Random Shopping System

Chapter 870: Carob City (2)

   "Boss, is there a tooth shop in Xiqin Town?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked casually when he paid for breakfast after eating breakfast.

"Master, there is a Yahang in Xiqin Town, walk two blocks from here, and then turn right. The second storefront is Lanjia Yahang. Lanjia Yahang makes very big ones. I heard There are stores in every town and city in Yunguo, you can go and check it out."

   The owner of the breakfast shop immediately replied when he heard that he was asking for directions, and also introduced the situation of the Yaxing by the way.

   "Oh? It seems that this tooth shop is very big! Thank you, boss, this is breakfast money, no need to look for it!"

   Zhu Yuanyuan threw out a silver coin, and then thanked him and left the breakfast shop.

   "Ah! Thank you, master, thank you for your reward!"

   Seeing a silver light falling in his hand, the breakfast shop owner picked it up and saw that it was a silver coin. He picked it up and bit it, leaving a tooth mark all of a sudden, and hurriedly thanked the person who had left.

Zhu Yuanyuan walked towards the target along the street and wandered around. He found that although the town of Xiqin was small, there were a lot of people, but it seemed that few knew him, but the people walking on the street were all ordinary People, plus they are all busy running around for life, no ordinary people will go to see the kitchen fight yesterday, so it's not surprising that you don't know him.

   The architectural style of Xiqin Town is different from Linli Star. The architectural style on Linli Star is similar to the style of Qin Dynasty, while Xiqin Town is similar to the style of Tang Dynasty.

   After passing two intersections, turn right, and then Zhu Yuanyuan saw a three-story storefront. The sign hanging on it had the four golden characters of Lanjiayaxing, which seemed to be here.

   This store is very big. Standing at the door, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at it from both sides, and the area occupied by this yam shop is not small. The store is 100 meters in the past, and the depth of it is not known how big it is!

   "Oh, hello, master! Do you have any needs? The younger one can introduce to you."

  As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan entered, there was a second person who came to say hello. This second person was very insightful. All of a sudden he realized that the clothes Zhu Yuanyuan was wearing were not cheap, so he rushed over to say hello.

   "Well, do you have a coachman who drives a carriage? I want to buy one." Zhu Yuanyuan said lightly.

"Yes, yes, please sit here, sir, and I will bring you someone." Xiao Er quickly responded, and then led Zhu Yuanyuan to sit down in a seat and gave Zhu Yuanyuan a glass. Tea before leaving.

Zhu Yuanyuan looked around, and found that the Lanjiaya was quite interesting. The place where the guests sat was separated by a screen. The business was very good. The voice of conversation could be heard from time to time. Business, business here must be very good.

   "Master, you see this is a coachman who came to sell himself voluntarily, his name is Ergouzi, Ergouzi, this is the master who wants to buy a coachman."

   Soon, Zhu Yuanyuan saw Xiao Er walking over with a man who was about 30 years old, and also introduced Zhu Yuanyuan. Seeing Ergouzi's yellowish and thin face, he must be unable to survive!

   "Oh? Ergouzi? How old are you? Have you ever driven a carriage?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Ergouzi who seemed to be quite young and couldn't help asking.

   "If you go back to the master, the youngest is 18 years old. He used to drive a carriage in Qi's house but was driven out. The youngest couldn't survive, so he came to sell himself."

   Ergouzi said honestly.

   "18 years old? Why were you kicked out?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked surprised, Nima, who is older than Xiaoye, 18 years old?

"In return to the master, the young man was kicked out because he offended a young master of the Qi family." Er Gouzi was also very depressed. When he drove a carriage, he accidentally crushed a stone and then took the young master. The shock was not light, so Ergouzi was kicked out. Not only that, but was also beaten by the young master of the Qi family. Then the money saved before was also spent on medical treatment, plus Ergou All the parents in the son's family died, so they couldn't live on for a while, so they came to sell themselves.

   After hearing what happened to Ergouzi, Zhu Yuanyuan nodded secretly. This Ergouzi was very honest and did not exaggerate. It would be impossible to lie in front of him even in the Yuan Ying period.

"Okay, that's it for you. Xiao Er, how much is this Ergouzi?" Zhu Yuanyuan decided it all at once. Originally, he looked at Ergouzi's appearance and disliked his age. Now he found that the other party was only 18 before he decided It's Ergouzi, and it's easy to be shaped at a young age. In the future, these Ergouzi will have other uses, not just for driving.

   "Master, Ergouzi sells his body for 30 silver coins, and you can win his contract."

   After hearing that Zhu Yuanyuan was going to buy Ergouzi, Xiao Er immediately became happy, and it finally opened today.

"Okay, I bought it. These are 35 silver coins. 5 silver coins are considered as a reward for you. Ergouzi, I am very satisfied~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Yuanyuan flips his hand on the coffee table in front of him. Appeared on the table, and then faintly said to Xiao Er.

"Ah! Thank you, master, thank you for your reward. If you are younger, go and get his deed." Xiaoer quickly collected the silver coins, counted them carefully, and then thanked him excitedly, then stepped back and went Got a contract with Ergouzi.

   Xiaoer was very happy, he had a commission originally, and he got 5 silver coins, which is equivalent to his one month's salary. Can you be unhappy?

   Even if he is a guy from Lanjia Yaxing, in a small place like Xiqin Town, the salary of 5 silver coins a month is very high.

If you calculate the salary on the Aquastar, 5 silver coins are equivalent to 5,000 yuan on Aquastar, and this is still the basic salary. If you add a commission, the junior has at least 10 silver coins a month, which is equivalent to water. Blue Star is 10,000 yuan, a lot.

   In other words, Ergouzi sells his body, which is equivalent to 30,000 yuan on Aquastar. The price looks very low, but it is not actually calculated like that.

   A small place like Xiqin Town can have 1 silver coin a month, even if it is a home for food and clothing, you can eat and wear warmly, live in a good place, and you can still have it. .

   Like Xiao Er can get a basic salary of 5 silver coins a month, and there is also a commission. This kind of work is equivalent to the white-collar level on the Aquastar, and is already the top migrant worker in Xiqin Town.

This is why Lanjia Yahang can only pay such a salary. If you change to any local shop in Xiqin Town, you will not have this salary. Of course, Yinzhuang is not included in it. Yinzhuang’s salary is more than that of Lanjiaya. To be high.

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