Random Shopping System

Chapter 826: Purple Thunder Domain (2)

   Space Square, the area of ​​the small teleportation array in the Purple Thunder Domain.

   "Hello, please show me your pass token."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan and Lovett walked to the door of the small teleportation array area, a guard stopped them and asked them to show the pass token.


Zhu Yuanyuan took out a pass token and handed it to the guard, and then the elf guard took out a square metal block with a groove on it. The elf guard put the pass token into the groove. Put it, this groove is just the size of a token.

"Two people use a small teleportation array, pass!" After the elf guard input a trace of magic power on the metal block, the metal block said a word, it seems that it is set, and the management office there has also input the token Information, that’s why there is such a word out here.

This metal block is similar to the information reader on Aquastar. It is used in many places in the magic world, especially in industries with a high level of confidentiality, because this magic information extraction machine is confidential. The mechanism is recognized by magic.

  In the magic world, everyone's magic power is different. Not only the frequency of magic power is different, but the factors hidden in magic power are also different, or each person's magic power has a unique code.

   Therefore, this magic information extraction machine has a high level of confidentiality. For another person, even if the frequency of the magic is the same, the unique code will be different, so that the information inside cannot be extracted.

   The token that stores the information corresponds to the magic information extractor, and it will only be used after pairing it in advance.

  The paired magic information token can only extract data in the corresponding information extraction machine, so this level of confidentiality is very high. If the magic power cannot be matched, then the data cannot be extracted.

   "Two guests, the small teleportation array No. 13 has not been booked. You can go forward and teleport."

   After the Elf Guard heard what the information extraction machine was saying, he checked the small teleportation array that was still vacant, and after finding it, he told Zhu Yuanyuan and Lofitt one of the front.

   "Okay, thank you then."

   Lovett thanked him, and then followed Zhu Yuanyuan into the teleportation area.

   After Zhu Yuanyuan walked into the teleportation area, he found that it was completely different from the teleportation array when he came from Guangming Continent. The teleportation array area was very remote, and it was a separate teleportation array, and there were many elven guards.

   This is different. After entering the teleportation area, there are several large areas to choose from.

   There is a small teleportation array area, which has a single teleportation array and a ten-person teleportation array.

   There is a medium-sized teleportation array area, which has a hundred-person teleportation array and a thousand-person teleportation array.

   There is a large teleportation array area with 10,000 teleportation arrays inside.

   There is a huge teleportation array area, which contains a hundred thousand teleportation array and a million teleportation array.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan chose a small teleportation area, and now there are many people coming in and out, but because the place itself is very large, it is much larger than the train station and airport on Aquastar, and the flow of people is also very large. , There are people coming in and going out all the time, that is counted in billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of people flow is considered small.

   And this is just the flow of people in the teleportation array in the area of ​​the purple thunder domain here of Zhu Yuan. The total flow of people in the entire space square of the wizard domain may be calculated in megabytes.

   This is not a continent-to-continent teleportation array, but the flow of people generated by the mutual transmission of many domains.


   Zhu Origin After they entered the small teleportation array area, they found the ten-person teleportation array area.

   "No. 13, right here, that's right."

   Looking at the words No. 13 on the gate, Zhu Yuanyuan and Lovett felt right.

   Yes, the teleportation arrays here are all in the houses, and the houses are numbered next to each other, which is easy to find.

"Squeak..." Pushing open the door, Zhu Yuanyuan and Loffitt walked in, the door behind closed automatically, and the words Teleporting appeared on the outside door. All of this was controlled by magic. , Magic technology is still very developed in the magic world.

Although the door was closed, the whole house lit up with a warm white light as soon as Zhu Yuanyuan and Lovett came in. This is a magic lamp. There is a magic lamp in the four corners of the roof. There is no dead corner in the whole room.

   "Lofit, fill the teleportation array with magic spar!"

Zhu Yuanyi took a lot of the entire room. This room is about a hundred square meters. In the middle is a teleportation table with complicated magical array patterns on it. Then there is nothing else. There are magical lights around. Outside, they are all empty.

   "Yes, master."

   After Loffett agreed, he went up to the teleportation platform, found a place to fill the magic spar, and started filling it with magic spar from the space ring to the outside.


The entire teleportation platform slowly began to glow. This is a phenomenon of charging. The teleportation array here is the same as the teleportation array in the Fairy Forest of the Bright Continent~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, they are all of the elves. Transmission array.

  After a few minutes passed, Lovett filled all 10 million high-grade magic spar into the teleportation array, and the light on the teleportation array dimmed.

   "Master, the teleportation array is charged, and you can teleport at any time." After seeing that the charging was completed, Lovett reported to Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Okay, then let's not delay, Lovett, just start teleporting!"

   Zhu Yuanyuan heard the words and also walked onto the teleportation platform from below, then stood in the teleportation formation and let Loffett start teleportation.

   "Yes, master! Then I will start the teleportation array."

   Loffitt agreed, and then the spiritual force guided the teleportation array to activate, and an invisible wave began to surround the two of them in an instant, and disappeared into the small teleportation array in the wizard domain in a flash.

   "It is still colorful." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the outside color of the transmission channel. This is in the process of transmission, and the outside scene is exactly the same as when he was transmitting. .

In fact, he also experienced such a scene when he came to the magic world, but the system was blocked so that Zhu Yuan could see the surrounding situation, but now he is using a teleportation array to teleport, which is not controlled by the system, so the whole The transmission channel showed its original appearance, making it difficult to see the surrounding scene.

When transmitting the channel, it is actually moving quickly in the interlayer of space, and it is the movement between points, so it will be very fast, and with the interference of space power, the speed will be hundreds of millions of times faster. , If it were not too far apart, it would arrive in an instant, and it would be impossible to see the transmission channel.

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