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Chapter 843: Hong Luan is gone!

But it hasn't waited for Monkey King to answer Zhu Yuanyuan's words.

"Wow!" Monkey King suddenly stood in front of Zhu Yuanyuan, then looked vigilantly at the door leading to the Stargate Base and shouted: "Who? Who is there, come out!"


The door of the Star Gate base opened, and Hong Luan's figure was revealed.

"Who are you? Why eavesdropped on my old grandson and the lord? If you don't talk about it, don't blame my old grandson's wishful golden hoop for not forgiving!" Monkey King blocked Zhu Yuanyuan, then looked at Hong with a bad look Luan, and he took out the golden cudgel from his ear and pointed at Hong Luan.

"Um... Wukong, this is the goddess Hongluan, a phoenix, don't worry, she won't hurt me."

Zhu Yuanyuan saw Monkey King stand in front of him and took out the golden cudgel and pointed at Hongluan. Although he felt good, he immediately stood up and said.

"Ah? Is that true? Fairy Hongluan, my old grandson was abrupt." Of course, Sun Wukong is not an unreasonable person. Now that he knew it was someone his lord knew, he apologized to Hongluan.

"It's okay, I don't know how to call this person?" In fact, Hongluan also felt the powerful aura of Monkey King, so she came over from the star gate to take a look. She was also afraid of what happened to Zhu Yuanyuan, of course she didn't hear it. Conversation between Monkey King and Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Fairy Hongluan, this is Monkey King Sun Wukong, now my subordinate." Zhu Yuanyuan introduced Sun Wukong to Hongluan.

"It turned out to be the Monkey King. Did the Monkey King also come to Aquastar from the time and space channel?" Hongluan nodded. She was surprised that this Monkey King is very powerful, maybe even stronger than her, but Zhu The people of Origin, she was surprised by this incident.

"Yes, my old grandson also came from the passage of time and space." Sun Wukong said after receiving the secret instruction from Zhu Yuanyuan. This is also an explanation of his origin. Of course, this is just an explanation of Hongluan, Shui There is no need to explain this on Blue Star.

"Zhu Yuanyuan, since there is a Monkey King here, why do you want me to stay and guard the passage of time and space?"

Hong Luan is also very strange about this matter. Since there is a big Luo Jinxian here, how can she stay and guard for a day? Is it possible that a large number of big Luo Jinxians will come through time and space channels?

"Fairy Hongluan, I am here to be safe, so I invite you to help guard the space-time passage. After all, you also know that this space-time passage is very dangerous. As long as it comes out of it, it is all immortal level. No one on Blue Star can resist the immortal."

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan is talking nonsense. If he can fool, he will fool him. Anyway, now he has Monkey King protection. Even if Hong Luan doesn't believe it, he can't help it.

"Since the Monkey King is yours, then I will go back to the space-time channel. Don't worry, since I promised you, then I will keep the promise to guard the space-time channel until it is about to close." Hong Luan has been Thinking about going back, she didn't plan to ask Sun Wukong if he would also go back through the space-time channel, regardless of her business.

"Okay, Fairy Hongluan, please." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then watched Hongluan enter the star gate.

After Fairy Hongluan was gone, Zhu Yuanyuan continued to chat with Sun Wu.

Zhu Yuanyuan also asked about Sun Wukong’s experience when he became a teacher of Bodhi Patriarch at this time. For example, what exercises did he learn specifically, how were the Patriarchs of Bodhi, who are the disciples of Patriarch Bodhi, and how powerful are they? , And so on.

Through inquiries, Zhu Yuanyuan also knew what exercises Sun Wukong learned. The exercises Sun Wukong learned are "Dapin Tianxian Jue", "Somersault Cloud", and "The Seventy-Two Transformations of the Devil". These were learned from Bodhi ancestors. Yes, he was thrown into the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Lord, and he was made into golden eyes, and he also had a copper skin and iron bones. Of course, this is just a metaphor. His body is much harder than copper and iron. , Even the dragon's body is not as powerful as his body.

However, what is different from the novel of Journey to the West is that in the real world of Journey to the West, Sun Wukong's apprenticeship went smoothly. After knowing that Sun Wukong was coming to apprentice, the ancestor of Bodhi immediately accepted him as his apprentice, and there was nothing wrong with it. The test was only when he was teaching Sun Wukong to study the exercises, he also taught him the principles of life, and also taught him some knowledge, so Sun Wukong did not understand everything, he knew a lot, even if he went to the scientific examination It is estimated that they can get the top pick.


Soon one day passed. Among them, Zhu Yuanyuan went back to Ziyuan Mountain for dinner and slept at home. He was relieved that Monkey King was at the Star Gate base.

Today was also the time when the space-time channel was about to be closed. Zhu Yuanyuan also arrived at the Star Gate base after having breakfast at home, and then asked if there was any abnormality in the space-time channel of Monkey King. After knowing that there was no movement, he was relieved.

"Zhu Yuanyuan, one day has passed, and the energy fluctuation of the space-time channel has weakened. Maybe an hour later, the channel will be closed. Now that the promise has been fulfilled, I will also leave."

After Hongluan saw Zhu Yuanyuan, she said goodbye to him. She had been out for so long, and it was time to go back.

"Fairy Hongluan, I would like to wish you a smooth journey home. These are some of the special products of Aquastar collected in the next, please accept it." Zhu Yuanyuan can only bid farewell, but he still took it out. A space ring was handed to Hongluan~www.ltnovel.com~, which is filled with some food to eat. Although it is not a good thing, it is also a heart.

"Then I will accept it, Zhu Yuanyuan, the Monkey King, goodbye, and hope to meet again one day!"

After Hong Luan saw some food in the space ring, she also accepted it. Then she said goodbye, and when she moved her body, she rushed into the space-time channel. In fact, she was very emotional, but she hadn't been in the water blue star. It only exposed her own character. Now she was leaving Aquastar to go home. There was a bit of mixed feelings for a while. In order not to make a fool of herself, she directly rushed into the space-time channel.

Let alone gods, there are no emotions and desires. Those are all fake. Novels and TV are just novels and TV.

For example, Zhu Yuanyuan asked Sun Wukong, he asked Sun Wukong if he really couldn't be a biological child, but Sun Wukong said that there is no such thing. Most people in the heaven have a partner. The heaven is very big, and the heaven is just the heaven. The palace in the middle, of course the families of those gods do not live there anymore.

The cultivation of immortals is not unfeeling or hunger strike. They are also affectionate and loving deities. Many of them have cultivated from human beings to immortals. They are said to be ruthless and unloving. That is the way of heaven, which is actually not ruthless, heaven It's just being equal to everything.

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