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Chapter 809: Unlucky Jing Yeming!

"There is no way, I can only take the risk and get through the coordinates near the Bright Continent. Otherwise, what else can I do? The emperor urged, if we don't do it, then everyone in Holy Moon City will probably die!"

   Jing Yeming knows what Jing Fu is worried about, but now that something like this has happened, he has to do it, otherwise the emperor's level will not pass.

You must know that the space channel of the Bright Continent was opened up by the Great Emperor himself, but because there was a seal on the Bright Continent, their demons could not descend in the past, so they could only build an altar to communicate with the believers there from time to time to let their The believer went to break the seal barrier, who knew that the matter had failed, and the altar was destroyed.

   The great emperor didn't continue to shoot this time, so he had to open the space channel by himself.

   Well Yeming is low in strength and cannot open the space channel leading to the Bright Continent, so he can only open the space coordinate channel near the Bright Continent.

   But this is also risky. Who knows where the spatial coordinates are opened?

   It's okay if the opened space channel happens to be in the territory of a main god, but if the opened space channel goes to a supreme god's chassis, the situation is definitely not good, that is, I rushed to die.

   This is what Jing Fu is worried about. The war between the magic world and the magic world has been going on, not once or twice, even if it is still in the war.

   The Demon Race is not limited to the Guangming Continent where there are space altars. There are space altars in many other places in the magic world, and all of them are now at war, and there are divine battles with the gods in the magic world.

The Bright Continent may be the most important continent for the demons to invade. I don’t know where the Demons know that the Bright Continent is the birthplace of many races in the magic world. Therefore, the Demon Great Emperor, a master-level power, will open up the way to the light. The passage of the mainland, but the great emperor of the Demon Race did not expect to have a seal barrier on the Bright Continent.

   And this sealed enchantment Demon Race Great Emperor could not be broken, which made the Demon Race Great Emperor very jealous of the Bright Continent. He felt that there must have been a powerful powerful person here, otherwise it would be impossible to leave such a powerful sealed enchantment.


   "Isuki, right here, let's start! Second brother, third brother, fourth brother, wait a while for I and I to go over, you stay here, don't let others take advantage of the loopholes.

Jing Yeming found a valley, this valley is near Holy Moon City, but usually no one comes, it is considered a barren land, he checked, there are no people here, it is still very safe, mainly secret, he I don't want anyone to give him a knife behind his back.

This space channel is a very important thing. In fact, every city of the Demon Race has a channel leading to the magic world. It’s just that Jing Yeming is the most unlucky. He just happened to be assigned to the Bright Continent. Now even if he wants Changing the continent will not work.

  Because this was an order from the emperor himself, Jing Yeming didn't dare to disobey, otherwise he would only wait for death, and there would be no second way.

"Yes, sir." Jing Fu agreed and stood motionless in the middle of the valley. In fact, he was also a group of panic in his heart. He didn't want to go, but no. He just wanted to say that the baby is suffering. Who can understand him? !

   "Brother, let me go, you are the owner of the Jing family, you can't do such a dangerous thing."

   Jing Tao's face is also very bitter, their Jing family finally has 3 main **** levels, is this time the big brother and Jing Fu are inevitable?

People in the magic world have a lot of opinions on their demons, and kill them if they encounter them. If my eldest brother goes to the magic world, he will definitely fight after meeting the gods over there. One big brother and Jing Fu were arrested. , Or were killed, wouldn't their Jing family lose two master **** level powerhouses overnight?

   And his elder brother is the owner of the family, the more Jing Tao thought about it, the more he felt that he should go by himself, so he stopped.

   "Yes, yeah, brother, you can't go, let me go, brother."

   "Yes, brother, let me go to the magic world on your behalf!"

   The other two people from the Jing family were talking, both of Jing Yeming's younger brother, the third brother Jing Hai, and the fourth brother Jing Lang.

"Okay, needless to say, I have decided. Brothers, it's not that the eldest brother has to go by himself, and he must not go. The emperor said so, do you want me to disobey? In that case, I am afraid that everyone in my Jing family To die, you must not do this."

Jing Yeming shook his head and vetoed their opinions. At the time when he was in the Demon God's Palace, the emperor pointed out that he should let him get things done. If he was a prosthetic hand, the emperor would probably find out immediately. Was put to death on the charge of deceiving the king, this can't be done like this.

   "Okay, that's the end of the matter, you guys step back a little." Jing Yeming felt that what he said was almost the same, so he asked his brothers to step back.

   "Isuke, are you ready?" Jing Yeming asked Isuke who had been standing still.

   "Patriarch, I'm ready." Jing Fu nodded quickly and agreed.

   "Open it to me!"

After Jing Yeming heard that Jing Fu was ready, he took out a sword, and through the coordinate connection, he found the bright continent in the magic world in an instant~www.ltnovel.com~ but he didn't stop. I went straight to the Bright Continent and chose a starry sky, which would not break into someone else's territory.


   After Jing Yeming's sword light passed, the entire space was torn apart, revealing the opposite scene, but Jing Yeming and the others did not pass by immediately.

   "Boom!" With a boom, Jing Yeming took out an altar from the space ring and placed it under the space channel. This was already prepared.

   "Give it to my town!" Jing Yeming used magic energy to connect to the altar, and then black light came out, thus binding this spatial passage to the altar.

   "Okay, the space positioning is complete, Insuke, let's go! Brothers, wait for my good news."

   Jing Yeming directly greeted Jing Fu and went up to the altar, and then waited for news from him with his brothers.

   "Let's go!" After Jing Yeming finished speaking, he drilled directly into the space channel, and then traveled through countless spaces in an instant, into a starry sky.

   "You die if you die, let's go!" Jing Fu saw that Jing Yeming had gone in, so he could only follow Jing Yeming in chaos. .

"Here, is this the magical world? I haven't been here. It's strange that there is no demon energy here. Jingsuke, have you noticed it? There is no demon energy. If there is no demon energy, I am afraid it would not be like this. ."

   Jing Yeming is also the first time to come to the magic world, so he praises the lack of magic outside here.

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