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Chapter 821: First arrived in the wizard domain (2)

"Your Royal Highness, this Hundred Flower Brew is too precious. You brewed it yourself? I can't ask for it."

While Zhu Yuanyuan was talking, he wanted to show the flowers back the wooden bottle in his hand. This bottle was so big that it could hold ten kilograms of wine at least. With so much wine, how many flowers would it take to brew it.

Moreover, the bottle of Hundred Flowers Brewed by Hua Nongying was obviously brewed by her picking flowers herself. It was too precious and he couldn't ask for it.

"Mr. Zhu, isn't my life as good as this bottle of wine? Mr. Zhu saved me, this is just my thanks."

Hua Nongying quickly said, don’t look at her petite body, but her temperament is already an adult. After all, her age is not too young, she is 86 years old, even if Zhu Yuanyuan’s age and Aquastar’s age combined are not as old as her. , And Hua Nongying often reads the classics among the elves, she knows everything she should know, but she is a pure-blood elves, so she is very light on everything, and her thoughts will not appear randomly. This is also a blessing from the mother tree of life to its children.

"This..." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know what to say at once. Was the Baihuaneng in his hand returned to the flowers, or not, and the whole scene froze suddenly.

"Mr. Zhu, since this is Xiaoying's gratitude, please accept it. Xiaoying is right. The life-saving grace can not be repaid by this bottle of wine." Hua Qingqing saw the scene suddenly become stalemate, she just Stand up and say.

"Okay, then I will accept it. Your Majesty, thank you for your wine." Zhu Yuanyuan saw that it was impossible to accept it now. After thinking about it, he directly accepted Baihuanang.

"I accept this Baihuaniang, but you have to accept this. This is a kind of white wine that my Huaxia Food Court will launch soon. This kind of white wine tastes mellow and strong, and there will be a smell after drinking it in the stomach. The feeling of burning makes people's blood boil. Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, this is in return, please don't refuse."

Zhu Yuanyuan finally took out two boxes and a total of 20 bottles of sorghum wine. The sorghum wine was not delicious. This was also a commodity prepared for Huaxia Food Court. Even the sorghum seeds were given to Jinshan together, and he was asked to keep this seed secret. If it is not exposed, Huaxia Food Court can always master sorghum wine.

"Okay, we will accept this liquor." Hua Qingqing looked at the words Huaxia Food Court carved on the wooden box. She knew that this must be a mass-produced wine, and perhaps the wine given by Zhu Yuanyuan is the best one. But since it is mass-produced, it should not be too precious, so she accepted it. After all, the gift given is wine, and the gift is also wine. This is the same price, and it is all wine, regardless of whether it is expensive or cheap.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu." Hua Nongying also took the box of liquor that belonged to her, and then thanked Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Don't do it...don't do it...people don't do it...Mr. Zhu is bad, there is no gift from Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling wants this liquor too!"

Then Hua Xiaoling ran out again, and rolled directly in the air near Zhu Yuanyuan's head, acting like a baby.

"Ahem! Yes, yes, there is a gift from our little spirit, this is a gift to the little spirit, this is the purple spirit honey, it is the nectar collected by the purple spirit bee, it is a precious treasure, even the entire Bright Continent Not much, Xiao Ling, I have this bottle for you, eat it slowly!"

Zhu Yuanyuan still likes the little fellow Hua Xiaoling. There is no elemental spirit with a big palm. It is simple, lively, and cute. If you put it on the water blue star, everyone you see will like her.

Purple spirit honey is the nectar collected by the purple spirit bee. It is definitely a rare level honey in Guangming Continent. It is a kind of treasure. Even Zhu Yuanyuan is not much here, and it only adds up to 100 catties. Zhu Yuanyuan gave Hua Xiaoling A pound, this is a lot. The little man Hua Xiaoling can't eat much at one time. If you eat slowly, you can't finish it in a year. Of course, the premise is that Hua Xiaoling is not greedy, but Kanhua Xiaoling It doesn't look like it's not greedy!

Why is Zi Ling honey so precious?

Is it because there are too few purple spirit bees, so the collected purple spirit honey is so small?

No, on the contrary, there are many groups of Purple Spirit Bees on the Bright Continent, and they can be seen in various forests, such as the Green Forest, the Fire Phoenix Forest, the Fairy Forest, and the Purple Moon Forest. There are purple spirit bees in the forests of Warcraft. These forests are taboo places on the Bright Continent, and they may not be able to get out after entering the depths.

There are many groups of purple spirit bees, and even the number is second in the entire Guangming Continent, but it is only a little less than ants. The number of ants is ranked first in the mainland.

Since there are so many, why is this purple spirit honey so small and so precious?

The purple spirit bee is very powerful. The queen bee (queen bee) of each group of the purple spirit bee is a semi-god-level powerhouse. The queen bee guard generally has ten late-stage purple spirit bees, and a hive has at least 100 gods. There are countless purple spirit bees in the sanctuary and below.

Moreover, this purple spirit bee was born as a beast of level 6 or higher, and speaking of this, we can see how powerful this purple spirit bee clan is.

Is there very little purple spirit honey? There must be a lot of it. Every purple spirit bee's hive is huge, at least as large as hundreds of kilometers in size. The purple spirit honey among them is not too much.

The size of the purple spirit bee is about the size of a baby's fist. There are countless purple spirit bees in a hive. The strength is very terrifying. Under this situation, it is impossible to get the purple spirit honey~www.ltnovel.com ~Want to get honey secretly? That is looking for death, even if the demigod queen bee doesn't take action, so many purple spirit bees can kill you.

And the purple spirit bees are very united. Don’t watch the purple spirit bees come out of the hive frequently, but they are very united. If a hive is destroyed, the nearby purple spirit bees will go crazy when they find it, and they will call a group of purple spirit bees to search for it. Murderers, then kill those murderers.

About 100,000 years ago, there was a top family in the continent. There were three demi-god-level powerhouses in the family. They dispatched two demi-god-level powerhouses to destroy a purple spirit bee’s hive and obtain There are countless purple spirit honeys, among them purple spirit royal jelly. This purple spirit royal jelly is a good thing. It can directly promote the power of the late sanctuary to the early stage of the gods, and can increase the life span, at least one thousand years. What is this concept?

This purple spirit royal jelly is a good thing, the top treasure of the mainland.

But this top family stabbed the Purple Spirit Hive at once. Although they wiped out all the Purple Spirit Bees in that Purple Spirit Bee’s hive, their breath still remained, which happened to be discovered by the Purple Spirit Bee. The Purple Spirit Bee gathered ten hive groups, and immediately wiped out everyone in this top family, including the collaterals. As long as there is a blood relationship, none of them escaped, it is simply an extermination!

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