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Chapter 820: First arrived in the wizard domain (1)!

   Zhu Yuansi spent some time to deal with all matters of Guangming Continent, including the matters of Huaxia Food Court.

   Huaxia Food Pavilion has now been handed over to the people of Guangming God Sect to take care of it.

   And Zhu Yuanyuan also instructed Jinshan that Huaxia Food Pavilion can be opened throughout the entire Guangming Continent.

   With Jinshan as the head of the Jin family and the power behind the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce, he certainly knows how much benefit China Food Court can bring.

  When he explained Jinshan, Zhu Yuanyuan said that 80% of the profits of this gourmet pavilion go to Guangming Divine Sect and 20% to the Jin family. This is also to give the Jin family some benefits.

   After all, if China Food Court is going to spread across the entire Guangming Continent, then it must rely on the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce to benefit the gold family without causing them to have any bad thoughts.


   A few days later, in the fairy holy city and the fairy palace.

   "Your Majesty, my business has been settled. I want to borrow the teleportation array of the elves. This teleportation array should be able to teleport me and Loffitt?"

   After Zhu Yuanyuan brought Love to the palace, he asked directly.

   With the token on his body, Zhu Yuanyuan was not embarrassed even if he took Lovett with him.

   "Mr. Zhu, are you sure you are ready? After this is teleported out, it will be difficult to return to Guangming Continent. You have to think clearly."

   The fairy queen Hua Qingqing reminded Zhu Yuanyuan and said.

   "I have already thought about it, thank you for the kindness of your majesty." Zhu Yuanyuan's face didn't fluctuate at all. He was originally not from Guangming Continent, and he didn't actually miss too much here.

"Well, let's go." Hua Qingqing saw that Zhu Yuansi was not shaken at all. She knew that Mr. Zhu had to go, but she didn't try too much to stay. Hua Qingqing thought that she would definitely be able to stay. Once we met, she hadn't been many years since she became a **** and went to the elven realm. After Hua Nongying became a demigod, she could abdicate and become a virtuous.

The elves are all inherited in this way. Only the demigod-level powerhouse can take over the throne of the empress, and there is a time limit. The next elven prince who succeeds within 500 years is not a demigod-level powerhouse. Will consider picking a demigod powerhouse among the elf princess peers to take over.

Of course, if there is no demigod-level powerhouse among the same generation, then the next generation will be postponed, and new elves who will inherit the throne will be selected among the elves born in the next generation of the fairy princess. The successor will only be born in the mother tree of life. Choose among the elves, this is also the rule of the elves all the time, and it is absolutely not allowed to break.

Because the elf holy emperor is a good example, the elf holy emperor Hua Shengting is not an elf born from the mother tree of life, but elves and elves. Therefore, his ambition is very big, his heart is very impure, and he is very concerned about life. The mother tree is disrespectful and does not regard the mother tree of life as a mother god.

After the example of the elf holy emperor came out of the elf tribe, a rule appeared. The successor to the elf throne must choose the elf born from the mother tree of life. This rule is determined by the moon god. Record.


   Before the Mother Tree of Life, Hua Qingqing took Zhu Yuanyuan and Loffitt, as well as flower dew, flower sweet, and some of their elders. When they arrived here, they actually rarely came to the secret room below.

"Boom!" Hua Qingqing used her mental power to touch a switch leading to the secret room, and then a downward passage appeared in front of them. This was secretly. She didn't say where the mechanism was, after all. The secret of the elves.

   "Mr. Zhu, this is the secret room below, are you sure you want to leave?" Hua Qingqing couldn't help but asked at the end. She originally thought Zhu Yuanming was from the Bright Continent, so she should have a lot of nostalgia for the mainland.

   "Your Majesty, I am sure to leave." Zhu Yuanyuan still replied.

"Okay, then I won't dissuade you much, but I have to make it clear that this teleportation formation requires a lot of magic to start teleportation. I told my husband last time, I don’t know if my husband is ready for magic core or magic No spar?"

   Hua Qingqing told Zhu Yuanyuan about this matter. Of course, it is impossible for this teleportation array to start teleportation without energy. It still needs magic core or magic spar.

   "Your Majesty, don't worry, I have prepared the magic core and magic spar, and they are guaranteed to be enough."

Zhu Yuanyuan also released a mission in the Bright God Sect to collect a lot of magic cores and magic spars. He didn't know how much energy was needed to transmit to the elven domain. After all, the elven domain was very far away from the bright continent, so he collected a lot of magic cores. They are all 7-11, and all the magic spar is top-grade and top-grade. Each of them has collected hundreds of millions, which should be enough to transmit.

   "Okay, then, Mr. Zhu, let's go down." After Hua Qingqing confirmed that Zhu Yuanyuan had brought the magic core and magic spar, she took the lead and walked toward the passage.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu, wait..." But before Hua Qingqing took them into the passage~www.ltnovel.com~ a petite voice came from a distance, and the voice was a flower. Shadow of the princess.

   "Your Majesty, the princess has come down." Hualu looked back and said.

   "Then wait for her." Hua Qingqing thought for a while, but stopped and waited.

   "Huh, I finally caught up. Mr. Zhu, I heard that you are going to the Wizardland. This is a gift from me."

   Huanongying hopped to Zhu Yuanyuan's side, handing him a wooden bottle with various flowers on it, which looked very beautiful.

   "Oh? Thank you for the gift from Her Royal Highness. I wonder what the gift from Her Royal Highness is?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and said thank you, then took the bottle full of flowers in Hua Nongying's hand, and asked curiously.

   "Mr. Zhu, this is the Hundred Flowers Brewed by Xiaoying. It has just been brewed. Xiaoling has never drank it before, Xiaoying is bad!"

  Hua Nongying's companion element spirit, Hua Xiaoling, suddenly flew out of Hua Nongying, and then said with a lame mouth, seeming to be aggrieved. .

"Baihua Niang? Your Royal Highness, this is too precious, I can't ask for it." Zhu Yuanyuan was taken aback. The Elves picked and brewed the Baihua Niang and Baiguo Niang by themselves, and only unmarried pure The Baihuajiao and Baiguojiao brewed by the blood female elves are the best.

It's not that other elves can't brew, but that the elves born on the mother tree of life are pure blood. The elves born from the mother tree of life are pure and will not have messy thoughts, plus the body is pure, flowers and fruits picked The best wine is brewed.

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