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Chapter 802: Xiayun City Joint Operation (5)

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"Let the order go on, open the city gate, and the whole army will attack, and target the orc barracks!"

With the passing of the order, the armies of the Elves, the Red Flame Empire, and the Light God Sect all moved quickly.

"Squeak..." The gate of Xiayun City that had not been opened for many days was opened.


"Da da da......"

With the opening of the city gates, the first came out of the Light Knights of the Light God Sect. The Light Knights have strong defenses and at the same time have light fighting spirit that can restrain the devilish energy. Of course, they are the first to come out and charge at the forefront. .

Immediately after the Bright Knights appeared was the Scarlet Knights, the elite army in the Crimson Flame Empire.

To say that the overall cultivation base of the Scarlet Knights is not weaker than that of the Light Knights, but because the Light Element is too special, the whole is suppressed. The soldiers of the Scarlet Knights are all fire professionals.

The minimum strength of all the soldiers of the Scarlet Knights is around level 5-6, and the highest is the strongest of God's Domain, but those who are strong are officer-level generals, and those who are weak are soldiers.

In the Scarlet Knights, all the knights ride on the flame horse. The flame horse is a level 5 monster. It has the highest level of God's Domain. It is a kind of fire-type gregarious monster. It resembles a horse, but the whole body is fire-red. When running, the whole body is Braving the flames.

At the same time, the Scarlet Knights wore red armors and cloaks, charging like a ball of blood, so they were named the Scarlet Knights.

After the Scarlet Knights came out, the elven knights of the elves were followed, all riding unicorns. Of course, they were not soldiers of the unicorns, but the regular troops of the elves. There were knights and swordsmen. , There are also archers.

The soldiers in the unicorn knights are actually selected from these regular elves.

The unicorns of the elf knights are not pure-blooded unicorns, but beasts with unicorn blood. They look very similar to unicorns, but in fact the blood is not pure.

The elves also brought flying troops this time, all horned eagles, and now they are supporting the elven mage to follow the big troops, so that they can fight the routs of orcs in the air.

And the last one who left the city was the Light Mage Group. These Light Mage had to assist the elves to fight against all the troops in front of them. This time they did not seek to kill the enemy, but only needed to protect the safety of all the soldiers.

None of the three armies are infantry. Even the Light Mage has its own mounts, so the sea of ​​blood outside the city is like walking on the ground to them, and they rushed directly towards the orc barracks, one hundred miles. Only, at the speed of the mount, it takes less than half an hour to reach the orc barracks.


"Your Majesty, let's retreat. The elves are indeed united with the humans. All the troops in front of us are gone. We first retreat to the wild grasslands, and then regroup the troops and fight them. What do you think?"

As soon as Jinshan and their three armies were dispatched, Hu You and the others found the orc barracks here. This time they had to escape. Otherwise, they would have to explain here, so Hu You suggested to Huba.

"Well, let's retreat first."

What makes Huyou feel strange is that Tiger Ba did not object this time, and he directly agreed to retreat, and there was not much to say.

Soon, all the orcs on the side of the orc tribe moved lightly, and all the orcs retreated toward the wild grassland, leaving only the demonized people in place to hinder Jinshan and their trilateral combined army.

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