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Chapter 810: Transform the beads!

   "Is this the magic world? There is no demon energy, and it feels so comfortable. It's like getting rid of some restraints, and there are not so many distracting thoughts in the demon world. Insuke, how do you feel?"

After    Jing Yeming entered the magic world through the space channel, he felt that the whole person was comfortable, not at all the distracting thoughts in the magic world, and his motionlessness made the whole person emotionally uncontrollable.

   "Patriarch, this magic world is really very good, much better than the environment in the magic world."

   Jing Fu also showed a comfortable look on his face, he felt that he didn't want to go back, it was too comfortable.

"Well, that's right. I don't think our Jing family needs to stay in the Demon World at all. The Demon World is too dangerous, Jing Fu, do you think we should find a place where the Demon Race has not invaded, and then take all the people in the family How is the magic world?"

Jing Yeming suddenly thought of a way to get their Jing family to get rid of the Great Emperor of the Demon Race. Following the Great Emperor of the Demon Race is too dangerous. Maybe he will lose his life whenever he wants to stay in the magic world. gone back.

   "Huh? Patriarch, do you mean to leave the demons? If you do this, the emperor will definitely not let us go."

After Jing Fu heard the words of his Patriarch, he was a little dazed. Although he felt that the magic world was very good and wanted to stay here to live, if he did that, the Demon King would definitely not let them go. That would be very dangerous. , There is no retreat.

The magical world is not as safe as imagined. If it is discovered by the gods of the magical world, and then the magical world cannot go back, then their Jing family will have no way to go to heaven, and the end of ten deaths and no lives, so Jing Fu hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, this is the magical world. When the emperor comes over, he will be discovered by the dominion-level gods here. Even if it is us, it may have been exposed! No, let's leave here quickly. The affairs of Guangming Continent are ignored. Who wants to go to whom? Go, I don't care anymore."

   Jing Yeming was halfway through, and suddenly it occurred to them that they had opened up a space channel in this way. Maybe they had already exposed the place where they were. Some gods might have rushed over, so he called Shang Jingfu and ran away.

   "Hush!" Although Jing Yeming and Jing Fu have discovered the Bright Continent, they still ran away without hesitation. They didn't want to die here for this matter.

   Every life has the will to survive. Even as a demon, Jing Yeming and the others don't want to die, and they don't want to live in the shadow of the great emperor of the demon.

   After going to the Demon Palace this time and almost died, Jing Yeming has already decided to betray the Demon Emperor, which is no different from betraying the Demon Race.


After Jing Yeming and Jing Fu ran for more than a long time, they completely left the starry sky in Guangming Continent. They were the masters of the main **** level, and they were very fast, reaching the speed of light. The main **** level can carry out starry sky teleportation, but They dare not use teleportation. Teleportation will cause spatial fluctuations. It will be bad if they are discovered by the gods of the magic world, so they also use their own devilish energy and physical strength when running.

   "Huh! Okay, no need to run, it's already far away." After Jing Yeming stopped and swept the surrounding area with his mental power, he was also relieved when he found that there was no breath of gods around.

"Patriarch, there is a continent over there, do we want to see it?" After Jing Fu on one side looked around the surrounding environment, he found that there was a small continent floating in the starry sky not far from them. In, quickly said to Jing Yeming.

  The continents in the magical world are floating around, of course, not only the continents, there are also many meteorites or uninhabited planets in the starry sky outside the continents.

  In the magical world, life is born only on continents, and other places like planets will only give birth to dead things, such as various mineral veins.

"Well, let’s go over and see. It seems to be very remote here. No **** has ever encountered it. If there is no intelligent life in this continent, then we will stay here and take people from the family. It will be out of the control of the emperor."

   Jing Yeming was also very excited after seeing this continent. They ran for most of the day without hitting the gods, indicating that this place is very remote. Generally speaking, no one will come, so he thought of staying here to develop.

The Demon Emperor in Jing Yeming’s mouth is not actually the ruler of the Demon Clan, but one of the powerful masters of the Demon Clan. He is recognized by the Demon Clan as the great emperor. There are 4 emperors in the Demon Clan, which is 4 Domination-level powerful powerhouses, this is already very scary, if so many dominance-level powers go to war with the magical world, they are really 50-50.

   After speaking, Jing Yeming took Jing Fu and flew over.

   "This continent is good, but it doesn't seem to have intelligent creatures. It's okay. They are all beasts and monsters, just enough to allow us to control the entire continent."

Floating over the mainland, Jing Yeming and Jing Fu looked at the lush flowers and trees on the mainland, and the birds of beasts flying in the sky from time to time, and groups of herbivorous beasts and hunting carnivorous beasts drilled out on the grassland. Traces of intelligent life, these also make them both feel very good ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Jing Fu, let's go down and take a look. "

   "Yes, Patriarch."

   Jing Yeming finished speaking and flew into the mainland with Jing Fu who promised.

   "The magic elements in this continent are so strong, it feels so comfortable, but the devilish energy of our body will invade the space of this continent, Jing Fu, do you think we should practice that fighting qigong method?"

   After Jing Yeming entered the mainland, he said thoughtfully.

"Patriarch, if we are sure that we will not return to the demon world, then we must integrate into the magic world, and then we must practice the magic world. The devil energy cannot continue to be cultivated, and even the devil energy from the body will be dissipated. But in this way, we may not be able to regain the strength of the main **** level in a short time."

After Jing Fu heard the words of his Patriarch, his brows instantly frowned. He didn't want to modify the magic world, but after the devilish energy was released, their strength would plummet. At this time, if an enemy finds them. It would be terrible if they had no strength at all, and they would become lambs to be slaughtered at that time, and Jing Fu didn't want to be like this. .

"Haha, Jingfu, have you forgotten that we have a strange thing, as long as we pass that thing, then we can completely transform the magic energy into the elemental power of the magic world, in that case, our strength can still be Saved."

Jing Yeming laughed, and then reminded Jing Fu that he found a strange object when he was in the devil world. This strange object is a bead that can transform the devil energy into any energy, a very mysterious treasure. On the spot, it became the treasure of the Jing family's town and was named "Transformation Bead"!

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