Random Shopping System

Chapter 875: Carob City (7)

"Thank you, boss, no need to look for it." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the direction the stall owner was pointing, and found that there was indeed a very tall house, and the house looked luxurious, and then touched a silver coin to take it. Then the stall owner passed the cake.

   "Ah! Son, there are too many, too many, a pancake is only 5 copper coins."

The owner of the stall was shocked when he saw the silver coin handed by Zhu Yuanyuan. He didn't dare to accept it. He saw that Zhu Yuanyuan was wearing it well. He didn't dare to accept money from such a big man. He was afraid to ask him to settle the account afterwards. There were more than two incidents of this happening during this period. They were all good things done by the young masters of the Jiao family.

   Jiao’s family is the emperor of the earth in the whole carob city, so when doing certain things unscrupulously.

The young masters of the Jiao family are sometimes very boring, so they have some fun, such as playing around with the vendors, buying things from the vendors, and others don’t want money. These young masters of the Jiao family have to give it. I found it and said that the stall owner had stolen their money. The ending was either a severe beating or being locked up in a cell for a few days. Over time, these stallholders would hide when they saw Master Jiao’s family. They would just kneel on the ground to load the goods if they received the money, so they would be beaten at most, and at least would not be put in a cell for a few days.

   So it is reasonable that the owner of the cake stall does not charge extra money. As the saying goes, he was bitten by a snake and feared the rope for ten years!

   "Boss, just accept it, don't worry, I'm from outside the city, not from Carob City, don't worry, please keep it safe."

After Zhu Yuanyuan said, he put the silver coins on the table of the small stall, and then turned and walked away quickly. Although he didn't know why the boss refused to accept the money, he also noticed that the boss looked scared, as if What I gave was not money, but it felt like poison.

"This.... Thank you, son!" The stall owner also remembered at this time. This son is from a foreign country and it is impossible to bully them. Then he became grateful and hurried to Zhu Yuanyuan's The back figure thanked loudly.


   Fortunately, the houses and restaurants purchased by Zhu Yuanyuan were not far from the God of Cooking Branch, and he walked to the gate of the God of Cooking Branch in Carob City within half an hour on foot.

   "Hello, sir, do you need any business?" After Zhu Yuanyuan walked to the front of a counter, a female staff member of the God of Kitchen Branch sitting in the counter asked.

"I want to apply for the right to operate a restaurant. What process is required?" Zhu Yuanyuan stated his purpose straightforwardly. He only plans to open one restaurant in Carob City. Carob City is very large, and the surrounding villages and towns combined have at least tens of millions of people, but he still only wants to open a restaurant.

But this is his own idea. Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t want to be too troublesome, so he just wanted to open a restaurant. After the chefs in this restaurant are trained, they can continue to accept apprentices and then fully blossom. This way, Even if Zhu Yuanyuan is not here, he can let the restaurant spread towards the surrounding towns.

   "Sir, do you want the right to operate the restaurant? I don't know how many times have you challenged your restaurant? And what level of chef are you?"

   Although the staff member is a woman, she is still very skilled, and she points out the key things at once, which also means that her work efficiency is very fast.

   "Miss Liu, I have never opened a restaurant, but I have experienced it. As for the chef's level, do you think this will work."

   Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the woman behind the counter. On the table in front of this staff member, there was a sign with her name Liu Lili. While Zhu Yuanyuan spoke, he took out the chef's badge from the warehouse of the martial arts system.

   "What? Sir, if you have never opened a restaurant, then you can't open a restaurant, what does this do...this...this is the golden chef badge, you...you are a ninth-level chef."

Liu Lili originally heard Zhu Yuanyuan say that she had never opened a restaurant, so she wanted to rush people, but when she saw what Zhu Yuanyuan took out, she was stunned. This golden badge represents 7- Level 9 chef level, but there is still a difference. The badge has a number nine on it, surrounded by a circle of stars. This is obvious, it is a level 9 nine-star, this is also Zhu Yuanyuan's use of gas to activate the badge For a moment, after all, he doesn't want to cause any trouble, just reveal his identity.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I... I don't know you are a Level 9 chef." Liu Lili panicked all of a sudden. She didn't expect such a big man to come to Carob City. Carob City is not the capital of Yunguo, why? Will there be a level 9 chef?

   "It's okay, don't blame anyone who doesn't know. Miss Liu, let me handle business! Can I open a restaurant?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan paid his respects. He is not a tiger who can eat people. What is this woman afraid of?

"Huh? My lord~www.ltnovel.com~ I'll call the president to receive you!" Liu Lili is a little afraid to face such a big person. Their president is only a Level 5 6-star chef, and Jiao, the lord of Carob City One city lower is a level 4 and 8 star chef. From this aspect, it can be seen that Zhu Yuanyuan, a nine-level nine-star chef, still contains a lot of gold, and not every chef can cultivate to level 9.

"You don't need to alarm your president, you just need to handle it for me." Zhu Yuanyuan refused to see the president of Carob City. He didn't plan to stay in Carob City any more. Now the servants in the restaurant practice knife skills. He Dian Guo is just two days, and then he will teach these people a few dishes, and then let them practice slowly, he will go to other cities.

   Zhu Origin can't always be nestled in a city. It is meaningless. Since he wants to earn prestige points, or earn prestige points in such a world with underdeveloped communications, he must run everywhere.

Although there are magical treasures such as Cook Dao Ling in this world of chefs, which can be contacted remotely, they can only be contacted one-to-one. This is not a place on the Internet on Aquastar. The world knows it.

   "Huh? Ok.. Ok, sir, I'll handle it for you right away." Liu Lili heard that this ninth-level boss didn't want to see her own president, so she could only do so. She didn't want to offend such a boss.

   "My lord, this is information. You fill it in, fill in the name and address of the restaurant here, and then use the chef's badge to stamp a stamp.".

   Liu Lili quickly took out a piece of information for Zhu Yuanyuan to fill in. This is necessary, and no one can replace it.

   This chef's badge can also be used as a seal. Use gas to infuse it into it, and then it can be stamped.

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