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Chapter 834: Phoenix is ​​gone (2)

   "Master Hongluan, let me first take you to the stargate base of Atlantis civilization. This stargate base is on the water blue star. There is the place where the space-time cracks are bound. Look?"

Zhu Yuanyuan took a careful look at this terrifying woman and said, he is not cowardly, nor is he a licking dog who wants to lick the true goddess, but that others are indeed terrifying. If the red luan is unhappy, his life will be instantaneous. After playing, he really didn't want to come to the moon if it weren't for the cracks in time and space, who would really want his life to be held in the hands of others.

   "Well, I will go with you. I will stay at the Stargate Base for the past two days, waiting for the crack of time and space to open, and I will guard against dangerous creatures from the crack of time and space."

   Hongluan directly agreed. Since the space-time rift has a fixed location to open, of course she has to stay there, and she will do what she has promised.

   "Master Hongluan, please board this fighter." Zhu Yuanyuan invited the Phoenix goddess to board the Star Blue fighter.

   "Okay." Hongluan nodded after seeing the Xinglan fighter whose hatch had been opened, and then walked in.

   Hongluan has experienced the Atlantis civilization era, so he is very familiar with the things of science and technology civilization.

   Zhu Yuanyuan also followed in the Star Blue fighter plane afterwards, and after they were both seated, he activated the fighter plane and flew towards the Aqua Star quickly.

   Soon, the Star Blue fighter flew over the Devil's Delta of Aqua Star, and then the entire fighter jet plunged into the water and quickly passed towards the Star Gate base.

  Although there is a special magnetic field in the Devil's Delta that will affect ships, airplanes, and other technological products, making navigation ineffective, but this magnetic field will not target the Star Blue fighter aircraft produced by the Atlantis civilization.


   After the Star Blue fighter arrived outside the Star Gate base, after passing through the energy shield, it passed through the door above the base and directly entered the base.

   After the fighter plane stopped on the spacious tarmac, Zhu Yuanyuan led Hongluan towards the star gate in front.

   After passing through many doors, Zhu Yuanyuan and Hongluan came to a platform. Below the stairs of the platform is the location of the star gate. There are still many smart mechas standing around the star gate.

"Zhu Yuanyuan, this is the star gate?!" A hint of curiosity flashed in Hongluan's eyes, looking at the large metal disk that was closed upright, and she also felt the strong fluctuations of time and space energy here. Although her tone is questionable, it also has a positive tone!

   "Yes, Lord Hongluan, that is the star gate. When the time-space crack opens, the star gate will be unlocked, forming a space-time channel."

   Zhu Yuanzhi pointed to the star gate below and told Hongluan with certainty.

   "Okay, then I know, I've been here for the past few days, you can leave without anything else!"

   Hongluan looked at the Star Gate, then glanced around, and found that there were many seats on the platform. She walked over and sat on it.

   "Master Hongluan, this is a kind of purple spirit bee honey that I got here. It's delicious. I give it to you. I hope you don't dislike it."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought, this Red Luan was a great help. He thought that although there were good things in the system, he couldn't bring out too good things, so he finally took the purple spirit bee's honey and gave it to Red Luan. , And the weight is quite a lot, there are fifty catties.

There are really a lot of purple spirit honey, Zhu Origin, the day before he left the magic world, Zhu Origin received a thousand catties of purple spirit honey honored by Jinshan. All these purple spirit honey are in the treasure house of the Holy See. owned.

It turns out that after Jinshan and the others eliminated the Holy See, although they found the treasure house, because this treasure house is protected by magic circles, they really can’t get in for a while, and they have to deal with the orcs, so the treasure house is placed there for the light gods. His followers were guarded, and the magic circle was finally cracked when Zhu Yuanyuan was about to leave the magic world.

   There are still many treasures in the Holy See, various coins, various magic potions, magic equipment, magic materials, magic cores, magic spars, some special magic equipment, and even some artifacts.

   Among the resources that Jinshan sent to Zhu Yuanyuan, there was a thousand catties of purple spirit honey, which were all collected by the Holy See, and I don't know where the Holy See got it.

   "Oh? Honey? Then I will try it."

Hong Luan looked at the fifty bottles of one-pound honey on the table in front of him. The honey looked very good. The transparent white jade bottle contained a golden liquid with a little purple light flowing around. It really aroused interest, and Hong Luan also discovered that there are auras in this honey. Although these auras are very rare, they are indeed rare considering this world without auras.

   "Master Hongluan, this is a spoon." After Zhu Yuanyuan saw Hongluan pick up a bottle of purple spirit honey, he took out a new alloy spoon from the space ring and handed it over.

   This alloy is developed by artificial intelligence stardust. It is the most suitable alloy for tableware. It has no heavy metals and will not be poisoned~www.ltnovel.com~ This alloy is zero toxin.

Moreover, it is also a kind of clean metal. Tableware made of such metal does not require detergent at all. It can be washed away by washing the stains on it in water, and it does not leave a little bacteria, even water It flows clean along the edges and will not stay on the tableware.

Hongluan took the spoon that Zhu Yuanyuan handed over, and then opened the lid of a bottle of purple spirit honey in his hand. In an instant, a scent of flowers spilled out. It smelled very good. There is more than one kind of floral scent. Fruit trees, various flowers, various medicinal materials, and finally those edible wild vegetables. After these plants bloom, they are collected by purple spirit bees and finally mixed together to brew this kind of honey that is rich in flowers. Of course, nutrition is nothing more, and there are special effects.

   "It's not bad. The scents of various flowers are not obtrusive when they are fused together." After opening the lid, Hongluan did not taste the honey for the first time, but put the bottle under her nose and smelled it, and was very satisfied afterwards.

   was very satisfied with the scent, Hong Luan took half a spoon of honey from the bottle with a spoon and put it in his mouth.

"Hmm! It's delicious!" After Hongluan had eaten half of the spoon, her eyes lit up, she took another spoonful of honey and stuffed it into her mouth with a spoon, and by the way, a smile appeared on her face. It is the happiness brought by food! !

After a while, Hongluan stopped eating honey and looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with a satisfied smile on his face and said: "Zhu Yuanyuan, if you are interested, I will accept this honey, but I will not take advantage of you. , This gadget is for you."

   Hongluan took out something from the space ring while talking.

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