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Chapter 811: Something happened to the mother tree of life!

"Ah, yes, Patriarch, I suddenly forgot that our Jing family has transformation beads, and this continent belongs to our Jing family. As long as all the demon energy in the body is transformed into elemental power, Even if we still look like this, presumably the races in the magic world will definitely not think that we are the demons, but only think that we are very similar to the demons."

After Jing Yeming's words were heard, Jing Fu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was happy, yes, how come he forgot, there are strange things like Transformation Beads in his family, which can completely transform demon energy into elemental power , In this way they have also become natives of the magic world, and there must be no gods to trouble them.

"That's right, Jing Fu, that's it. We first build a secret room and arrange the enchantment, first transform the devilish energy on ourselves, and then take all the people in the family."

After Jing Yeming thought about it, he felt that he should first transform the devilish energy on his body, and then take all the members of the family.

Next, Jing Yeming and the two of them found a boundary surrounded by mountains and rivers. First, they built a secret room thousands of meters deep, arranged the barrier, and then began to transform the devilish energy on their bodies.

Soon all the devilish energy in them was transformed into elemental power, and Jing Yeming and the two became gods in the magic world.

After getting acquainted with their new energy, Jing Yeming and the others moved the family from the Demon Realm.

There was no twists and turns, Jing Yeming and the others were very careful, and directly opened the channel to the Jing family’s ancestral land. There is an enchantment there. Even the master level can hide it. Of course, this is just the master level. The reason for coming here would definitely be discovered if the Domination-level Great Neng passed to the Jing Family Ancestral Land.

The Jing family was quickly relocated, and even the Holy Moon City was searched by them.

Originally, after Jing Yeming and the two of them opened the way to the magical world, the person sent by the Demon Clan Great Emperor went back, so no one knew that the Jing family would betray or run away. This has never happened before. , This is still a precedent.


After the war against the orcs ended, Zhu Yuanyuan also contacted Jinshan.

"Jinshan, you did a great job this time." Zhu Yuanyuan praised after seeing the appearance of Jinshan's image.

"The Lord God entrusted the award, this is what the subordinates should do." Jin Shan quickly humbled, but he was still very contented in his heart. Although he did not continue to chase the orcs into the nest, it was enough.

After all, the Orcs didn’t hurt any bones, they just lost some Sanctuary and God’s Territory powerhouses, and some cannon fodder below Sanctuary. None of the demi-god-level powerhouses lost, of course, they can’t be counted as those who were demonized After the demigod level.

"Yeah. Jinshan, there is a lion clan prince and lion clan guards in the rock city of the Red Flame Empire. Arrange them to leave the rock city and send them to the wild grassland. Now that the matter has been resolved, there is no use leaving them behind. Up."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought that since the orcs have returned to the control of the lions, the prince is useless. He originally planned to support the prince to go back for revenge. How can he know that this is an oolong!

It is estimated that Tiger Xianfeng's son, Tiger Xianfeng, came to kill Lion Tianlin because of personal grievances, and he would hunt down Lion Tianlin. Moreover, Tiger Xianfeng did not know that his father Tigerba was actually a Voldemort or a lurking fox. The spy around You.

It can be said that the death of Tiger Xianfeng was really wrong, and he was unlucky enough to meet Zhu Yuanyuan, otherwise Tiger Xianfeng would not die. It is estimated that Lion Tianlin will die last.

"Yes, Lord God Envoy, the subordinates know."

"Well, that's it."

After Zhu Yuanyuan hung up the contact, he looked up at the Mother Tree of Life in the sky. The battle of the orcs had been over for a week. Starting a week ago, the Mother Tree of Life had something wrong. He found that the green light emitted by the Mother Tree of Life was dimmed.

"Strange, is the mother tree of life sick? Impossible, how could such a powerful life be sick? What's the problem?" Zhu Yuanyuan frowned and looked at the still huge mother tree of life, he couldn't figure it out.

The green light emitted by the mother tree of life is actually a kind of light of life, which is naturally emitted after absorbing energy and can benefit any life.

For example, all plants within the range of the light of life will grow faster and have very good quality.

For example, the growth rate of all animals within the range of the light of life has also become a bit faster, and at the same time it can also benefit the beast.

Now that the light of life is weak, all creatures within the range of the mother tree of life can feel it. Those treants are the first to sense it, and the sense of plants is the strongest.

Of course, this matter was immediately reported to the Elf Queen, and now the sky is already under the mother tree of life.

"Your Majesty, what did the mother **** say?"

Hualu had already come back now, and someone from the orc tribe was presiding over it, and she was now asking worriedly.

"The mother **** did not answer, he was still asleep, and now I don't know what the reason is, why the mother god's brilliance will weaken."

Hua Qingqing shook her head sadly. She has no contact with the mother tree of life. The consciousness of the mother **** is still sleeping, but she can feel the existence of the mother god, the consciousness of the mother **** is fine, and she is still sleeping in the body. , I just don’t know if there is something wrong with the mother god’s body.

"Your Majesty~www.ltnovel.com~ arrange for a wood magician to come over and use everything to revive. What do you think?"

Hua Dan put forward an opinion. If she thinks there is something wrong with the mother god’s body, then use the recovery magic to see. This recovery of all things can completely make plants grow better, even if it is useless, it will not harm the mother god. .

"Can all things recover? You can try, then arrange for a wood magician to come over and use all things to recover together, and we will also sell them together, and strive to strengthen the entire magic to the strongest effect."

After thinking about it, Hua Qingqing felt that the method that Elder Hua Dan said could still be used.

Soon the wood magicians were summoned, but this was only the elven wood magicians in the elves holy city, time was too late, only the magicians in the elves holy city could be summoned.

"The wood elements in the world...please...recover all things!"

When the magic of resurrection of all things was displayed, the whole magic enveloped the main trunk of the mother tree of life, and then gradually spread into the holy city of the elves.

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