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Chapter 808: Exposed!

"Demonized orcs, this emperor will not let them go. Colluding with the orcs who want to betray the mainland, this emperor will not let any of them. You want to participate in my orcs to eliminate the insurgents. All three of you can send masters to assist my orc race to search for those demonized orcs, only until there are no demonized orcs in the wild grassland, what do you think?"

   Lion Huang is not a weak beast king. His meaning is very clear. You can search for the demonized orcs and the orcs themselves. You can participate if you want, but the large forces can't enter the wild grasslands. You can only send a few masters to participate in the action.

"This... Elder Hualu, prince, what do you say? It doesn't matter to me, the Lord God Envoy's order is only to destroy the demonized orcs and the altar that communicates with the demon race. As for how to eliminate it, what is it? It doesn’t matter if people are eliminated, as long as things are done."

When Jinshan and Zhu Yuanyuan got in touch, they received an order to destroy the demonized orcs, but they didn't say that they must be destroyed by themselves. Since the orcs want to solve it by themselves, the Shining God Cult will not lose the followers, so why not do it. What?

"This king looks at the decision of Elder Hualu!" Yan Tianyang is actually a bit embarrassed. Jinshan can throw away the pot at will. As the commander of the Hongyan Empire army, he must show his own attitude. Hualu, the great elder of the elves, came out and said something.

Hualu glanced at Jinshan and Yan Tianyang and said, "Lion Huang, since you orcs want to solve this problem by yourself, then we won’t have to ask too much. As you said, we will send some strong people to supervise you. Suppress the demonized orcs."

"This king agrees with Elder Hualu's opinion." After Yan Tianyang heard what Elder Hualu said, he directly agreed to this opinion. The situation is a bit wrong now, and there are only Hongyan Empire and Guangming Sect on Human Race. If you really want to fight, the strength of the orcs is stronger than them, even if there are elves on the court, it is not easy to say the outcome.

   "Okay! That's all for this matter, and the emperor promises you to send strong men to oversee."

Shi Huang directly agreed to this condition. This time, it was the fault of their orc tribe. This supervision should be done, and he didn't want to entangle too much. At the same time, he knew that the strength of the elven tribe was not as simple as it appeared on the surface. If the entanglement continues, the elves may not be so easy to talk, and that would be bad.


   While the orcs, elves, humans, and the three parties were discussing how to deal with the demonized orcs, a big event happened in another space, or another world.

   Demon World, Demon Race, Demon City, Demon Palace.

"Things are messed up, you dare to come to the Demon God Palace, go back and get things done before you come back!" A towering figure sat on the throne above the Demon God Palace, his tone was extremely cold, and the voice fell with a black air. The demonic energy directly hit a demons kneeling below.

   "Bang!" With a sound, the kneeling Demon Race was hit by Demon Qi and flew directly out of the Demon God Palace.

   "Kacha!" The flying demons suddenly smashed the gate made of black flame wood in the Demon God Palace.

   "Puff!" After smashing the black flame wood gate, the demon clan fell on the square in front of the gate of the Demon God Palace, spitting out green blood.

   "The subordinates thank the emperor for his mercy, and the subordinates will go back now. The subordinates have already noted the coordinates of the altar. The Bright Continent cannot pass through, and can break through from the outside."

   After the demon spit out blood, he knelt outside again. After hearing him roll, he said something quickly, and then left in a hurry.

   "Go, follow Jing Yeming, don't let him do any tricks, if you find something wrong with him, then deal with it."

   The majestic figure sitting on the throne in the Demon Shrine came out with a chill.

   "Yes, the emperor!" Suddenly a demon appeared on the ground 20 meters below the throne and knelt down and agreed. This demon was silent, and even the promise was cold, as if there was no emotion at all.

   After the demon made a promise, he disappeared in the same place in an instant. It seemed that he had gone out and followed the previous Jing Yeming.

"It's really unlucky, how did the emperor know about the destruction of the space altar? Could it be that I have the emperor's spies by my side?" Although Jing Yeming said that he didn't dare to complain about the emperor, he still felt very aggrieved in his heart and thought of himself. People around you are unreliable.

   After leaving the Demon God City, Jing Yeming quickly returned to the Holy Moon City, which was the site of their Jing family. It was only then that he let out a sigh of relief.

However, what Jing Yeming didn’t notice was that there was a demon following him in the dark. With the power of Jing Yeming’s main **** level, he could not find the demon in the dark. Professionals of the assassin class.

Of course there are warrior professionals in the demons~www.ltnovel.com~ as well as wizard professionals, as well as archers, assassins, and other professionals. They are similar to the professions in the wizarding world, but they use different energy. .

In fact, not all of the demons are evil races. Many of them are good people, but there are demons in the demons. So even if these people are good people, they also have negative emotions, and sometimes they can’t control themselves. Emotions, this is the side effect of demonic energy.

"Master, you're back, what's the matter with you? Why do you look a little out of control?" After Jing Fu saw Jing Yeming returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he greeted him, but then he saw Jing Yeming look embarrassed, as if It was the dog of the mourning family who had fled back. Jing Fu couldn't help but feel a little worried. Could it be that the emperor didn't let his master go?

"It's okay, I'm okay, hey! Jing Fu, I was terrified today. The emperor knew about the destruction of the Space Altar. The Guangming Continent wanted our Jing family to give an explanation. , We're done."

  Jing Yeming first said that he was okay, then he sighed deeply, and then explained the reason. .

"Does the emperor know? Master, what shall we do? Although the space fluctuates violently when the altar is destroyed, we also know the spatial coordinates there, but the Bright Continent is still in a sealed state. Are we going to go outside the Bright Continent? but...."

   Jing Fu shuddered suddenly as he said, he knew that the magical world was not that simple, and there were many god-level powerhouses outside Guangming Continent. Although they were the main god-level people, they were still not the strongest.

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