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Chapter 803: Return of the Emperor!

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When Jinshan and their trilateral joint army chased Tiger Bahuyou and their orc army, an earth-shattering event occurred in the Beast Emperor City.

"Roar...this emperor Lion Huang, all the orc soldiers at the gate of the city put down their weapons, and the surrender will not kill!"

Lion Huang was flying in the sky with golden silk, standing on a huge Bemun, roaring, and then a domineering voice sounded in the entire Beast Imperial City, making all the orcs in the Beast Imperial City heard .

"Lion Huang? Is my emperor coming back?" A scavenger hidden in the sewers of Beast Emperor City got out, and then looked at the sound.

"It's the voice of my emperor, my emperor has not fallen, my emperor is back, great! My emperor's power, my emperor's power!" After hearing the voice of Lion Huang, a sheep race burst into tears and knelt down. On the ground, shouting!

"Lion Huang is not dead, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Beast King? Sure enough, the lion clan declined so simply."

"The emperor is back, it seems that the heaven of the orcs is about to change again!"

All the orcs in the Beast Emperor City who heard Lion Huang’s voice were happy, worried, frightened, and desperate. It seems that some orcs hope that Lion Huang will re-top the Beast Emperor, but some But the orcs don't like that Shi Huang is still alive!

Outside the city gate, Lion Huang was standing on a huge behemoth beast, almost as high as the wall of Beast Emperor City.

The wall of the Beast Imperial City is not very high, which is only 2-30 meters. In fact, when the Beast Imperial City was first built, the orcs originally did not plan to have any walls, but after persuasion, they built the wall. The one-hundred-meter-high city wall became a lot shorter and became 20-30 meters high.

"Ding Dong! Wow!"

"Knock to my emperor, my emperor's power, my emperor's power!"

When I saw Lion Huang standing on top of the behemoth, not counting the behemoth underneath Lion Huang, there were also a group of thousands of behemoths, all of them about 20 meters tall. Such a scene immediately suffocated all the orc soldiers on the wall of the Beast Emperor City, all of them dropped their weapons and bowed down.

"Hey! Get up for me, get up for Lao Tzu, now the Beast Emperor is the Tiger Tyrant, not his Lion Huang, stand up for Lao Tzu and take up arms."

However, some of the orcs themselves were arranged by Fox You or Tiger Ba, so all of them did not recognize the status of Lion Huang. They took out the whip and began to draw all the orcs who bowed down on the wall.

But these orcs didn't make a sound, and they directly let him whip, seeming to be sincere in Shi Huang.

"Asshole! Die to the emperor!"

The orc who was whipping the soldier was spotted by Shi Huang, and a golden shadow flashed by when he moved his hand.


A little bit of blood fell, and the orc who whipped the soldier's head flew all at once, and when the orc's head flew, it was still a hideous image, but when his head flew to the sky, he saw his headless body, and then he realized that he His head has been chopped off and he is dead.

It turned out that Lion Huang used the golden fighting spirit of the Lion race, and slashed it down. Not to mention that this beast talent is a sanctuary, even if it is God's Domain, it is also the target of spike.

"Soldiers, all get up! The children of the Beast Imperial City, the Emperor Shihuang, is back. Don’t worry, what it was like before and what it will be like in the future. This emperor will not pursue the rebellious race. Will kill the first evil, you just tell each other!"

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