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Chapter 836: Time and space crack open (4)

   "Not bad, the combat effectiveness has been directly increased by hundreds of thousands, but it will take a while to wait before the Golden Core Stage!"

   Zhu Yuanyuan saw his combat power skyrocketing by hundreds of thousands, and he was still very satisfied. Jin Danqi needs 10 billion three-level reputation points, and now it is still 3 billion short, but it is not enough.

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan's realm is not high now, his strength has reached the second level of Yuan Ying stage.

   In fact, the realm of cultivation is divided into nine small realms in each big realm. This refers to the common perception in the realm of cultivation.

   But the origin of Zhu is different. Each of his big realms has twelve small levels, which have been changed by the system, and each of his realms is the strongest strength of that realm after he is upgraded.

For example, now he is on the twelfth floor of the foundation period, which is also the strongest strength of the twelfth floor. After the average cultivator reaches the first or second floor of the foundation period, he is far less powerful than the first or second floor of Zhu Yuanyuan. Zhu Yuanyuan's strength is invincible in the same realm, and it is far more than those geniuses, enchanting evildoers, and even the Tianjiao who suppressed an era. In the same realm, Zhu Yuanyuan's opponent will not be Zhu Yuanyuan.

   This is the power of the system.


Two days passed between Zhu Yuanyuan and his wife and children. He did not run around in these two days. After all, the time and space cracks were about to be torn apart, so he also wanted to spend more time with his wife and children. .

Zhu Yuanyuan has already died once. Although he is now unafraid of death, he already has concerns. Chen Ziyuan and his two children are as important to him as the dragon's scales. Whoever dares to move If they say, then he will fight those people desperately.

In the morning, Zhu Yuanyuan got up to wash, and then began to make breakfast. Today is the day when the time and space cracks open. He wants to make a delicious meal and also want to have a meal with his most important person. Happy breakfast.

Zhu Yuanyuan was also afraid that there would be changes after the cracks in time and space opened. He was afraid that unpredictable strong men would come out of the cracks in time and space. As for why not transfer Chen Ziyuan and the others to aliens, Zhu Yuanyuan thought. But he didn't want to do this. Although he could transfer to Linli Star, even if something happened to him, Linli Star would be very safe. With the Universe Immortal Sect, Chen Ziyuan and the others would live well.

   However, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't plan to do this in the first place. With Hongluan, he thought it was unnecessary for the time being.

He has already made preparatory measures. He has arranged for the Star Blue fighter to be in several important places. For example, there is a Star Blue fighter above the Huaxia Imperial Palace, and the Chen family, the Zhu family, and of course the sky above this villa. All have a Star Blue fighter.

   Zhu Origin has already ordered the artificial intelligence Stardust, as long as things are out of control, they will immediately use the Star Blue fighter to pick up all those who are related to him.

   Zhu family and Long family are also relatives of his body after all. Although they don’t spend much time together, they still treat Zhu Yuanyuan very well, so he also wants to give these cheap relatives a way to survive. It is impossible to abandon them.

   The Chen family, let alone, the members of the Chen family are all relatives of Chen Ziyuan. Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan must protect them.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanyi has made a lot of backhands. For example, the Aquastar and Atlantis on Mars are now all on the highest alert, and the most powerful weapons are all aimed at the coordinates of the time and space cracks. There is a kind of space bomb, which can directly destroy space and make the space shatter instantly. This is also a weapon against the cracks in time and space.

  Although Zhu Yuanyuan clearly knew that these weapons might not be able to harm those powerful people, as long as it could be delayed for a period of time, it would be a victory.

  As long as it can be delayed for a moment, Zhu Yuanyuan can board the fighter plane directly, fly out of the Aqua Star in an instant, then jump into space, and leave the solar system in an instant. If Hongluan can resist for a while, his safety is still guaranteed.

   Of course, this is also Zhu Yuanyuan's preparatory measures, and it may not be so coincidental that a strong man who is stronger than Hongluan will come out.

"Xiao Yuan, I will go to the base, and I may come back very late today." Zhu Yuanyuan still told a white lie. He didn't want his wife to worry about it, and dangerous things might not happen. If it is safe, then Needless to say, if it is dangerous, he also has preparatory measures. Can you not know or not?

"Okay, husband, you will come back early, and my son and I will be waiting for you at home." Chen Ziyuan smiled and agreed. She also knew that men must have their own careers, although she loves Zhu Yuanyuan not for the so-called career. I just love Zhu Yuanyuan, but as long as Zhu Yuanyuan likes to do things, she will also support it.

For example, when the two of them were getting along during school, Zhu Yuanyuan would not interfere with what Chen Ziyuan liked to do. Of course, this was also because what he was doing was not a mess. This was the bottom line, and it was for both of them. the same.

Fortunately, Zhu Yuanyuan doesn’t like certain things~www.ltnovel.com~ such as smoking, drinking, gambling, PC, these things he dislikes and will not do, so he hasn’t done anything. Things that Chen Ziyuan doesn't like come.

However, when Zhu Yuanming was on the earth, he used to drink and smoke. After all, when he was on the earth, he was only a working family. He had worked in factories, bars, western restaurants, coffee shops, and milk tea shops. He is just a dick, because he has no money and is an orphan, so he has no friends, let alone girlfriends.

   When lonely, Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to drink a beer and smoke a cigarette. This was just boring and lonely. When he was alone, he could only drink boredom for recreation, otherwise he would definitely get depression.

It’s not clear what kind of origin Zhu originated in ancient times, but in modern times, many office workers suffer from depression, and people with mental problems commit suicide every year. Even Zhu Origin once thought whether he died, so as to avoid being in the world. Suffering, but in the end he was still not reconciled. He was not reconciled to die silently, and no one knew about it. No one burned the paper even when he died, and no one worshipped during the festival every year. He didn’t want to do this, so he just Dispelled the plan to die.

   But besides going to work, what do you spend your free time for? ?

   When Zhu originated on the earth, I was obsessed with the Internet. Sometimes I read TV series, sometimes read novels, and rarely played games. This way, I wasted my free time, and I didn’t think about the mess.

Originally, he thought that his whole life would pass, such as saving some money, and then making do with a woman to have a child, and then the whole life passed, but what Zhu Yuanyuan did not expect was that he would die unexpectedly and then be reborn in Aquastar. .

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