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Chapter 797: 7 color lotus seed cake!

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"This...Mr. Zhu, what do you mean? Please take it back. Her Majesty said when I came, you can’t accept what your husband gave you, and you can’t accept this thing."

After Hua Xinying saw the jade box handed over by the maid, she quickly took a step back, and then repeatedly said that she had been instructed by her majesty long ago. If Mr. Zhu wants to give something, it cannot be accepted.

"Haha.... Manager Hua Xinying, you have to worry about it. My little gift, Her Majesty, will definitely like it. It's just a small snack, not a precious treasure. Open it and let the manager take a look at the contents. "

Zhu Yuanyuan laughed. Of course, he knew that the elves would definitely not care about treasures and the like, and he would not give away gold, silver, jewellery or treasures so vulgarly.

In fact, the most important thing is that the Elves are an ancient tribe, the most powerful race on the Bright Continent, how could they care about any treasures?

The elven clan's background has gone deeper. When it comes to treasures, there are probably many of the elves, so Zhu Yuanyuan will not give away any treasures, so as not to embarrass himself in the end.

"Crack!" After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's order, the maid turned on the buckle switch on the jade box, and then the contents of the box were exposed, a whole piece of colorful pastry-like things.

"Hey! This dim sum looks really beautiful, and it smells a nice fragrance. I have never smelled it before, Mr. Zhu, don't know what it is?"

After the maid opened the jade box, Hua Xinying seemed to like it at first glance. The colorful and non-conflicting colors, coupled with the fragrance of the fragrance, are very good. It looks like a work of art. Is it for food? She couldn't help but doubt it.

"Manager, this is a colorful lotus seed cake. It is made with seven different colors of lotus seeds. It has a clear fragrance. After eating it, it will make people feel like they are in a scene of lotus blooming, and they can add some of their own. Magic power and fighting spirit also have an effect on mental power. It is a rare thing. I don't have much here. Please take it back and give it to Her Majesty for me."

Zhu Yuanyuan talked about what was in this jade box. This is a good thing, even if he is not willing to eat it.

The colorful lotus seeds grew out of a lotus that was cultivated on the aquatic blue star Feiyu Island. This lotus is born with seven colors. This is also because of the absorption of aura, which leads to mutation, or evolution, and becomes a spiritual thing. The growing lotus plant has a diameter of more than two meters. This is the first year, and the lotus plant will grow bigger and bigger in the future.

Because it was just grown, the output was not much. Zhu Yuanyuan gave Chen Ziyuan and his two children some food, but he didn't eat much by himself.

This time, I could make a cake and give it to the elf queen because of the need to make a good relationship. Zhu Yuanyuan also discovered that the so-called sealed enchantment among the elf tribe must have a problem, and he wanted to figure it out.

Zhu Yuanyuan is also a bit stubborn. It can be said that he has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you know that there is a problem, you must figure it out, otherwise he will not sleep well.

"Then, then I will accept it, thank you Mr. Zhu." Hua Xinying looked at the jade box and hesitated, and then thought that this is just a snack, how precious is it?

Therefore, Hua Xinying accepted it directly. His Majesty also said that he would have a good relationship with this Mr. Zhu, and he could not refuse other people's kindness several times.

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