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Chapter 819: Leave Guangming Continent!

   "Your Majesty, when I leave Guangming Continent in the future, can I borrow your teleportation formation?"

   Zhu Yuan said thoughtfully.

   "Mr. Zhu, I don't know if you are going to the Elf Realm?" After hearing Zhu Yuan's words, the elf queen Hua Qingqing was shocked. How could Mr. Zhu want to use the teleportation array to go to the Elf Realm?

"Haha! Your Majesty, don’t worry, I want to go to the Purple Thunder Territory of the Human Race, but right now, the Light Continent is not the only teleportation formation for your elves? Although perhaps the Dragon Race and Titans may also have teleportation formations, but I and They are not familiar with it, and if they rush to borrow the teleportation array, I am afraid that others will not borrow it, so I spoke to you!"

Although Zhu Yuanyuan also wanted to see the elven realm, his main purpose in the magical world was to earn prestige. The Guangming Continent has come to an end, and it is time to conquer other continents. Now that humans have a place similar to the star realm, Of course he wants to check it out.

   Just go to the Purple Thunder Region to arrange everything, and wait until you can lie down and earn prestige points, then it's time for Zhu Yuanyuan to go surfing.

"It turns out that it's like this. If you want to go to the Purple Thunder Territory, it's not bad to go to the Elf Territory first. It just so happens that the Elf Territory and the Purple Thunder Territory are also very close, just like neighbors, and there are also teleportation arrays in the Elf Territory to the Purple Thunder Territory. "

   Hua Qingqing heard that Zhu Yuanyuan was going to human territory, she also let go of her worry.

   "Mr. Zhu, I agreed to borrow the teleportation array. If you want to leave the Bright Continent, come and find me at any time." Hua Qingqing finally agreed to borrow the teleportation array.

"Well, thank you Majesty the Queen." Zhu Yuanyuan thanked him for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty, since this teleportation array is leading to the elven realm, there is no devilish energy, presumably this devilish energy is Because the space altar of the Demon Realm in the orc race was destroyed, the space fluctuated. Then the teleportation array happened to be connected to the space, and some of the demon energy in the demon world leaked to the teleportation array. This may be the case."

   "Mr. Zhu, you are right. This teleportation formation is connected to the space. It is possible that the destruction of the space altar on the orc side will affect the teleportation formation."

After Hua Qingqing and the elves heard what Zhu Yuanyi said, they thought of this in an instant. They all felt that this might be the case. Otherwise, it is estimated that the demons would have been sent here long ago. Angry?

   "Okay, that's all we have to say about this matter, let's say goodbye."

   After Zhu Yuanyi had discussed everything with the elves, he also left. After all, he had to arrange matters related to the Shining God Sect. He didn't want to leave by himself. The Guangming God Sect of the Bright Continent suddenly became corrupt.

   Guangming God Sect cannot become the next Guangming Holy See, this is something that Zhu Yuanyuan absolutely does not allow.


   By the pond of Zhu Mansion, Zhu Yuanyuan was lying on a lounger and was in contact with Jinshan.

   "Jinshan, now things on the mainland have basically come to an end, presumably you have controlled the original Guangming Vatican territory, right?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan first inquired about the development of Guangming Shenjiao.

   "My lord, we have accepted the entire territory of the Holy See. Although there was a bit of friction with other religions when we received it, these things are trivial and have been resolved."

   Jinshan said that he was a good player in occupying the territory. Such a big gold and silver chamber of commerce can develop into the mainland and open shops in every race. This is not easy, and it is really impossible to do without the ability.

"Well, it's well done. The Guangming Cult must be handled according to the canon. There are no major restrictions in the canon. It is different from the previous Holy See. I don't want the Holy See to follow the path of the Holy See in the future. I handed it over to you for the Jinshan God’s teaching, but that doesn’t mean that your Jin family can always sit firmly on the position of the pope. If you are unable to do so, you will still be driven down, you know?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan knows that some things cannot be used to it, that is, he has to knock a stick and give a candy so that his subordinates will be obedient.

   "Yes, the envoy, his subordinates will definitely restrain the people in their own family, and will never let them cause trouble."

   Jinshan was startled by Zhu Yuanyuan's words, sweating on his forehead, Zhu Yuanyuan's momentum is now getting stronger and stronger, although it is a remote contact, it also scares Jinshan enough.

   "Well, I am a person with a clear reward and punishment. This time you did a good job, Jinshan, you use your identity token to receive the reward. As long as you do well in the future, the reward will not be less for you."

   Zhu Yuanyi said harshly, and now he gave another candy.

   "Thank you for your reward, my subordinates are impressed!" Jinshan heard that there was a reward, and quickly thanked Zhu Yuanyuan. Not to mention the sweetness of this candy, Jinshan couldn't stand the temptation.

"Yeah! This time I contacted you. Something said that the affairs of Guangming Continent have been dealt with almost, and the rest will have to be managed slowly in the future. I will leave Guangming Continent soon, the affairs of Guangming Divine Sect. It will be handed over to you, the pope."

Zhu Yuanyuan also feels that there is nothing left for Bright Continent~www.ltnovel.com~ His wife and children are still waiting for him on Aquastar. Although the time on Aquastar has stopped now, he hasn’t stopped here. Next time, even if you have a long lifespan, no one can stop missing this thing.

   Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan wants to speed up the progress. He must quickly collect enough reputation points, not to mention the 9th level, at least to the 5-6 level, so that it will not pass through in vain.

   "Ah? Lord God, where are you going? Are you going to become a god? Are you going to ascend to the realm of God?"

   Jinshan was shocked instantly, Zhu Yuanyuan's words made him shocked, he thought that Zhu Yuanyuan was about to become a god.

"No, I have my own way to get out of the Bright Continent, so don’t talk about the extra things. I’m leaving this time. You remember to go to the Azure Wind Empire to take over the royal road. He is the only saint on the continent. Unlimited."

   Zhu Yuanyi said that at the end, he suddenly remembered that there was another saint in the Azure Wind Empire. This was his first saint and could not be forgotten, so he asked Jinshan to pick up this saint.

"Yes, the envoy, the subordinates know about it, please don't worry." Jinshan knew that he could not stop the envoy, so he had to agree to it. He felt that since he was going to the outside world, the envoy would probably go. It's not necessarily under the diadem of light.


   "Your Majesty, I have already arranged the matter. I want to borrow your teleportation array. We two, don't know if we can teleport?"

   Zhu Yuanyi brought Lovett to the palace directly to find the fairy queen Hua Qingqing, and then explained his intentions.

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