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Chapter 800: Xiayun City Joint Operation (2)

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Jinshan also heard Zhu Yuanli talk about some things in the elves, so they had a very good attitude towards Hualu. The adults of their own gods were all guests among the elves, and the adults of the gods were kind to the elves, so he was also right. The elves are very fond.

"What Elder Hualu said is that I think we should wipe out these orcs under Xiayun City first, and then we will work together to drive all these orcs back to the wild grasslands. King Yunyang, you say that this method will work. No?" Jinshan also put forward his own opinions afterwards.

"This king doesn't have any other opinions, but it should be very simple to destroy the orcs below Xiayun City. If you have the elves here, you must use a joint forbidden spell once, and the orcs below will be wiped out. Wouldn't it be better for us to go out of the city to kill the enemy in three ways?"

"I just don't know if Elder Hualu is willing to let the magic army of the elves go to war!"

Yan Tianyang is not a trash lord. After Jinshan put forward his opinion, he thought of this at once, and after knowing that the elves had defeated the orcs, Yan Tianyang knew that the elves had used a joint forbidden spell. Now that there is nothing wrong with it, he asked for a flower dew.

"I agree to the method mentioned by King Yunyang. Our elves will send a magic army to eliminate the demonized orcs and demonized people under Xiayun City."

Hualu did not hesitate, and directly agreed to this method. Although there are many strong people on their side, to say, these strong people can eliminate the demonized orcs and demonized people below, but they are semi-god-level strong If the player makes a move, the strong man of the orc clan will definitely make a move, so sending a magic army to use a joint forbidden spell is the best way.


The Red Flame Empire, the Light God Sect, and the Elven Clan, the three parties discussed the specific matters of cooperative combat, and after the agreement was reached, they began to act.

.... Time flies, and it's the day after the tripartite meeting.


"Strike into Xiayun City and kill all human beings."

"Come on..."


The orcs are also very weird. They stopped the siege at night and only started siege during the day, as if it was a job. The night was a rest time and the day was a work time.

"Dandan, how is it? Are you ready?" Hua Lu asked the Hua Dan who commanded the Magician Army this time.

"Lulu, don't worry, I'm all ready, as long as you give an order, all the magicians of my elven clan can enter the best fighting state." Hua Dan smiled and nodded, the magic of the elves. The division army came here a lot this time, 10 million, more than the army in the last time in the city of Dryvine.

This is also because there are not many troops in Dryvine City. The Dusk Gorge does not need to be defended. The yellow-patterned crystal snake will not invade the elven forest. This is the discussion between the strong of the elves and the strong of the yellow-patterned crystal snake. Passed.

However, the elves did not expect that the orcs would collude with the demons, thereby demonizing all the yellow-patterned crystal snakes, which led to the invasion of the orcs.

If the orcs were not demonized and had devilish energy on their bodies, it would be difficult for them to pass through the Dusk Canyon, and I am afraid they would suffer heavy losses. Let alone attack withered vine city, it would be difficult for them to protect themselves. Among the snakes, there are demigod-level powerhouses, otherwise the elves would not let them stay at the gate of their elves.

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