Random Shopping System

Chapter 876: Jiao Yang prestige!

"All right."

   Zhu Yuanyuan took the information, filled it out and stamped it with a chef's badge and then re-passed it back.

"My lord, please show your cooking order. This information must be stored in the cooking order." Liu Lili was really frightened. She didn't know why this big man opened a restaurant in Carob City, but The things of big shots are not something employees of a kitchen **** branch can know.

"Here." Zhu Yuanyuan heard the words and handed over his cooking order, and then watched Liu Lili put the cooking order in the groove of a metal block, which happened to be the same size as the cooking order. After putting it in, it happened to be stuck. After the chef card, Liu Lili put the materials filled out by Zhu Yuanyuan on the metal block, and then used her own gas to infuse the metal block.

   "Sir, it's okay, your information is already in the kitchen order, you can check it at any time."

   After Liu Lili saved the information in the cook order, she took the cook order and returned it to Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Well, I see, Ms. Liu, I don’t know how much it will cost to open a restaurant?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked about the cost after receiving the order from the kitchen. The water blue star has to pay taxes and have to apply for various documents. He also has to pay money, so he asked that there was nothing wrong with it.

   "My lord, you have to pay 1 silver coin for the handling fee, and the restaurant also pays 100 silver coins for the management fee every year."

Liu Lili dare not waive this handling fee and management fee for Zhu Yuanyuan. This was set by the God of Kitchen Association. If she dared to waive this fee, she would definitely be expelled if the person above knew about it, and this fee was also She will make up for it herself, she doesn't want to suffer this loss.

   "Well, this is a gold coin. I should pay the management fee for ten years at a time. It should be okay? And this is a handling fee. This silver coin rewards you."

Zhu Yuanyuan directly took out one gold coin and two silver coins and said that he didn't want to be too troublesome, so he paid the management fee for ten years at one time. Then the restaurant has been open for ten years. As for the kitchen, he is not worried at all. He is a restaurant run by a ninth-level chef. He really doesn't believe that anyone has the guts to challenge his restaurant unless it is annoying.

"Ah? The little girl, thank you for the reward, and I will handle it for you immediately." Liu Lili saw the gold and silver coins on the counter, and she instantly became happy. Although she said that there are not many rewards for a silver coin, she has 15 in a month. The wages are more than silver coins, but one silver coin can be a good meal for a period of time, or you can buy a decent dress.

Soon Liu Lili went through all the formalities for Zhu Yuanyuan, and got the right to operate the restaurant. A certificate similar to a certificate issued by the God of Kitchen Association was a letter carved on a wooden board, and it said that the restaurant was officially open. Some rules, such as hygiene, food safety, and prices must not deceive customers. At the bottom, there is a row of words issued by the Carob City Kitchen God Association.


After completing the procedures for the restaurant’s opening, Zhu Yuanyuan left the God of Cooking Branch. He also had to visit Carob City. Although many of the ingredients here are the same as those on Aquastar, the ingredients here are very special. , It contains not aura, but qi, which is very special, not only can make the food more delicious, but also allow the practitioners in the world of chefs (this other world uses this name) to increase the speed of practice And repair.

So Zhu Yuanyuan first bought some ingredients from the nearby shops selling ingredients. The world is respected by chefs, so there are so many shops selling vegetables, too many to imagine. There are basically every one or two shops on this street. A shop selling vegetables.

   Why are there so many vegetable sellers? Can it be sold out?

It can only be said that the people who buy food in this world are not just for food. These people buy food for their own cultivation, or supply their own children for cultivation. These ingredients are the resources for cultivation. Chefs use cooking to cultivate, and other combat professionals need it. Relying on the dishes cooked by the chef to assist in practice, the dishes cooked by the chef have no side effects and no drug resistance. It is completely different from the medicines and elixirs refined by the alchemists and alchemists. The cooked dishes have no such consequences.

   "Father...Don't hit my father...Help...Who will save my father..."

   "Fight the young master to death, dare to steal the ingredients of the young master, you two untouchables still dare to resist."

   "This was not something we stole, it was obviously my father dug it back on the mountain."

   "The little girl still dares to quibble in the film.


Zhu Yuanyuan was shopping vigorously. He just turned a corner and saw a large group of people gathered together. He also heard the voices of children and teenagers. When he heard the black lines on his forehead, it was too bloody. Now, isn’t this the story of the rich and the young master bullying the common people?

Zhu Yuanyuan had only seen it in novels and TV dramas before, but he didn't expect to see this scene in reality now~www.ltnovel.com~ Although I think it’s bloody, Zhu Yuanyuan squeezed in and saw it after entering. In a scene that made people jealous, I saw a middle-aged man was knocked down to the ground, and he was dying of blood, and a 6-7 year old girl was being slapped by a little girl, watching It was also bleeding from the corners of his mouth and his entire face was swollen.

   "Stop..." Zhu Yuanyuan couldn't stand it anymore, what happened even if he was stealing something? Can such a small child use such a cruel hand? This is exactly the rhythm of wanting to kill the father and daughter, so he stood up and shouted.

   "Boy, who are you? You dare to take care of this young master's affairs, do you know who this young master is? If you know him, get out, or don't blame this young master for being rude to you."

Jiao Yang saw a kid running out to stop him. Jiao Yang didn't offend anyone recklessly. The clothes on Zhu Yuanyuan looked luxurious and high-quality. It was not something ordinary people could wear, so although Jiao Yang Yang is still arrogant, but he didn't send someone up to beat people rashly. After all, he said that although he also offended people, it didn't make others lose a piece of flesh. But beating people is different. If you hit someone, you will definitely offend. Others, if he is a big man, then he will be miserable.

   Therefore, although the young masters are pretty dudes, they are not a good thing, but they are not idiots, they also know how to avoid bad luck. .

   "This young master, are you too much? Even if they steal your things, they can't be killed directly, right? Too much, give them face, let them go?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan said this, only to save these two people who were suffering. After all, he was just a stranger to the two father and daughter.

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