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Chapter 842: The truth about Journey to the West!

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It turned out that the moment when Monkey King was summoned by Zhu Yuanyuan to the water blue star, it was exactly when the Buddha was calculating that he was being pressed down by Wuzhishan.

It was at this time that Zhu Yuanyuan summoned Monkey King, which caused the Buddha's calculations to fall to no avail. Heavenly Court was also in chaos. Not only Heavenly Court, Monster Race, and Buddhism, they all became a mess.

Although it is said that because Monkey King was unruly, untamed, and untamed, and offended many gods, even the monsters did not help him in the end, but I have to say that Monkey King is very important, and Monkey King is the most important figure in this time.

Why is Monkey King the most important? Why is Tang Seng not the main character?

Pig Bajie, Drifting Monk, Little White Dragon, are they not important anymore?

In fact, this is really the case. Among those who learn from the scriptures, Tang Seng was originally a disciple of Buddhism, one of the direct disciples of the Tathagata Buddha, and was originally the prince of Buddhism.

That is to say, Tang Seng may itself be a chess piece of a saint, and the role of a master among the Buddhist sages arranged by the Buddhist saints. This is the calculation between the saints, so that all the Buddhists can be paid into it by Buddhism. A calculation of luck.

Zhu Bajie, Drifting, these two were originally gods in the heavenly court, but were they really being cast down on earth because of some trivial things? It must be impossible. This is just a way for Heaven to participate in the study of scriptures. It may also be a way of sending people into Buddhism.

After all, Heavenly Court is actually an official organization that manages the entire Three Realms. In theory, Taoism and Buddhism belong to Heavenly Court. Of course, this is only theoretically.

In fact, Taoism and Buddhism are superficially managed by the heavenly courts. In secret, Taoism and Buddhism do not listen to the heavenly courts. The gods in the heavenly courts all have backgrounds. The most are Taoist. The demons have the least status in the heavenly courts. All mounts.

As for the star officials, there are some demon races who became immortals, such as the Pleiadian star officer. He is actually a big cock, but in fact these demon races who have become gods have separated from the demon race. I don't think I'm a Monster Race anymore, so the Monster Race will support Monkey King who is the Great Sage of the Monster Race from the beginning.

As for Xiaobailong, Buddhism wanted to win over the dragon clan, and the dragon clan really needed the opportunity to get rid of the oppression of the heavenly court, so he turned to Buddhism.

Although the dragon clan is said to have declined, but in terms of saying that the dead camel is bigger than the horse. The dragon clan still has some background. In the whole westward world, from small to a well, to large rivers, lakes, and oceans, There are dragons, it just depends on the bloodline.

Therefore, the dragon clan is still powerful, although it is not comparable to Taoism, Buddhism, and Heavenly Court, but how they say it is a race that existed since the beginning of the world, and the talent potential lies here!

The dragons are not equal to the monsters, and even they hate the monsters. You can tell from the beginning of the dragons that they don’t wait to see Monkey King. Even if Monkey King wins the title of Monkey King, the Dragon King of Four Seas still hates Monkey King. If Monkey King is strong, it is estimated that he will be bombarded and killed by the Dragon King!

From these things, as well as the choices of the people who learn from the scriptures, it can be seen that this learning is a matter of fighting for luck, and the fighting for luck is not the luck of the entire world, but the luck of the fighting monster race. Why? Is it the luck of the Yaozu?

First of all, Monkey King is one of the great sages of the demon race. If he takes the initiative to learn the scriptures, it means that the demon race has surrendered to Buddhism.

Secondly, Monkey King is the stone monkey born of the colorful sacred stone, and the colorful sacred stone is also the thing of the Nuwa Empress. It can be said that he is the son of the Nuwa Empress, and he is inseparable from the Yaozu. From this point of view , Most of Yaozu’s luck lies in Monkey King.

In Journey to the West, after Sun Wukong officially stepped into the path of learning, he went through nine or ninety-one difficulties, all of which were monsters.

Is this really eighty-one difficult? Is it true that you have to go through eighty-one difficulties to learn from it? Is it the so-called not light transmission?

You must know that Tang Seng is a direct disciple of the Tathagata Buddha, how could there be so-called Scripture not lightly passed on, in fact, this is the calculation of the gods and Buddha, the calculation of the monster race.

Monkey King went to learn the scriptures, and it was spread across the Three Realms by gods and Buddhas. Of course, it is impossible for the Yaozu not to know.

The demon race did not stop at the beginning. After all, if the learning of the scriptures is complete, the Monkey King, the great sage of the demon race, can also improve their status, right?

But what the Yaozu did not expect was that the gods and Buddhas would be so shameless as to propagate the so-called lie that eating Tang monk meat would be immortal, and the gods and Buddhas also made a westward route with monsters.

In this way, Monkey King had to confront the monsters of the Monster Race. At first, the Monster Race had to bear it. Later, when Monkey King saw the monster, he killed the Monster Race. This made the Monster Race annoyed. Later, he rushed to stop Monkey King. The monster who went to the west to learn the scriptures.

Those monsters with immortal masters also took the initiative to stop Monkey King. After all, they were also a member of the Monster Race, but Monkey King was too powerful. With the help of their master, Monkey King finally killed him in the West.

This is the truth of learning from the scriptures, in order to get the luck of Monkey King and to make Monkey King deviate from the monster race.

Of course, this incident was also what Zhu Yuanyuan knew about Journey to the West. As for the Journey to the West world, after he summoned Monkey King to the Aqua Blue Star, everything was messed up.

Even if the saints don't know where Monkey King has gone, they are really scared, and they probably thought it was Heaven's Dao.

Empress Nuwa was very happy, because other saints prevented her, she wanted to help this child who was very close to her, and she could not do it. Sun Wukong disappeared, so she avoided seeing her own child like Sun Wukong. Suffered.

Empress Nuwa also hopes to have a good relationship with her, but Sun Wukong is a monkey~www.ltnovel.com~ She has a very detached temperament. She can't understand many things, and she can't remind her. It's okay. It was Sun Wukong who disappeared in the end, otherwise she would definitely feel sorry for the child's fate in the end.


On the deck of the Stargate Base of the Aqua Star Devil Delta, Zhu Yuanyuan was talking to Monkey King.

"Wukong, you don’t need to take care of other things. You just need to protect Aquastar. By the way, Aquastar is only on Flying Fish Island where there is aura. In this way, I will arrange manpower to expand Flying Fish Island. At the same time, you can plant various fruit trees in Flying Fish Island. You can cultivate these fruit trees. Maybe they will become fairy fruits in the future. Of course, you can also find some monkeys on the water blue star to go to Flying Fish Island. You can teach them Cultivation, you can continue to be the Monkey King and the patron saint of the entire Aqua Blue Star, Wukong, what do you think?"

Zhu Yuanyuan arranged the Monkey King's affairs in one breath, and looked at Monkey King after speaking.

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