Random Shopping System

Chapter 825: Purple Thunder Domain (1)!

   "It's really lively here. It's like arriving at the train station of the Spring Festival. There are many people, no, it should be a lot of strange races."

   Zhu Yuan really opened his eyes on the way to the teleportation array, and he could see so many races.

It can be said that people of various races, elves, dwarves, humans, orcs, goblins, sea races, and the conspicuous giants are everywhere on this space square. Some giants have thunder and lightning flashes on them. The giants entangled in their bodies are the Titans, and they call themselves the Titans.

Of course, there are far more races in the magic world. Some races are small races. For example, they look similar to humans, but there are some differences. So these humanoid races are also alien races, not humans. One race.

   There are also races similar to dwarves, they are all self-supporting, and their names are also strange.

   But unlike the train station, there are no messy shops selling things on this space square. This is a place for delivery, not a commercial street, and buying and selling is not allowed.

Moreover, there is a huge magic circle on this space square. This is a composite magic circle. There are earth element, wood element, fire element, and wind element. These four magic elements are combined to form an offensive and defensive array. The compound magic array can attack and defend. It is also the top compound magic array in the entire magic world.

   "Are there any people going to Zhenyuan Ruins? There are still ten people short of the transmission cost of 10,000 high-grade magic spar each, so hurry up!"

   "Are there anyone going to the Beast God's Domain? Just the last 4 people. When they come, they will leave immediately. One hundred thousand high-grade magic spar. Come on!"

   "Assemble a group to the Purple Thunder Realm, the people who want to organize the group hurry up, the transmission fee is AA system!"


   There are many clansmen of various races in the space square, they are shouting and recruiting people to send together.

This teleportation array is not cheap to use once. Not only does the energy consumed by the teleportation array require magic spars and magic cores, but the party that manages the teleportation array also charges a fee for use. For example, the space square teleportation array on the wizard domain charges a fee for the elves. , There is a dedicated person to manage the teleportation array.

These teleportation arrays are large and small, and the large can even transmit tens of thousands of people at once. The small can transmit ten people, one hundred people, and one thousand people. Of course, the smallest one can even be single. Transmission array.

However, those small teleportation arrays have people teleporting anytime and anywhere. Only the large teleportation arrays will wait and wait until they are full. After all, they consume a lot of energy. If they are alone, I am afraid that only a few people will be able to bear it. Big expense.

   In fact, a small teleportation array is actually faster to transmit. Although it consumes less energy, the cost of a flat consumption is the same as that of a large teleportation array, which may be more expensive.

  Because the small teleportation array transmits fewer people, it consumes less energy, but because of the smaller number of people, it will appear to be more when it is flattened out.

At the same time, there are many people teaming up to explore. There are many relics in the starry sky, and there are many gods left behind after the fall of the gods. These places are worth exploring treasure hunting places. There are many uninspired adventurers who like to explore treasure hunting. , Because they did not join the forces, if they want to obtain resources, they can only risk their lives to explore these leftover kingdoms, secrets, and relics to obtain resources for cultivation.

This is also the reason why so many people are here waiting for the teleportation. Of course, it is not excluded that these people themselves are not wealthy. Not everyone can spend a huge price to start the teleportation array. of.


   Space Square, Purple Thunder Domain Teleportation Area!

   "My lord, how many magic spars do we need to go to the Purple Thunder Territory?"

   When they arrived at the management office of the teleportation area, Zhu Yuanyuan and Lowfit entered the management office’s house, and then went to an empty counter to inquire.

   "Two, what type of teleportation array do you want to use? Do you want to use it alone or in a team?"

After hearing Loffett’s question, the wizard staff of the Teleportation Array Management Office also asked about the type of teleportation array they want to use. After all, although the price of each teleportation array is similar, there are still differences. Large teleportation array groups Team transmission is cheaper.

   "We are only two of us, using a small teleportation array alone." Loffitt said directly.

   "If you use a small teleportation array alone, you need 10 million high-grade magic spar as a source of energy, and the use cost requires 100,000 high-grade magic spar."

   It’s no surprise that the Elf staff heard that they were going to use the teleportation array alone. He had seen more wealthy people, and even a large family had contracted a large teleportation array, and they still contracted it for their own use.

In the elven domain, the teleportation array can only be established on the space square, and it is not allowed to build the teleportation array in other places. If the teleportation array is built privately, it will never come back if the plot is lightly driven out of the elven domain~www. ltnovel.com~Serious cases will be killed on the spot.

Not only the elven domain, but also in the domains of several other races, the teleportation formations are not allowed to be built privately. This is to prevent rebellion and to prevent collusion with enemies. However, each domain has internal teleportation formations. There is a teleportation array between the city and the city, otherwise the journey will be too slow.

   "Did you hand over the magic spar here?" After hearing the usage fee, Lovett asked the wizard staff directly.

   "Sir, pay the usage fee with me, and then you can receive a pass token that uses the teleportation array. You need to place the magic spar to activate the teleportation array, and you don't need to hand it over to me."

  The wizard staff saw that Lovette really wanted to use the teleportation array alone, so he explained clearly the status of the fee payment.

   "Okay, I see. There are a hundred thousand magic spar, we need to use a small teleportation array leading to the Purple Thunder Domain."

   Lovett directly took out a storage bag and handed it to the elf employee.

   "Guest, this is the pass token and your storage bag. Please take it. When you go to the transmission array, there will be a staff member to collect the token. Without the token, you cannot use the transmission array."

The elf employee took the storage bag in Loffett’s hand to check the number of magic spar, and after confirming it, transferred the magic spar to the storage box in the counter, and then took a pass token and contacted the store. The bags were handed to Lovett together, and finally he explained the precautions again. .

   "Okay, thanks a lot."

   Zhu Yuansi, after they learned about the use of the teleportation array, they left the management office, and when they left, they asked about the location of the small teleportation array.

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