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Chapter 856: Kitchen bucket (8)

"Patriarch Zhang, Mr. Zhu Yuanyuan accepts the challenge of the kitchen fight in Xiangmanlou. Are you sure that you are the one who played in the Zhang family?"

An Ziyuan saw that both parties had identified the personnel of the kitchen and turned to ask Zhang Shangming, the owner of the Zhang family.

"Yes, I will play." Zhang Shangming glanced at Zhu Yuanyuan and found that he couldn't see through the young man in front of him, but now the Zhang family is already riding a tiger, and it cannot be cancelled after the Kitchen God Association applies for a kitchen fight, otherwise it will Offends the behemoth of the God of Kitchen Association, and it is not allowed to be cancelled.

If you want to cancel the cooking bucket, the applicant’s chef qualifications will be revoked. At the same time, the applicant’s restaurants and restaurants will all have no business qualifications, which means that the applicant will not be able to engage in the chef profession in the future. That’s right, it’s that serious.

"Okay, now that both parties have decided on the candidates, then enter the kitchen space for cooking. Patriarch Zhang, Mr. Zhu, you two come over and sign the contract. By the way, Xiang Huiya, Xiangdong, are you two sure to use Xiang? Is the family recipe as a bet for this time?"

After An Ziyuan identified the person in the kitchen, he took out a round black metal plate from the kitchen utensils in his space, and while talking, he took out a sheet of paper glowing white, and suddenly he asked Xiang Jia again. Are the two siblings sure to use Xiang's recipes as a bet?

"Chairman An, we are sure." Xiang Dong and Xiang Huiya both looked at each other and saw that they were firm, and then said at the same time that they had no choice but to see Zhu Yuanyuan’s cooking skills. The chefs who can create their own dishes are all big bosses. If you don’t believe Zhu Yuanyuan, would they just fall down like this?

"Okay, you two sign a contract!" An Ziyuan glanced at the Xiang family, and sighed secretly in his heart, but the secret fights between these forces don't care about him. The God of Cooking Association cannot participate in the fight between the forces. Struggle, and then he said to Zhu Yuanyuan and Zhang Shangming with the white light of the heavenly contract.

Zhang Shangming first stepped forward and pressed his hand on the Heavenly Path Contract. When he pressed, a gas of breath poured into the Heavenly Path Contract from his hand.

"It turned out to be like this." Zhu Yuanyuan was deliberately late, just to know how to sign the Heavenly Path Contract, otherwise he would take out a pen and sign a name on it. Wouldn't it be a joke now? He secretly rejoiced, and then went forward to use the gas in his body to press against the heavenly contract.

"Heaven is the proof, and the contract is established!" An Ziyuan saw that the two people had signed the contract, he held the contract with both hands and bowed towards the sky. Suddenly the contract in his hand turned into a little white light and scattered around the sky. It overflowed, and then disappeared into the sky.

"This feeling..." After Zhu Yuanyuan's contract of heaven and the path of light disappeared, he felt an inexplicable peep between heaven and earth, but this was not just his feeling alone, Zhang Shangming also felt like this. But Zhang Shangming was not surprised, obviously he knew about this.

"Fortunately, the young master has the Ten Thousand Realms system, otherwise the identity of the traverser will definitely be exposed to the eyes of Heaven. I am afraid that the death was miserable at that time." Zhu Yuanyuan muttered secretly, he felt that the Ten Thousand Realms system was still very reliable. of.

"Okay, let's enter the kitchen space! Everyone, if you want to watch the kitchen bucket, please use the kitchen token to purchase the entrance ticket to enter the kitchen space this time."

An Ziyuan used the kitchen order in his hand to contact Tiandao to open up a kitchen space, and then set up a ticket fee. A martial art is not expensive, only a silver coin. Compared with this time, this silver coin can be said to be superb. Value for money.

The currency system on the True Waters Continent is also very simple. There are three types of copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. One thousand copper coins equals one silver coin, and one thousand silver coins equals one gold coin.

There is a gold card on the real water continent. It is a gold card issued by the God of Kitchen Association and all countries. The gold cards can transfer money to each other, and at the same time can go to Yinzhuang to deposit and withdraw cash, and can also connect to the kitchen order to purchase and enter the kitchen space. In short, the gold card has a wide range of functions. With a gold card, you can travel across the continent.

"Two, please!" After An Ziyuan opened the kitchen space, a light door appeared at the entrance of Xiangmanlou. It was not clear what was inside the light door. An Ziyuan asked Zhu Yuanyuan and Zhang Shangming to please Gesture, and then he himself first walked in through the light gate.

Zhang Shangming glanced at Zhu Yuanyuan and followed An Ziyuan into Guangmen.

"Fuck! Is this world so awesome? Can you create such a space? It looks like a stadium, and there are all ingredients around here, as well as stoves and all kinds of kitchen utensils."

After Zhu Yuanyuan followed through the light gate, he saw the situation in the kitchen space, and a huge wave rose in his heart.

Originally, when he first began to travel into this world, Zhu Yuanyuan thought that this world is similar to the martial arts world, and the approximate realm of cultivation is similar to that of the martial arts world, but then he discovered that this world has the law of nature, and discovered that the chef has become a self-cultivation system. , And all other combat professions must be attached to the chef system to cultivate. Zhu Yuanyuan believed that this world should be similar to the magical world's cultivation realm and strength.

But now that the kitchen space has appeared again, it is still a small place like Xiqin Town, Zhu Yuanyuan is a little confused~www.ltnovel.com~ He found that the water in this world is too deep, he is a newcomer. It’s better to watch the traverser and do less. Otherwise, even if he is the top chef in the real water continent, he will die without knowing how to die. Of course, this is just an exaggeration. It can't be dropped, after all, the Ten Thousand Realms System is on the body, and leaving this world is just a moment.

"Two people, this time the kitchen fight was challenged by the Zhang family, so the theme of cooking will be determined by Mr. Zhu who will play in the place of Xiangmanlou. You have no opinion on this, right?"

After entering the kitchen space, An Ziyuan also talked about the rules first. Of course, there are no rules. It is just how to determine the winners and losers after cooking. This is not to get a few judges to decide the winners or losers. It is very simple. It is shown by the dishes. It's as simple and rude as the level of energy that comes out.

Moreover, the problem of the kitchen bucket is not set by the people of the God of Kitchen Association, but by the party being challenged. This is not unfair, but to ensure the interests of the challenged party. Otherwise, whoever Everyone wants to challenge chefs who are lower than themselves, so the world is not messy?

You know that low-level chefs also have their own special dishes. They can even make their own special dishes a few stars higher than their own chef's level. This is where the advantage of the special dishes lies.

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