Random Shopping System

Chapter 872: Carob City (4)

When entering the city, the guard soldiers at the gate did not embarrass them. They just paid a silver coin to enter the city. The price is indeed high, but this is also because Zhu Yuanyuan originally had no copper coins, plus these guard soldiers. If you don’t search the carriage, you always have to give others some rewards. Otherwise, what would others think of you if you drive such a luxurious carriage and you are still nothing?

   Only horse-drawn carriages and the like need to be paid for entering the city. Those who walk into the city do not need to pay a copper coin. Of course, riding a horse also has to pay. This may be to maintain the road and repair it.

After entering the city, Ergouzi drove a carriage to Lanjiaya. Soon Zhu Yuanyuan bought the house. He had money and didn't need to choose carefully. He bought it directly after he liked it, and also bought it. Fifty people came back.

The house I bought was a yard. Not only did it have a yard, but there was also a restaurant close to the street. This restaurant was closed after a kitchen bucket lost, so it was sold by the family. It is said that the family has left the corner. Bean city.

"You will all be servants of my Zhu family in the future. You will need to work diligently in the future. Your status will not be low in the future. Of course, if anyone dares to act in the name of my Zhu family, don’t blame me. Ruthless, do you understand?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan stood on the steps in the yard he bought and watched the instructions of the next group of people who had just bought it.

   "Yes, son!" All of them knelt on the ground at once, bowed their heads and responded loudly.

   "Okay, get up, don't kneel at Zhu's house, don't kneel anymore. Ergouzi, you will be in charge of these people in the future, is there any problem?"

   Zhu Yuanyi raised his eyebrows, and then said impatiently, he was really annoyed by the etiquette of kneeling, but there was no way, this is the rule here, of course, he can also abolish this rule as the master.

"Yes, son, young ones must take care of them." Er Gouzi's face was full of joy all of a sudden. He didn't expect that his son would raise himself to such a position all of a sudden. He thought he was originally. I can only be a coachman!

   "From now on Ergouzi will be the steward of Zhu's Mansion. You have to listen to him, do you know?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan said directly to the person who stood up below.

   "Yes, son, the villain knows." Everyone quickly agreed.

   "Er Gouzi, you will be a housekeeper in the future, and you can't be called by this name anymore. In this way, since you were a driver in the first place, you will be called Zhu Ji Ti."

After thinking about it, Zhu Yuanyuan added another sentence. It’s impossible for his housekeeper to continue to call Ergouzi, so he changed his name. As for why it is called Zhu Jiti, Zhu Yuanyuan also thought of a verse through the carriage, and the spring breeze was proud Horseshoe disease, see Chang'an flowers in one day.

"Thank you for your name!" Ergouzi happily responded. He didn't have his own name before. Generally, children in rural areas don't have a name, so they just have a nickname. They will have their own names when they grow up. It's just that when Er Gouzi grew up, both of his parents died, so he kept the nickname Er Gouzi.

   And Ergouzi is also very grateful. I am grateful to Zhu Yuanyuan for giving him a name, and being able to have the same surname as the main family. It is a great honor in Yunguo. Of course, this refers to being among the servants.

   However, the Yunguo imperial family also gave national surnames to outsiders several times before, but at the time these people who were given surnames had no good end, all of them failed in rebellion and were punishable by the nine tribes.

   "Sick hoof, it's too late. Arrange for them to go to dinner and rest for one night. We still have business to do tomorrow."

   Zhu Yuanyuan saw that it was not too early, so he let all the people go down to rest.

   "Yes, son." Zhu Jiti agreed, and then quickly arranged. He had seen the housekeeper doing things under the influence of Qi Jia's ears, so he also understood a little bit.


   I was speechless all night, and soon the next morning came.

   "Quick hoof, take the people out together, go to the restaurant I bought, and the maids stay."

   After eating early, Zhu Yuanyuan ordered to get up. He wanted to earn prestige points earlier, so the restaurant should also be opened early. Of course, he had to train some people to come out.

It’s impossible for this restaurant Zhu Yuanyuan to cook and sell his own dishes. He can provide ingredients, seasonings, and all of these things, and then train the subordinates who bought them to become chefs so that his recipes can be It was launched smoothly. As long as others can't make the seasoning, it's the same if he doesn't apply for a patent from the God of Cooking Association. Others can't steal the past.

   And Zhu Yuanyuan can also collect all these subordinates into the martial arts, so that these people can take out the seasonings from the martial arts at any time, which also avoids the embarrassment that there is no seasoning available after Zhu Yuanyuan leaves.

   "Yes, son."

   Zhu Jitai agreed, and then arranged.

There are a total of 50 people purchased at the dental office, of which 15 are maids, and 35 are male servants~www.ltnovel.com~The restaurant bought by Zhu Yuanyuan is not far from this yard. After leaving the house It only took a few minutes to walk across a street, so they didn't even take a carriage.

Soon Zhu Yuanyuan and the others arrived in front of the restaurant. When they came along the way, there were still a lot of pedestrians on the road. How to say this carob city is also a big city with a large population, and basically the people in the city are rich people. , Either those who go to the city to do business and those who go to work in the city, the houses in the city are very expensive, this is not like in the TV series, there are some civilian areas, this carob city simply does not have, all areas are similar of.

   But there are indeed some yards that are really dilapidated, but these yards are rented to people who work in the city, and such dilapidated yards are not together. There are everywhere in Carob City.

The restaurant purchased by Zhu Yuanyuan has a total of six floors, and it is considered the highest batch of restaurants in the entire Carob City. Of course, there are even higher ones. The tallest restaurant has nine floors. It is not Zhu Origin did not want to buy the nine-story, but no one sold it. .

"You have been working in restaurants from today. I will teach you cooking skills and provide resources for you to grow up. Anyone who has a talent for chefs can become a chef. If you don’t have a talent for chefs, I will also train you to become powerful. Cultivators, your destiny has changed since today, but if anyone commits rape, don’t blame the son, I sold you to the teeth shop. Can you hear everything clearly?"

   After entering the restaurant, he called all these people together to give lectures. These people, Zhu Yuanyuan, are ready to train them to become cooks or practitioners of other systems. He does not need a waste.

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