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Chapter 864: Kitchen Bucket-Cornucopia (16)

"call out!"

   The breath of "Buddha Jumping Over the Wall" all poured into Zhu Yuanyuan's body, but it was useless for him.

After all the qi from that rushing gas poured into Zhu Yuanyuan’s body, "Buddha Jumping Over the Wall" showed his own qi, which was still level 9 and 9 stars. In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan believed that the Buddha jumping over the wall may far exceed this level. It's just that the most powerful one on this real water continent is a 9-star and 9-star, so it can't break this limit. Of course, this is likely to have something to do with his own realm.

   Zhu Origin itself is only nine-level nine-star, so it is not surprising that he can't make higher dishes. After all, his realm can only be improved with reputation points, and system limitations may be the most important factor.

   "Fuck...Master Zhu Niu* (pi), it turns out to be a nine-level nine-star dish, and it is still homemade."

   "Haha! I'm so lucky today to be able to witness the work of a nine-level master. It's great."

   "The name of this Buddha Jumping the Wall is good, and the level is also top. It seems to be a top-notch gourmet."


   The audience above the auditorium saw the level of the Buddha jumping over the wall, and there was another exclamation. The surprise was wave after wave, and they were almost overwhelmed.

"It's over..." Everyone in the Zhang family has a dejected look. Originally, they still took a little luck. Sometimes the homemade dishes were not necessarily high-level. The first-level dishes were not self-conscious before. Is it created? As long as the dishes cooked by Zhu Yuanyuan are of low level this time, they still hope to win, but now it turns out to be another nine-star nine-star dish. What hope does this give them!



When the food gas of Chong disappeared and the food gas of the Buddha jumped over the wall was revealed, a pot appeared on the table. The color of this pot was brilliant and golden, and the pot was painted with flowers, birds, fish and insects. There are people that Zhu Yuanyuan knows, and others that he doesn't, which makes this basin seem very mysterious.

   "What is this? A nice pot?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at this one-meter-diameter pot. He picked it up and looked at it curiously, but he didn't see any flowers.

   "Let me study, what is this." Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, felt that since this is a treasure rewarded by Tao, it must be a useful thing, and then he used his breath to infuse it.

   "Buddha jumping over the wall, Tao rewards "The Cornucopia": attributes (special), nine-level nine-star special treasures, and each of them will have the same ingredients. These ingredients are all materials and treasures, which contain energy.

After Zhu Yuanyuan entered his qi, such a message appeared in his mind. It turned out that this was a special treasure called a cornucopia. However, this cornucopia was not rich in treasures, but material treasures, which was equivalent to material treasures. The ingredients, there is no problem at all, it is a very good baby.

What appears in this cornucopia is not ordinary ingredients. These ingredients are full of breath, and the ingredients are also graded. Don’t look at Zhu Yuanyi using some ingredients casually to create nine-level nine-star dishes, then It is because of self-made, so Tao has rewards to restore the original level of the dishes, so it will become a nine-level nine-star.

Other chefs are different. There are very few chefs who can create their own dishes. Therefore, in general, how many level chefs use how many levels of ingredients, this is the correct way to cook, otherwise a level 1 chef uses level 9 ingredients , Isn't this a trouble? I am afraid that even the essence of the ingredients cannot be guided out, let alone made into dishes, it is a huge waste.

  Some chefs can cook dishes that exceed their own level, but this is only a small number of people. Most people can only cook dishes that are comparable to their own level. Now, high-level ingredients are not easy to find.

For example, Zhu Yuanyuan’s ingredients in this kitchen space are actually mostly level 1-3 ingredients, and level 4 is not at all, because this kitchen space is An Ziyuan’s, although there is a God of Cooking behind An Ziyuan Association, but there are too many branches of the God of Kitchen Association, and a lot of resources are issued, but in towns like Xiqin Town, there are fewer resources, and they are generally based on the average level of chefs in the town. .

The chefs in Xiqin Town are mostly level 1-2, and there are few chefs at level 3, and the level 3 chefs are generally in the Kitchen God Association of Xiqin Town, and most of the resources issued are Level 1-3, level 4 and above are available, but they are all benefits for the Chef God Association's own employees, such as An Ziyuan, who has a certain amount of 3-4 food ingredients every year.

The ingredients in this kitchen space look like a lot, it seems that they can’t be used up, but in fact they are all accumulated over so many years. They are all the resources that the God of Kitchen Association transported to Xiqin Town, not Anzi. Yuan own things.

Originally, the kitchen space could also simulate these ingredients, and then a fake simulated cooking dishes, but the fake ones are fake after all, which will affect the cooking ability of people, so the simulation was not used long ago~www.mtlnovel. com~ Of course, the general kitchen **** association will still use virtual ingredients to train culinary students, so that they can continuously harvest talents. This training method is used by most forces. After all, some ingredients are very precious. Even low-level ingredients are money.

   "The cornucopia, this thing can actually show ingredients out of thin air, it is really a good thing. But can this cornucopia be used after it is out of this world?"

Although Zhu Yuanyuan thinks this is a very good treasure, every ingredient can appear, and it is not divided into levels. It may be level 1 or 9 level, but after he left the world of chefs, Will this thing still be useful? He expressed doubts.

   "System, after this cornucopia is brought out of this world, can there be any food ingredients?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked the system, the Ten Thousand Realms System, which must know everything.

   "Master, the cornucopia can also be used when it brings out this world, but after leaving this world, energy is needed to drive the cornucopia. Reiki, energy, magic, whatever energy is fine."

   After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan’s question, the system immediately gave its answer, and its voice was still cold and merciless.

   "You can use it for school" Zhu Yuanyuan nodded. Sure enough, this cornucopia can still be used after taking it out.

   After taking the cornucopia out, you can get the same ingredients every time. Although it looks very small, the cornucopia is more than one meter in diameter. There must be a large amount of ingredients, and there will be no shortage of ingredients in the future.

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