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Chapter 812: Heal the mother tree of life!

   "Your Majesty, how is the situation with Mother God?"

   After the joint forbidden curse of All Things Resurrection was cast, all the elves of Hualu and their elves looked at the Queen Hua Qingqing.

   "The mother god's body has recovered a bit, but the root cause is still not resolved. The mother god's life energy is still disappearing, although the rate of disappearing is very slow."

   Hua Qingqing touched the mother tree of life and sensed its state, then she shook her head dimly and said.

   "What? How could this happen? Your Majesty, what shall we do? Do you want to contact the Goddess of Life?"

After Hualu heard her Majesty’s words, her face turned pale in an instant. Something happened to the mother goddess. They have now used all their abilities. There is no other way but to contact the gods of the elves. See if they can do anything about it.

"You don’t need to contact the goddess of life. The mother **** may have something to do with the demons. Let’s find Mr. Zhu over. He is the messenger of the **** of light and the magician of the light system. I understand very well, let him see what the mother **** is."

   After thinking about it, Hua Qingqing decided not to contact the goddess of life. She thought that there had been no accidents with the goddess before. It was not until the appearance of the demon clan some time ago that the life energy of the goddess gradually weakened.

   Since it is because of the demon clan, Hua Qingqing thinks that the light element that can restrain the devil will definitely play a role.

   "This... Your Majesty, this mother **** body is a forbidden place for our elves, is it okay for a human to come here?"

When Hua Tian on the side of    heard what Hua Qingqing said, she instantly wanted to object, but when the words came to her lips, she changed her view.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Zhu helped us many times, and he didn't mean anything to our elves. I'm talking about it, here is the forest of elves, no one dares to mess around." Hua Qingqing feels nothing, as long as the mother tree of life can be cured, others Things are not things.

"I agree. Since the Light Mage can restrain the devilish energy, it means that they also have an effect on the demon clan's methods. Since my elf clan can't handle it for the time being, I will find a suitable person. Mr. Zhu is a good candidate. "

Hua Dan first agreed. She also thinks that Zhu Yuanyuan has a good impression of the elves. Otherwise, the last time the Huaxia Food Pavilion and the Weilv Food Pavilion will not be the same. After all, the Weilu Food Pavilion has not passed Zhu Yuanyuan. With permission, he secretly learned other people's food cooking methods. This thing is very bad. It is not a glorious thing whether it is in the elves or other races in the mainland. If it is found, it will definitely be held accountable.

   "Okay, it's so decided."

   Hua Qingqing looked at the surrounding elders, and after seeing no objection, he made a decision.

   It's not that Hua Qingqing insists on asking Zhu Yuanyuan to come and treat the mother tree of life, but has already reached a situation where he has to invite outsiders to treat.

Yes, the elves have gods, but they can’t quench their near thirst. Even if the goddess of life comes, they can’t enter the Bright Continent, so they can only look outside. It’s useless. The seal on the Bright Continent must be lifted. To come in.

This Bright Continent is still sealed by the Moon God, dominance level. Although the Goddess of Life and Moon God are gods of the same age, they are only in the middle stage of the Supreme God (it seems to be the main **** level, change it). This is the reason for the talent. Up.

It is even more difficult to contact the Moon God. There is no way to contact the Moon God on the Bright Continent. Only the Goddess of Life can contact the Moon God, and it takes a long time. If you contact the main god-level powerhouse of the elves, it is very simple. .

   But if you want to enter the Bright Continent, you must contact the Moon God to open the sealed enchantment, and then the gods can enter. Otherwise, only the same dominant-level powerhouse can enter the Bright Continent.

   In other words, even if Jing Yeming and the others were heading towards Guangming Continent, they would not be able to enter.


   China Food Court.

   "Mr. Zhu, please excuse me, please!"

   It is still Hua Xinying, the general manager, who came to invite Zhu Yuanyuan to the Elf Palace. Of course, she is also an Elf who knows the situation of the Mother Tree of Life.

Hua Xinying came to invite Zhu Yuanyuan. In fact, he was already valued very much. After all, Hua Xinying was born from the mother tree of life in the same group as the fairy queen Hua Qingqing. In theory, she is Hua Qingqing’s sister, and she also has demigod strength. , Is a fire swordsman.

   "Your Excellency, don't you know what important matters are your Majesty the Queen looking for?"

   Zhu Yuanyi raised his brows. Originally, he was still thinking about how to go to the palace, he wanted to figure out what the seal barrier was all about.

"Your Majesty sought Mr. Zhu for the Mother Tree of Life, and Mr. Presumably also discovered that the life energy of the Mother Tree of Life is weakening. If it disappears completely, the Mother Tree of Life is in danger. The Mother Tree of Life is our mother god. Most importantly, please help Mr.!"

   Hua Xinying said that he also gave a gift to Zhu Yuanyuan~www.ltnovel.com~ Although they can't say that they are exhausted, but if they don't contact the gods, I am afraid they can only find Zhu Yuanyuan, the light god.

   The divine power will be greater if the divine envoy uses divine magic, so the elf queen will find Zhu Yuanyuan to heal the mother tree of life.

"Oh? It turned out to be so, but why did you find me a bright mage? Most of your elves are wood magicians, so they should be better at treating plants. Although the mother tree of life is a wise plant life, it is still It's a plant. Will my light magic really be useful?"

   It’s not that Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to doubt, but that this was originally a fact. Looking for a light magician to heal plants, are you sure this is not nonsense?

   Although plants also have photosynthesis, there is no lack of light here. The mother tree of life is so big, the sun shines on it first, and there is no lack of light!

   Zhu Yuan, who couldn't help but felt that this matter was weird, and the mother tree of life might not be a simple disease.

"Mr. Zhu, my elves have already treated the mother god’s body, but it has no effect, and the problem with the mother god’s body is that when the demonized orcs were wiped out a few days ago, the demons might have seen it impossible. So what little action is made, the mother god’s problem is likely to be the relationship between the demons.

   Not only Hua Xinying, but Hua Qingqing and most of the elders of the elves think so. Otherwise, why did the mother god, who hasn't had a problem for so many years, have problems after the demons got the orcs raped?

   If it is a coincidence, it is estimated that none of the elves of the elven clan would believe it, and there would be no such coincidence in the world.

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