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Chapter 855: Kitchen bucket (7)

"Xiang Huiya, Xiang Dong, you are the person in charge of Xiangmanlou, and you have also heard what Patriarch Zhang said. Do you agree to disagree Patriarch Zhang playing?"

An Ziyuan said directly to the two sisters and brothers of the Xiang family at the entrance of Xiangmanlou, he did not know who Zhu Yuanyuan was, so he didn't say hello, and he didn't think Zhu Yuanyuan would be the big chef, um, it must not be so young. Gangster.

   "This..." Xiang Huiya and Xiang Dong Wenyan were startled, and then they didn't know what they thought of, and both looked at Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "You can promise!" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the crowd around Xiangmanlou indifferently, nodded and signaled that Xiangjia brothers agreed to come down, isn't it just another person to come up? He is not afraid, mainly because he already knows his level of culinary skills. After making hot and sour potato shreds, the information on Zhu Yuanyuan's system panel has changed.

   "Zhu Origin."

"Sex: Male."

   "Nationality: Chinese nationality."

   "Age: 36."

  "Occupation: Lord of Light (Level 11, Late Magic God, 1 million combat power).

   Comprehension (Twelfth Floor of the Golden Core Phase, 26.44,000 combat power). Chef (9 stars, real water continent, 1 million combat power). "

   "Aquamarine Star World Combat Power: 2,000."

   "The magical world combat power: 2.612 million points."

   "Combat power in the cook world: point."

   "Total combat power: point."

   Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that his profession has undergone a new change. The professional combat power of the chef is so powerful. The 9-level 9-star combat power is even one million. Such data is already very powerful, and it is comparable to the Jin Danqi.

   And he also discovered that in this world, 9 stars and 9 stars are not the culmination of chefs. Like cultivation and magic, they can ascend or be extradited or search for them by themselves. Anyway, it almost means that there is a more advanced world.

Knowing that I am a nine-level nine-star chef, that is the top chef tycoon-level figure in the entire True Water Continent, and now a small second-level chef is going to come to fight him in the kitchen, Zhu Yuanyuan is worthwhile, directly That's it.

And this world does not have the seasonings of Aquastar, such as soy sauce, vinegar, chicken essence, and MSG. There are no such things. After Zhu Yuanyuan uses the seasoning, every dish can be homemade, even if it is facing the same level. Big chef, Zhu Yuanyuan is not afraid!

"We promised. Patriarch Zhang can join the kitchen fight." After Xiang Huiya and Xiangdong heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words, they also reacted. This Mr. Zhu must be a level 2 chef, and he will get his own dishes. The chef’s level of gas improvement is definitely more than 1 level. This is historically proven. Every chef who creates dishes has improved a lot. The lowest is also 3 stars, and the highest is even as many as several continuous levels. .

   "Okay, then it's settled. I don't know which chef you are participating in the kitchen fight in Xiangmanlou?"

Although An Ziyuan saw what Xiang's sister and brother and Zhu Yuanyuan had said together before agreeing, he still did not hear what Zhu Yuanyuan said. It was not that his strength was low and did not hear it, but that Zhu Yuanyuan's current strength changed Stronger, although the chef cultivates qi, and his physical body is not strong, he still increases his lifespan. At the same time, having qi on his body can also prevent others from eavesdropping.

   The group of people in the Zhang family were all in ecstasy after hearing that Xiang Manlou agreed. They didn't expect Xiang Manlou to be so dying. It was great that they agreed to their Patriarch's participation in the kitchen fight.

And Zhang Shangming was still frowning, and he felt bad in his heart: "What's the situation in Xiangmanlou? Why did you agree to join me in the kitchen fight? Is Xiang Tianwu that bad old man healed from his injury? Or the chef who made his own dishes? Instead of Xiangmanlou's kitchen bucket?"

   After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Shangming still felt inexplicably uneasy. He felt that this time the Zhang family might be out of luck.

   "Chairman An, it is Mr. Zhu Yuanyuan who performed the cooking fight on behalf of our Xiangmanlou. Mr. Zhu is our chef at Xiangmanlou. He has been learning and practicing cooking skills outside, and he just returned to Xiangmanlou today."

   directly introduced Zhu Yuanyuan to An Ziyuan to Huiya. She said that Zhu Yuanyuan was the chef of Xiangmanlou and discussed it early in the morning.

"Oh? Hello, Mr. Zhu Yuanyuan. I am An Ziyuan, the president of the God of Cooking Branch of Xiqin Town. I don't know what Mr. Zhu's chef level is?" An Ziyuan looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with curiosity. He really didn't feel Zhu. The origin was a chef, and he didn't sense the gas from this person, but since the people in Xiangmanlou said that he would let this person participate in the kitchen fight, it would be hard for him to object.

   "Chairman An, hello! I haven't been to the God of Cooking Association to assess the level, so theoretically there is no level, and I don't know how many levels I have."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at An Ziyuan and said faintly, although he already knew his chef level from the system panel, but he didn’t go to the God of Cooking Association for assessment, this level could not be said so, otherwise it is estimated that everyone will think he is in the air. In the vernacular, I would say that he has blown the bull to the sky.

"What? Mr. Zhu, you haven't been tested yet?" An Ziyuan was stunned when he heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, but soon he reacted in his heart and muttered secretly: "This is the district of Xiqin Town. A small family in's even has this heart of forbearance, and it still hides its killer! Maybe the Zhang family might be smashed!"

An Ziyuan is now extremely optimistic about the Zhang family~www.ltnovel.com~ He did not expect that the Xiangjiacheng Mansion behind this Xiangmanlou is so deep, and there is also a chef who has not been assessed for the level. This is clearly Xiangjia’s card .

   "Chairman An, yes, I really haven't checked the level." Zhu Yuanyuan confirmed An Ziyuan's question.

"In that case, Mr. Zhu, can you let me inquire about it?" Although An Ziyuan got the answer from Zhu Yuanyuan, he still has to inquire according to the rules, or he would believe it if he said that he hadn't checked the level. Then their Kitchen God Association is not messy?

   "Oh? I don't know how to inquire?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked a question mark on his forehead. Could it be possible that there is still Internet in this world?

   "Mr. Zhu, this is this gadget, you can just stand still." An Ziyuan took out a crystal ball and said.

   "Okay." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the crystal ball curiously and agreed. He really wanted to see what this thing was and what its use was.


   Zhu Yuanyuan saw the white light on the crystal ball scanning his body, and then the white light disappeared on the crystal ball.

"no data!".

   Then there was an empty sound above the crystal ball.

   "Mr. Zhu, I'm sure, you haven't been assessed by the God of Kitchen Association." After An Ziyuan heard the sound on the crystal ball, he confirmed that Zhu Yuanyuan had not been assessed by the God of Kitchen Association.

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