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Chapter 833: Time and space cracks open (1)

   "Husband, wait."

   Seeing Zhu Yuanyuan turn around to go out, Chen Ziyuan called out quickly.

   "Little Yuan, what's the matter?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan turned to look at Chen Ziyuan and said.

   "Trojan horse!" As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan turned to question, Chen Ziyuan stepped forward and kissed him lightly on his lips, and then said: "Okay, husband, go home early and be careful outside."

   "Haha! Okay, I will pay attention, Xiaoyuan, I must go home before dinner tonight."

   Zhu Yuanyi smiled slightly, and there was a wave of fluctuations in his heart.

But after he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away quickly. Zhu Yuanyuan was afraid that the longer he stayed, the less he would want to leave home. This was impossible. At that time, the empty cracks were too dangerous, and he had to do everything well. The preparations, like some means must be used.

After leaving the villa, Zhu Yuanyuan turned around and went to the back garden of the villa. There was no one in the back garden. Outsiders were not allowed to enter here. After arriving in the back garden, he took out a star blue fighter plane. .

   "Whoo!" Silently, after the Star Blue fighter became invisible, it flew towards the moon instantly.

   Soon, the Star Blue fighter plane arrived on the moon.

   Romance Tiangong, after the Star Blue fighter entered the protective cover, it stopped in the clearing.

   "Children Zhu Yuanyuan, why are you here again?"

  As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan got off the plane, a voice appeared in his ear.

   "Who?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked around and found no one was seen.

   "Don't be afraid, it's me!" A red figure appeared at the entrance of Qiyuan Tiangong, it was Hongluan, and she reminded Zhu Yuanyuan.

"It turned out to be Lord Hongluan, I'm here to bother again." Zhu Yuanyuan's heart raised after seeing Hongluan was relieved. He hadn't heard Hongluan's voice for a long time. Although the impact was profound, he still didn't know why Can't remember Hong Luan's appearance and voice, maybe this is a natural rule attached to the powerful!

   "Well, Zhu Yuanyuan, what are you doing this time? I have something to do?" Hongluan looked at Zhu Yuanyuan thoughtfully and asked again.

   "Master Hongluan, you must have discovered the fluctuation of energy in time and space?" Zhu Yuanyuan mentioned the fluctuation of energy in space and time.

   "Yes, I've found out, don't hesitate to tell me if you have anything." Hongluan didn't want to go in circles with a little kid at all. She was a fiery phoenix with a very straight-tempered and hot temper, so she didn't want to talk nonsense.

"Master Hongluan, the space-time crack here has been locked on a star gate by the Atlantis civilization, and the fluctuation of space-time energy was monitored through the star gate below, and the specific opening time of the space-time crack was also detected. Two days later, this time I came here to ask Master Hongluan if he wants to leave this world after the cracks open this time?"

   Zhu Yuanyi directly stated the opening time of the space-time crack. As for why he said it, of course it also had his own purpose.

"Oh? Will the space-time crack be torn apart by energy fluctuations in 2 days? Zhu Yuanyuan, you guessed it, after the space-time crack opens, I will leave this world. I can't cultivate in this world, although there is a place in Aquastar. Some auras, but those auras are too low-level, I breathe, and the auras there will disappear. This world is a barren land for cultivation, not suitable for me to stay."

After Hongluan heard what Zhu Yuanyi said, she was really a bit different. She didn't expect that the Atlantis Empire would have left such a backhand. When she came to this world, the time and space cracks were still in the stars. Unexpectedly, after she fell asleep, the Atlantis Empire actually developed something that could restrain the cracks in time and space.

"Master Hongluan, I want to ask you one thing." Zhu Yuanyuan first said that he wanted to ask one thing, and then looked at Hongluan after he finished speaking. If others didn't agree, he said the request for nothing, so Waiting for Hongluan's response.

   "Listen to what to say." Hongluan said with a smile on her face. She is in a good mood now, because she will be home soon, can she be in a bad mood?

"Master Hongluan, this time-space crack will last for a day. I would like to ask an adult to help guard the time-space crack. Don’t let those dangerous creatures enter this world. After all, people in this world can’t cultivate, their bodies are very fragile and they cannot resist. Those who are strong, I hope the adults can agree."

   Zhu Origin’s idea is to invite Hong Luan to guard the time-space crack. Anyway, it takes only one day. As long as Hong Luan leaves at the last time after the time-space crack opens, it will be able to prevent those unknown creatures from entering the water blue star.

Otherwise, even if Atlantis left many ninth-level smart mechas to protect the star gates where the space-time cracks are located, it is no use. After all, the ninth-level mechas are only equivalent to the Mahayana period of the cultivator. Level creatures, then their entire Aqua Star will be cool.

   If the big Luo Jinxian, Hongluan, was there, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the empty cracks would not be a problem.

Of course, if a quasi-sage or a sage comes to www.ltnovel.com~, then Zhu Yuanyuan and the others are unlucky. Of course, in general, the quasi-sage and sage will not be boring to bully mortals, but they will not Mortals take things seriously, but quasi-sages or saints will never get into places as dangerous as the time-space cracks for no reason. Even if the time-space cracks suddenly appear next to them, they can get rid of them instantly, so quasi-sages and saints It is impossible for such a powerful and powerful person to emerge from the cracks in time and space.

"Hmm..." After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's request, Hong Luan touched her smooth chin and groaned, and then said, "Okay, I agree to this matter. You can rest assured, since My sister protects the Aqua Blue Star, so I will protect your planet from being invaded by bad guys.

Speaking of Hongluan's appearance as a heroine, it seems that she herself is really the heroine who saves Aquastar, but it seems that Hongluan really saved Aquastar once, even though she didn't seem to use it at the time. The look of rescue.

   "Ah! Lord Hongluan, thank you very much!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Hongluan's promise, his face was full of excitement. He is not strong enough now, so he can only pretend to be a grandson. Finally, there is a strong man who has a good impression of humans here. How can he not let Hongluan help? What?

   He is not stupid, he is not strong enough to be strong, that is to die, and he still uses all the humans and his family to die. Zhu Yuanyuan would not do such a thing. .

   "Master Hongluan, then I will take you to the Stargate base of Atlantis civilization, where the space-time cracks are bound."

   Zhu Origin also proposed to take Hongluan to see the place where the time-space crack will open, but you can’t wait until it opens.

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