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Chapter 801: Xiayun City Joint Operation (4)

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"Dandan, order to go down and prepare to join the curse "Sun Luo Purgatory"! Target all demonized orcs and demonized people outside Xiayun City."

After Hualu got the consent of Yan Tianyang and Jinshan, she immediately issued her own order to Hua Dan. This time she came out to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the orc race. It was brought by Her Majesty's order. If the demonized orcs of the orc clan are not wiped out, they will not return to the elven forest.

"Yes!" Hua Dan agreed, and then quickly passed the order.

"Wood elves of nature, please listen to the request of your most sincere friends, and gather together...Shen Luo Purgatory!"

After Hua Dan’s order was passed to all the elven magicians, there were waves of terrifying magic in a short while. All the elves who came this time were wood magicians, so they were still like Senluo Purgatory. Super joint forbidden spell.

It's not that there are no other wood-based forbidden spells, but this one is enough. One trick is rarely eaten all over the sky. This Sun Luo Purgatory is also the most trained forbidden spell by the magic army of the elves. If you change it, it really won't Must be so skilled.


When the wizards of the Elf Race in Xiayun City launched a joint forbidden spell, in the orc camp a hundred miles away.

"No, your Majesty Beast King, there are horrible magic fluctuations coming from Xiayun City, and it is also the fluctuation of wood magic elements. How can this be so similar to the magic fluctuations released by those **** elves in Withered City?"

At this time, Huyou was discussing something with Tiger Ba, so he immediately sensed the wood magic element fluctuations. What made him panic was that the magic fluctuations were too similar to the joint forbidden curse encountered in the Elven Clan Dryvine City. , He was shocked at once, which is not a good thing.

"Your Majesty, could it be said that the elves have come to support the human race, and have they arrived in Xiayun City? No, it must be those **** elves who have come." The more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes. If this elven race is united with the human race If they do, do they still have a way to survive?

"What are you so worried about? Hurry up Mingjin to retreat, otherwise the soldiers that my orcs rushed up will be dead." Tiger Ba also feels very unlucky, why the elves are coming again and chasing the orcs to fight, even though he looks at the fox you are unhappy , I don't want to listen to the words of the Demon Race, but there is no problem with attacking the Human Race. After all, the Orcs and Human Race are fighting every year.

As the so-called being bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years, so although this time I came to attack the human race, but the orc army camp is a hundred miles away from Xiayun City, so the curse cannot reach them. , And the distance of hundreds of miles is not a big deal to the orcs, and they will be able to quickly reach the city of Xiayun soon.

"Ah, yes, Your Majesty, I'll go now, here's going." Hu You also really felt that bad luck was on his head, because everything was not going well, and things did not follow his plan.

After seeing Hu You go out, the anger on Tiger Ba's face disappeared and he gave a cold smile.

"Tiger Horn, you go to contact Shi Huang and ask him to immediately organize troops to go to the holy city to destroy the demonized orcs, destroy all the altars, and then come to the Human Race Association and kill the people who killed the fox. The emperor wants to let the fox There is no place to die!"

After seeing Huyou walking away, Tiger Ba immediately arranged for Tiger Horn to do the job. This matter was very important, and it was related to the survival of the orcs in the future.

"Yes, Your Majesty, your subordinates will go now." Tiger Horn agreed, and then hurried away.

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