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Chapter 798: Xiayun City Joint Operation (1)

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On the second day, a group of hundreds of unicorns flew out above the holy city of elves.

"The elves really have a deep background, and at least 20 semi-god-level powerhouses have come forward."

At this time, Zhu Yuanyuan was eating breakfast in the yard. At a glance, he saw the unicorn flying in the direction of the Red Flame Empire from the air and the strong elves riding on it. Among the hundreds of elves, at least 20 were Demigod-level powerhouses, and all others are powerhouses of the gods, in the early, middle and late stages.

As for why unicorns can fly, because these unicorns have wings, they are similar to Tianma, except that Tianma is a beast of wind and unicorns are beasts of light and thunder.

As for the elves, why are only these hundreds of strong men dispatched?

The army on the side of the elven holy city is the elite of the elves, so it must be immovable. It is also necessary to protect the holy city and the mother tree of life. Especially the mother tree of life is the most important thing of the elven race. There is absolutely no room for loss. Therefore, the army here cannot move. When the orcs attacked Dryvine City last time, the army they mobilized was from the surrounding area, not from the holy city of the elves.

"Jinshan, have you reached the Xiayun City of the Hongyan Empire?"

Seeing that the elves had set off, Zhu Yuanyuan contacted Jinshan, and after seeing the image appeared, he asked.

"My lord, all of our bright gods have arrived in Xiayun City. The Knights of Light and the Light Mages have not arrived yet. We rushed to Xiayun City first to prevent the orcs from breaking through the city."

Jinshan and the others also just arrived in Xiayun City last night. Although the large troops have not yet come, the strong people in the Guangming Divine Sect have all come to Xiayun City. Actually, the strong ones in the Guangming Divine Sect are mostly golden People at home.

As for the saint Wang Daoyi, since Wang Daoyi just became a saint not long after, he rebuilt from a state of exhausted cultivation, but after becoming a saint, his cultivation speed has increased sharply, and now he has the strength of the late sanctuary. In this battle against the orcs, Zhu Yuanyuan did not let Wang Daoyi go, and Wang Daoyi is still presiding over the educational affairs in the Qingfeng Empire.

"You will be fine when you arrive, and protect Xiayun City. This time I contact you, mainly to inform you that the elves I have persuaded the Elf Queen, the Elves will send troops to support the Red Flame Empire, and the support of the elves will go directly to Xiayun Cheng, Jinshan, talk to the senior officials of the Red Flame Empire to avoid any conflict with the elves."

Zhu Yuanyuan knew that Jinshan and the others were very happy after they arrived. If they arrive earlier, one less human will die. This is a big deal, and things related to reputation are all big things for Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Great, if the elves can come to support the orcs, the orcs will definitely be repelled by us, thank you Lord God Envoy. The subordinates will discuss this matter with the Red Flame Empire, and they will definitely not let the elves support the elves. Aggrieved."

Jinshan is also a human being. Of course, he doesn't want the orcs to invade the human race. He can't know the strength of the elves. It would be great to have elven reinforcements.

Although Jinshan believes that they can successfully resist the invasion of the orcs with their support from the Light God Cult, it is estimated that there will be casualties. Now that there is a powerful help to help, how could he refuse?

"Well, so be it."

After talking about the matter, Zhu Yuanyuan hung up the contact. This time he didn't plan to go to the scene to watch the battle. He had already released the puppet mosquitoes to monitor him. He could see the battle on the spot in the Holy City of Elves. , And can also monitor the various movements of the orcs.

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