orcs, Zhu Yuanyuan is not at ease. Every time the Human Race dies, he loses a person who can provide him with reputation. That's why Zhu Yuanyuan had to go to the Elf Queen for support. As long as the Elf Clan sent a strong and military support, the Orc Clan would soon be settled.

As for why Zhu Yuanyuan didn't spread the faith among the orcs to earn reputation?

Orcs and elves are the same principle. Orcs cannot believe in foreign gods. They only believe in beast gods. Moreover, humans have been enemies of orcs from ancient times. Orcs cannot believe in a human being. This is a fantasy.

In the afternoon, at the gate of the Elf Palace.

"The people here are stopping, this is the palace, human beings, don't come close." Seeing Zhu Yuanyuan approaching the palace gate, the guards at the gate of the palace all tightened their weapons, and then a general-level elf spoke.

The guard at the gate of the imperial palace, even if it is a captain, is an officer of the general rank when placed below.

"This general, I want to see your Queen, this is a token!" Zhu Yuanyuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the token representing the identity of the elf royal family and said to the captain of the guard.

"This is the card of life. I don’t know how you call your Excellency in the army under Hua Hua?" After seeing the token made from the branches of the mother tree of life, the army of Hua suddenly sensed the breath of life on it. It was the breath of the mother tree. wrong.

The branches of the Mother Tree of Life cannot be taken off by anyone. Even if the Mother Tree of Life covers half of the Forest of Elves, it is not possible for anyone to pick it up. The Elves will not agree that there is one, and the Mother Tree of Life will not let people. Fold your own branches. Although the mother tree of life is not a god, it still exists with its own consciousness. If it weren’t for it was sleeping most of the time, I’m afraid it would be the most powerful existence in the entire continent. I’m afraid the next **** on the continent. , Even the middle **** is not its opponent.

Of course, this premise is that when the mother tree of life is not asleep, the mother tree of life is mainly for the growth of elves and itself, and generally speaking, it will not be sober.

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