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Chapter 799: Xiayun City Joint Operation (2)

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"The elven army will arrive in 2-3 days? Pope Jin, why don't you tell this king earlier? The time is so tight, how can I make arrangements for this king!"

Yan Tianyang was dumbfounded instantly after hearing Jinshan's words, mmp, the old fellow with you has known for a long time, and now he told this king that the Elves are coming to support, this old man is very bad, time is so tight, no If it is arranged, isn't that the face of the Hongyan Empire?

"My lord, I just knew this. I just knew." Jinshan can't say his own plan. The reason why he didn't tell the Yantianyang Elves to come to support is because he arranged for Guangming Divine Cult to rush over. If the clan arrives earlier than the people of the Guangming Divine Sect, it will be terrible, so we have to see who arrives first before we can notify the Hongyan Empire.

After all, if the elves of the Red Flame Empire were notified to come to support, wouldn't the people of their Light God Cult be ignored? Can't do this.

"Okay, the king knows the matter, thank the envoy for this king." Yan Tianyang also knows that the tree is done now, and the envoy of the Guangming Divine Sect is also asking the elf queen to send an army to support him. He can't tell anyone. What is wrong.

After Jinshan and Yan Tianyang discussed how to receive the support troops of the elves, they left the city lord mansion of Xiayun City.

Yes, it’s the City Lord’s Mansion. After Yan Tianyang arrived in Xiayun City, he has lived in the City Lord’s Mansion. After all, the entire Xiayun City is also the largest and most luxurious in the City Lord’s Mansion. This Xiayun City is his Yunyang King’s territory. This is the best place, of course, Yan Tianyang must live by himself.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, Jinshan saw his third son, Jin Haotian, with a smile on his face.

Jinshan likes himself as the third child very much. He is agile and courageous. For example, Jin Haotian handled most of the things of the Light God Sect this time, and he changed his job to become a professional of the Light department. In a short time, he has become a strong man in the early days of God's Domain.

Although among the entire Guangming Divine Sect, there are now many strong Gods, but the Divine Realm is still strong among the entire Guangming Continent. There are many Divine Realms in the Guangming Divine Sect, but this does not mean that there are many Divine Realms on the continent. The mainland has not changed, there are still only those strong.

It was only because the Guangming God Sect had the variable Zhu Origin that it caused a large number of strong men to appear.

"San'er, let's go, let's meet your eldest brother." Jinshan looked at Jin Haotian and said with a smile.

"Father, big brother and they finally arrived? Then can we start countering the orcs right away?"

When Jin Haotian heard his elder brother and the others were coming, he knew that the army of the Bright God Sect had arrived. This was good news.

"Well, yes, we are going to fight back, but we need to discuss it carefully. Let's talk about it when the elves come."

Jinshan is not stupid. Although the professionals of the Light Department are indeed restraining the demonized orcs, not all the orcs are demonized, and it is necessary to prevent the Behemoths from emerging suddenly. Although the orcs have many people, they are after all Being one, it's as if there are various families and different races in the human race, but as long as there is an alien invasion, they will be united, so they have to guard against the orc races that have not come.


5 days later.

On the side of the Elves, the Red Flame Empire, and the Light God Cult, all the high-level officials gathered to discuss the counterattack of the orcs. It was also a place to introduce each other.

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