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Chapter 794: Battle of the Orcs (7)

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"The orcs are controlled by the demons to attack the elves. The purpose is to break the seal barrier and allow the demons to descend on the Bright Continent. For this purpose, the orcs will probably not give up easily."

"Presumably, the reason why the orcs have turned their invasion targets to the human races is probably just a countermeasure to increase their strength. If they want to invade the elves, they will not succeed without paying a heavy price."

"After the orcs are demonized, there is demon energy in their bodies. They only need to demonize the human race, and then they can get a large number of soldiers. By then, the elves will probably be in big trouble."

Zhu Yuanyuan faintly said about the goals of the Orcs and the purpose of the Demon Race to descend on the Bright Continent.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan could use other terms to convince the Elf Queen Hua Qingqing, but he did not use other terms, because he also wanted to test the Elves, he wanted to know whether this so-called sealed enchantment was real or fake. Yes, just what the orcs said is not worthy of belief.

After all, the orcs also learned the news from the demons. The demons are cunning and insidious. Can their words be believed?

So Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to know whether this enchantment was real or fake, and where was the enchantment?

"What? The goal of the Orcs turned out to be to seal the barrier?"

Hua Qingqing and Hua Xinying exclaimed when they heard all of them. Neither of them thought that this would be the case.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that the Orcs will attack Withered Teng City. I thought it was Hua Qiudong who knew about the collusion between the Orcs and the Demons and killed it. It turned out to be because of the sealing of the barrier."

Hua Qingqing murmured, she didn't expect this at all, but now after Zhu Yuanyuan said the reason, she also knew the reason.

"Your Majesty, for this reason I don't know if I can exchange for the support of the Elves?"

Zhu Yuanyuan knew for a while that there was a seal enchantment. Originally, he was wondering how the Nine Dragon Vein Locking technique could be found in the elven holy city. Originally thought it was a great feng shui formation. The big formation, it is estimated that this is a coincidence, it is just a magic formation, it may be just arranged at the convergence of Kowloon, which led to the statue of the dragon.

He just said how could this magical world have a profession with a distinctly different system like Feng Shui? As expected, this is impossible at all. This is a magical world, and the rules cannot allow Feng Shui masters to appear. Even if there are ordinary Feng Shui masters, they have not practiced.

It is impossible for a Feng Shui master who has not practiced to arrange a large Feng Shui array. At most, it is to look at Feng Shui with the naked eye, and sometimes it is not accurate, because the surrounding magnetic field and energy cannot be sensed without training, so it is not 100% capable. See the feng shui.

Of course, not all Feng Shui masters rely on cultivation, and also rely on Feng Shui artifacts, but just look at Feng Shui, but the magical world is probably useless. It is not a system, and the rules will not allow Feng Shui to exist. For magical instruments, so it is a waste of Fengshui masters to come here. Shouldn't you look at Feng Shui with the naked eye and then go to the tomb?

That’s probably really crazy. The tombs in this magical world are all owned and guarded, and even if no one is guarded, there are traps and magic circles. It is estimated that if you really want to become a tutor, you might die. I don't know how to die.

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