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Chapter 793: Battle of the Orcs (6)

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"This Baihua drink is really good. After drinking it, it makes people feel like wandering in a sea of ​​flowers. All kinds of floral fragrances come one after another without appearing to conflict. The elves really have a hand! This Baihua drink is amazing! Maybe it is for this reason to increase mental strength!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw Hua Xinying gone, he also took a wooden cup and drank Baihuayin. He was already hungry and thirsty for Baihuayin. After a sip, he instantly seemed to have entered a world of flowers. The same, of course, this is just an illusion.

And Zhu Yuanyi also analyzed how the effect of this Baihua drink to increase mental power appeared. It may be because of the reason why people fall into the world of flowers, so that people can feel the blooming of various flowers and make people feel Feeling all kinds of beautiful scenery, people's spirit has reached a wonderful state, thus increasing the spiritual power, of course, there is also the help of the various petals in the flower drink.

While Zhu Yuanyuan was tasting the Baihua Drink, Hua Xinying on the other side walked to the Natural Hall and found that today's meeting had just ended.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhu is here, now waiting in the side hall." Hua Xinying saw that her Majesty was going back to the study to deal with state affairs, she hurried up to stop Hua Qingqing, and then said.

"Oh? Is Mr. Zhu here? Go ahead and meet him." After Hua Xinying heard Hua Xinying's words, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Hua Qingqing is a little wondering why Zhu Origin came here. This Mr. Zhu did not come when the Elves were still fighting the Orcs, and the Orcs had just been beaten back these days, and this Mr. Zhu came here. , She had to doubt Zhu Yuanyuan's intentions!

Soon, Hua Qingqing brought Hua Xinying to the side hall.

"Mr. Zhu, welcome to visit the palace again." Hua Qingqing said with a smile on her face after walking to Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Yuanyuan took the liberty to come here, hoping not to disturb your Majesty." After Zhu Yuanyuan saw Hua Qingqing enter the door, he stood up, and after hearing the words of the elf queen, he also continued.

"Hehe... No interruption, Mr. Zhu is a distinguished guest of my elves, and he can come to the palace anytime. I wonder if Mr. Zhu came to see me this time.

Hua Qingqing smiled and shook her head and said not to disturb, and then asked Zhu Yuanyuan's intentions.

"Your Majesty, first of all I want to congratulate the Elves for defeating the Orcs." Zhu Yuanyuan did not say anything first, but first congratulated the Elves for defeating the Orcs.

"Mr. Zhu is polite. Just say anything. If I can do it, I won't refuse."

Hua Qingqing smiled and said, she didn’t wonder how Zhu Yuanyuan knew that the war had ended. She already knew about the fact that the Holy See was wiped out by the Light God Sect. In the light of the power of the Light God Sect, she knew this time. The result of the war with the orcs is very simple.

"Your Majesty, you also know that the orcs have colluded with the demons." Zhu Yuanyuan said about the orcs colluded with the demons.

"Mr. Zhu, I already know that the orcs colluded with the demons. Does your matter have anything to do with the orcs?"

Hua Qingqing also thought of something, her eyes changed.

"Yes, after the orcs were defeated, they were not reconciled. They turned around and attacked the Crimson Flame Empire of the human race. Presumably Her Majesty already knows it, right?"

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