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Chapter 804: Clean up the portal (1)!

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Brother Meng roared, the behemoth giant beast, his whole body gathered on his palms, and then slammed toward the altar.

With a "bang...", Brother Meng's vindictive palm didn't even smash the altar. A barrier appeared out of thin air on the altar to block Meng's vindictiveness, but the barrier was also fierce. Fluctuated.

"Roar... for labor and management... ah ah ah." After Meng Ge realized that his attack was resisted, his expression became more and more furious. The vindictiveness in his body gushed out frantically, and he screamed frantically, and the vindictiveness continued. Above the barrier.

"Boom..." In the end, the enchantment was unable to withstand the attack of the demigod behemoth of Meng, and collapsed. After a loud noise, the entire altar, even the pool, turned into fly ash, and was vindicted. To annihilate.

"Who is it? Who is attacking the space altar of this seat, this seat will come back..."

However, when the altar collapsed, an evil voice faintly came out. When this voice sounded, Shi Huang and Meng Ge were all pressed down on the ground by the momentum contained in the voice, embarrassed. .

"Puff...cough cough cough..." Shi Huang spit out blood while lying on the ground, suffering a great internal injury.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" And Brother Meng is strong, although there is a bit of blood at the corner of his mouth, but it is only a minor injury, not serious, Meng asked Shi Huang in a voice.

"Cough! No.... It's okay, Brother Meng, let's go up." Shi Huang coughed, and then stood up after relieving his injury, and then said to Brother Meng.

This altar is of course not on the surface, but in an underground secret room in the palace. This secret room is so huge that even a man as big as Meng can walk in directly.

After Shi Huang and Brother Meng went up, in the palace hall of the Beast Emperor City, they met the strong men of various races waiting to report and counter the rebellion.

"Your Majesty, why are you injured?"

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"Your Majesty, who dares to hurt you? My mouse will never let him go!"

Seeing Shi Huang's face pale, the blood on the corners of his mouth, and the appearance of blood stains on his clothes, all the orc powerhouses in the palace hall were boiling. Someone could hurt Lion Huang, and they instantly became angry. Now, all of his faces have murderous intent.

"It's okay, a little injury, and the emperor’s life is not going to be taken. Please don’t worry, mice, the demon on the side of the altar hurt the emperor. When the altar was destroyed, it was hit by the demon’s momentum. , This must be a god-level powerhouse, are you sure you want to let him go?"

Shi Huang waved his hand first, saying that he was okay, and finally teased Shu Jin, the chief of the rat people.

"Um... Your Majesty, I don't know where the Demon Realm is, I can't go, let's forget it, when I meet the Demon Race, I will definitely be the first to rush up to vent your anger to your Majesty!"

After Shu Jin heard Shi Huang's words, a mouse face was a little dazed. The aura of the mouse face was very cute, but he quickly reacted and quickly went down the stairs.

Shu Jin is the number one powerhouse of the rat people, and a semi-god-level powerhouse. He is an assassin of the earth type, and he can shuttle through the land. It can be regarded as a kind of earth escape, but it is said on the bright continent. Of the soil art.

"Quack...Mouse, you have the courage, don't just dig your head into the soil after you touch the demon, and you can rush up to get out of your breath, just find a hole to rush in and hide!"

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