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Chapter 795: Battle of the Orcs (8)

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"Master, good evening, you are back, do the elves agree to send troops to support the Red Flame Empire?"

When Zhu Yuanyuan returned to Zhu's mansion, it was already dark. When he entered the yard, he smelled the scent. It was Lovette leading a group of maids who were cooking. After seeing Zhu Yuanyuan, Lovette quickly asked the maids to take over. , He walked over to say hello to Zhu Yuanyuan, and then asked about the elves. Zhu Yuanyuan talked to Lofit when he went to the palace.

As for the maids that Lowfit brought, these maids were all slaves, bought from slave traders. They were all sold to the elves after the war, but these women were lucky.

Among the elves, there will be no bullying of slaves. Although the elves are proud and call slaves, they never say that they will kill or abuse a slave. Such things are in the elves. Basically it will not happen, so it is good luck to say that these slaves who were sold to the elves have a much better life than the slaves of other races.

Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan and Loffitt were the only ones in Zhu's Mansion, and the others were robots with magical revisions.

Zhu Yuanyuan sees that this is not enough, what does it look like if two big men live together, maybe other elves think they have some quirks!

So in the end, Zhu Yuanyuan asked Loffitt to go to the slave market to buy ten slaves. Now there are ten beautiful maids busy cooking, and the atmosphere of the entire Zhu Mansion is different.

"The Elf Queen did not directly agree, only that she would call a high-level discussion, but it shouldn't be difficult, and she will definitely agree in the end."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't think that the elves were stupid. They would definitely not watch the orcs invade the hinterland of the human race. They would definitely send troops to support the Red Flame Empire. After all, this was also related to their own interests.

Although it is said that there is the Light God Cult, the human race cannot be defeated by the orc race, but there is a helper that can help quickly solve this demonic invasion event. Zhu Yuanyuan feels it is necessary, and it can also allow the elves to contact the human race, at least Also improve the relationship.

Zhu Yuanyuan had already notified Jinshan of this matter. As long as the elves went to the Red Flame Empire, they would definitely be treated kindly by the human race, and would never be malicious.

In fact, apart from the splendid city where you can often see the elves, there are very few other human empires where you can see the elves. Yes, they are just captured elven slaves, but this is all secret, no one dares Blatantly catch the elves as slaves.

In addition to the glorious city, the dwarven empire is also a place where the elves often go. The relationship between the dwarves and the elves is the best in the entire continent, so elves can often be seen among the dwarves.

"Master, the food is ready, let's eat first! Don't think about other things."

At this time, Lovett glanced at the prepared food, and the dining table in the restaurant was full of delicious food, so he raised his mouth.

"Well, I don't want to, eat, eat!" Zhu Yuanyuan didn't think much about it. Anyway, he had already done things. As for the result, wait and see.


The fairy palace, the hall of nature.

"...Devil Race.... Purpose... Sealing the barrier... Gods... Supporting the Red Flame Empire... Elders, this is how things went, what do you think? Are we supporting or not supporting?"

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