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Chapter 796: Battle of the Orcs (9)

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"Elder Hua Fangji, your method is not appropriate. When will our elves rely on fishermen to survive and win? Your majesty, the minister thinks that we should directly support the Red Flame Empire instead of eating like a mouse hiding in the dark. leftover."

It was the grumpy Supreme Nine Elder Warwick who was speaking. He was a lightning magician and an elf sharpshooter. He was always straight-tempered, and he didn't like roundabouts and conspiracy.

Now after hearing what Hua Fangji said, Warwick exploded in an instant. He thought how could the elves be as insidious as a mouse in the gutter?

Warwick thinks that their elves go directly to the front of the orcs are justified. Warwick felt very aggrieved last time in the battle with the orcs. Although they beat the orcs, they were forced to hide in the withered turtles like a tortoise. Among them, he was unhappy to the extreme.

"Warwick, you..." After Hua Fangji heard what Warwick said, his face turned red, but he couldn't say anything he didn't want because of Warwick.

"Elder Hua Fangji, am I wrong?" Warwick saw that Hua Fangji was speechless, his face was triumphant. He had already seen Hua Fangji's unhappy conspiracy, Warwick. It has always been thought that the elves have to sit upright and go straight to the elves. Warwick dismissed conspiracy or something.

"Well, Elder Hua Fang Ji, Elder Warwick, but now they are having a meeting, so I won't say a few words."

Hualu first glanced at Her Majesty the Queen who was sitting above, and saw that Her Majesty's expression had not changed at all, then she reprimanded Hua Fangji and Warwick.

Hua Fangji and Warwick also stopped fighting each other, and they also knew that they were in the hall of nature now, not the place where the two of them had a fight.

"Do you have any disagreements among the elders? If there are no disagreements, then discuss how many troops will be sent to support."

When Hua Qingqing saw that all the elders were silent, she asked, she basically decided to send troops to support the Hongyan Empire.

After Hua Qingqing said this, she looked at the elder elders present. They were silent, and they were not stupid. The first thing was that her queen obviously supported sending troops to support the Red Flame Empire, and the second thing was these. The elders themselves also think that it is necessary to support the Hongyan Empire, and they can't just wait and die, right?

"Well, since everyone has no objections, let's discuss what army to send to support and how many troops to send."

Hua Qingqing saw that there was no objection, she was very satisfied, and then she said one more thing.

"Elder Hualu, what army do you think we need to send to support? How many powerful do we have to send to the Red Flame Empire?" Hua Qingqing nodded Hualu and asked her to say.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that if you decide to support, you can't let others look down on my elves, but you can't reveal all of my elves' cards, just arrange our regular army to pass, and then send some Demigod-level powerhouses used to support the Red Flame Empire, and even this is much stronger than the Red Flame Empire."

After Hualu saw that her Majesty had clicked on herself, she had no choice but to speak. The meaning in her words was also very clear, that is, while not revealing the strength of the Elves, she also had the purpose of shocking the Humans.

"Well, Elder Hualu is right. In this way, if any of the elders sitting here wants to go to the Red Flame Empire to support, you can now sign up and participate by yourself." After hearing Hualu's statement, Hua Qingqing thought for a while I feel right, the elves can't let outsiders look down on them, and then let the elders decide whether to support or not.

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