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Chapter 837: Time and space cracks open (5)

After leaving home, Zhu Yuanyuan drove the fighter plane in an idling circle on Ziyuan Mountain.

"Stardust, let's go, let's go to the base of the Devil's Delta." Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the manor on the top of Ziyuan Mountain, and then let Stardust control the Star Blue fighter to move towards the Aqua Star Atlantis. The base left by civilization flew over.

"Yes, Master." After Stardust agreed, the Star Blue fighter began to move.

In a short while, he came to the Stargate Base.

"You came."

Hong Luan felt Zhu Yuanyuan walk in, she originally sat on the platform with her eyes closed. After Zhu Yuanyuan came over, she opened her eyes and said lightly.

"Master Hongluan, today is the time when the time gap opens. I'll come and have a look."

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at Hongluan, then went to the Stargate console on the platform and looked at it.

"Stardust, is there anything unusual about Stargate?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the console, he couldn't understand the complicated data, so he asked Stardust directly.

"Master, the space coordinate locked by the star gate has huge energy fluctuations, and it already looks like a broken space. The star gate will open a space channel at any time. It is recommended that the master unlock the blockade of the star gate. Otherwise, if the space channel is opened for a while, I am afraid it will cause Very serious loss."

Stardust answered Zhu Yuanyuan’s question immediately. Stardust’s words are also very simple. The fluctuation of space-time energy is huge, and it is possible to open space-time channels at any time. It is recommended to open the blockade of the star gate to prevent these blockade equipment from being destroyed. If this blockade equipment is destroyed, it will probably cause great damage to the base. This is definitely not good. This is the deep sea. If the base is destroyed and the seawater floods into it, it may cause a huge disaster.

As for why the influx of seawater in the base is a disaster?

If the space-time passage is opened in the star gate, it means that it is uncontrollable. If the star gate is maintained for one day, I am afraid that the water of the entire sea will be sucked up. This is not some collapsed ground on the planet, but a space-time passage. .

In this case, the entire Aqua Blue Star has no water, so what is it? I am afraid that the entire planet will be destroyed. Although there are underground rivers, those waters cannot sustain the large-scale demand of Aqua Blue Star.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan can use the interstellar warship to capture the ice-filled asteroids from the starry sky, it is only drinking poison to quench thirst. For a planet as big as Aquastar, 80% of the planet’s area is sea water. How many icy asteroids are needed to make up for the lost seawater?

And without sea water, Aqua Blue Star will definitely have such disasters, which is very scary.

"Well, Stardust, immediately open the closed star door."

After knowing the consequences of the damage to the base, Zhu Yuanyuan immediately interrupted Stardust's explanation and asked it to directly open the closed state of the Star Gate.

"Yes, Master." Stardust agreed and immediately took control of the base.


The closed metal cover on the star gate was lowered toward the ground. This metal cover had both sides, and the entire star gate was exposed after it was lowered.

"Master Hongluan, this is the star gate. After the time and space cracks are torn apart, the passage will appear in the middle of the star gate."

Zhu Yuanyuan introduced Hongluan.

"Well, I know, I have seen the Star Gate and used it. No need to introduce it. This space-time energy is getting stronger and stronger, and the channel will open within an hour. I will keep the agreement with you. Don't worry. I will leave immediately before the passage is closed, Zhu Yuanyuan, you don’t have to worry about my leaving early."

Hong Luan also knows Zhu Yuanyuan's careful thoughts. Isn't it that she is afraid that she will run away early? As the core high-level person of the Phoenix family, she will not be so unbelievable!

Although Hong Luan always felt that human minds were too heavy, she didn't say much, after all, she was just a passer-by.

Yes, Hongluan comes from the prehistoric world, and the prehistoric world has more than those **** races, fairy races, monster races, witch races, and human races.

Protoss refers to those innate gods who were born between heaven and earth. They have no father or mother, so they are collectively called the gods.

The immortal clan, the immortal clan is a clan recognized by the heavens, they are dedicated to the service of the heavens, and they manage the operation of the rules in the entire prehistoric land.

The monster race, the monster race is cultivated from various animals, but the cultivation of the monster race is very difficult. If you want to cultivate without doing evil, it will take tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years to calculate, far inferior to humans. .

Witch tribe, Witch tribe is said to be the bloodline left by the ancient **** Pangu, who pioneered the prehistoric world. The exact truth is unknown, but all of their cultivation is sanctification of the flesh, breaking the ten thousand laws with strength, so the body is strong, even the dragon Not as powerful as their physical bodies.

The human race, the human race is called the head of all spirits, the cultivation talent is very high, especially the creativity is very high, so it is hated by all races, because they can cultivate into a positive result in a short time, plus the human race Like to play conspiracies, so all races reject them.

Of course, Hong Luan also hates the human race, so Zhu Yuanyuan is lying down.

"Haha...that's the case, Hongluan-sama, I am very relieved." Zhu Yuanyuan smiled awkwardly. He was really afraid that this erratic Phoenix goddess would run away in advance, and then another one came. Evil creatures, at that time Aqua Blue Star was really hopeless.

"Yeah!" Hong Luan had nothing to say to Zhu Yuanyuan, so he just sat and didn't move.

After half an hour.


Zhu Yuanyuan was boringly playing mobile games ~www.ltnovel.com~ and suddenly heard a bee-like sound. He looked at the source of the sound and saw the entire star gate glowing.

"Master Hongluan, the time-space crack has been torn apart, and the passage will be opened soon." Zhu Yuanyuan reminded.

"Yeah." Hongluan opened her eyes and stared at the star gate carefully. She also felt the fluctuation of time and space energy in the star gate, as if to open the channel.


After waiting for a while, the star gate was completely shrouded in a blue light, and then, like the star gate opening the space passage, a water ripple barrier appeared. From both sides, the gate of this passage was invisible. of.

"Zhu Yuanyuan, I will stay here the next day and will not leave until the last moment." Although Hongluan was very excited, she knew she could not run now. This departure means that she gave up the reputation and dignity of Phoenix. Can't do that.

In addition, Hong Luan has indeed found the breath of the prehistoric world from the time and space channels, and she has also locked the coordinates of the prehistoric world. As long as the day is about to pass, Hong Luan can directly leave to find the prehistoric world.

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