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Chapter 871: Carob City (3)

"Master, this is Ergouzi's contract to sell one's body. You can reach the contract with a single click on this one. This is a heavenly contract. After the contract is reached, Ergouzi will not dare to escape, otherwise he will die. It's miserable."

   Xiaoer walked over quickly with the contract, and put it on the table in front of Zhu Yuanyuan, and introduced the contract by the way.

   It turns out that this is what the tooth line of this world is about, and it actually uses the Tiandao contract as a deed for the sale of human beings. This is too awesome.

"Well, good." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then used his own breath to press a handprint on the Tiandao contract, and then the whole contract turned into a little white light and fell on him and Ergouzi respectively, and then he I felt an inexplicable feeling, as if I could control the life and death of Er Gouzi, which was really amazing.

   This kind of heavenly contract is very cheap. You can buy one for 1 silver coin. Of course, this is very cheap for the rich, but not cheap for the civilians.

"The contract is complete, Ergouzi, this master will be your master in the future, and you will serve your master well in the future, otherwise you can only blame yourself if you are beaten to death." This little second seems to be a kind person, trading Although it was finished, I still reminded Er Gouzi.

   "Well, the little one knows. Er Gouzi pays his respects to his master." Er Gouzi directly knelt on the ground and knocked Zhu Yuanyuan's head and said loudly.

   "Er Gouzi, get up, don't knelt down and kowtow in the future, I don't like this."

   Zhu Yuanyuan said lightly, he really didn't like others to kneel and kowtow.

   "Yes, Master." When Er Gouzi heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, he quickly responded and stood up.

"Master, Ergouzi will leave it to you. This time the transaction is completed, do you know what else you need? In addition to buying people, we can also buy a house and help you do some things. Convenient things to do."

   Xiaoer was also very happy to see that this transaction was completed, and said a few more words by the way.

"No need, I am leaving Xiqin Town. I am very satisfied with this transaction. Your Lanjiayafang is very good. If you need it in the future, I will go to your Lanjiayafang in other cities and leave. "

   Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head, and while talking, he took Er Gouzi towards the outside of the Yaxing Gate.

   "Goodbye, honorable lord! Thank you for coming to Lanjia Yaxing!" Xiao Er sent Zhu Yuanyuan out and said loudly.

   "Er Gouzi, let's leave Xiqin Town first, and then drive to Carob City, do you know how to get to Carob City?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan walked toward the outside of Xiqin Town, and said to Ergouzi who followed.

   "Yes, master, the villain knows how to get to Carob City." Er Gouzi quickly came up to answer.

   "Well, you know, yes, you can call me son in the future, don't call me master." Zhu Yuanyuan is very satisfied. These two dogs seem to be a coachman who has been to many places, not bad!

   "Yes, son." Er Gouzi answered quickly.

  'S Xiaoxiqin town is not very big. After half an hour, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others left the town gate.

   After leaving the city gate, Zhu Yuanyuan took his carriage out of the martial warehouse in an unmanned place, along with two horses.

   "Alright, Ergouzi, let's set off after getting ready. This is food and water. Stay on the road to eat."

   After taking out the carriage, Zhu Yuan called the stunned Ergouzi, left some food outside the carriage, and then got into the carriage.

"Yes, son, let’s drive the car when I’m young." Er Gouzi quickly climbed into the carriage, and then sat in the position of the groom, and immediately started to drive the car. It was really the first time he saw such a luxurious one. The carriage, even the position of the coachman, is specially made, with dust-proof glass in the front and doors on both sides. Except for the two horses outside, the carriage is in the carriage, and it is easy to control the horses.

   "Driving..." Er Gouzi pulled the rope and patted the two horses lightly, and then the two horses ran without being tired at all.

Moreover, the two horses ran without any command, and they did not deviate from the route. Ergouzi was relieved, and then began to eat something. The food Zhu Yuanyuan left for him included buns, bread, milk, and some fruits. Ergouzi's food is very sweet.

   "Heh! It seems that the names of rural villages in this world are very similar to those on Aquastar. What are Ergouzi, Three Donkeys, Tigers, Dog Eggs, Dog Leftovers, Dog Babies, are they really cheap names to feed?"

   After Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that the carriage was on the road, he made a new discovery. This world has something in common with Aquastar.

After getting on the road, I didn’t stop when I had lunch at noon, because Carob City is far away. It takes at least half a day and takes 5-6 hours to get there. If you have a rest on the road, you may not be able to get there before dark, so it doesn’t stop. Next, I ate lunch directly in the car.

Zhu Yuanyuan did not cook his own cooking this time, but took some food out of the prepared food to eat~www.ltnovel.com~ This world can’t cook food indiscriminately, otherwise there will be gasps, which is in the wild. Too conspicuous, not so good.

  ...Time passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye it was more than 3 pm, and Er Gouzi also drove the carriage outside the gate of Carob City.

   "My son, I have arrived at the gate of Carob City, where are we going next?" After Er Gouzi looked at the gate, he couldn't help asking Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Ergouzi, it's still early. I found the Lanjiaya in Carob City. Let's buy a house. We will stay in Carob City for a while."

After thinking about it, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that such a big city would still have to stay here for a period of time. At the very least, he had to open a restaurant and then continue to go elsewhere. If he could earn some prestige points, earn some. No matter how small the ant is It's also meat.

"Yes, son." Er Gouzi immediately agreed. This carob city is still very familiar to him. He has been with the ladies and masters of the Qi family before, so he is still familiar with this place. He also knows where the Lan family tooth line is. know.

   Why don’t Ergouzi come to Carob City to sell themselves? ?

Of course Ergouzi wanted to come, but he didn't have the money to ride in a carriage and relied on walking. It is estimated that it would take several days to get there, and it would be prone to accidents on the road. There are many bandits, don’t look at Ergouzi driving the carriage this time. That is the carriage is too luxurious. Those bandits dare not to provoke, nor are they stupid. If the thing provokes a chef, they all have to die, so generally the carriage is so luxurious, they dare not provoke it.

  Think about it, if Ergouzi walked over by himself, he would definitely be stopped by the bandit. If this ends, either he will join the band and be a bandit, or he will be hacked to death by the bandit. There are two kinds of endings.

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